yashahime sesshomaru wife

Was she just off doing flying dog stuff in the sky? Sesshomaru and Rin later speak of the child growing in her belly and decide that even though they are married now, Rin will come back to the village when … Towa is addicted to her phone (which…okay…), but it’s far more clear that she is obsessed and kind of addicted to Setsuna. (What I disagree is making Sesshomaru sound like this depraved monster. I agree that him returning to the village to bring her gifts was weird.... but I’m hoping that it was only like once or twice when she was a kid as a way of saying “you haven’t been abandoned!” And then maybe once she hit like puberty age the gifts stopped because she was old enough to finally understand that this is what’s best for her. This is so real, that COUNSELORS are highly advised not to start relationships with their clients. We love you Towa, but please don’t be like that! The tone has shifted to something darker with this episode. I’m assuming she was not at Sesshomaru’s wedding. As many others noticed, this was a little odd: What about Sesshomaru’s mother? Again, the voice acting by Jaken’s VA is EVERYTHING in this episode. Not wearing boy’s clothes again! If you see something you don't agree with discuss or move on pretty simple. It delights me that she lived in her mother’s old home. The tree-Kikyo even says that the Half-Demon Princesses travel under her (the tree’s) feet. No. The opening! The twins were not found beneath a tree. How did he know where to look? Further supporting this would be the dream gazing spell business –  Like others have said, I’m pretty sure Rin sacrificed herself to keep her remaining daughter safe after Towa was pulled into the future. So to say that Sesshomaru “groomed” Rin, is purely speculation. On paper, it’s wrong AF and illegal, I know. 2. But seriously, to know that if only for a short while, Rin got to be surrounded by love and peace with her babies by her side makes the bitterness of Sesshomaru taking the babies so quickly afterwards a little easier to bear. He gave up his titles. Koga. From just a visual perspective, Sesshomaru is beautiful and feminine – not quite what you would expect from a powerful warrior. The world is not black and white. It’s just not. You can not like this pairing to your heart’s content. SESSHOMARU RELATIONSHIPS | SESSHOMARU & RIN ↳ sesshomaru, his wife rin and their daughters. And Rin knew the plan. They end up dating until she graduates from HS. This The only one's imagining abuse are the ones that think these two little girls are the little girls of a little girl. Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon(Japanese: 半妖の夜叉姫, Hepburn: Han'yō no Yashahime)is a Japanese animetelevision series produced by Sunrise. The reality is, that dude is a freak. Or could it be possible that they’ll find a way to make the well work again and they can visit each other both ways? I get what you're saying, i just totally disagree. HE found the compact? THEN. This is my side blog to get all of that out of my system. The twins connection to Sesshomaru is very obvious in their looks and attitudes, but they also look so much like Rin as well. What the fuck are you talking about? Speaking of grandparents, can I say yet again that I love the honorary grandparents Kaede and Jaken, both trying to protect Rin in their own way. I also do believe that Kaede, Sango, and Kagome are all looking out for Rin, and especially a modern day woman like Kagome would not allow any weird pedo business slip by. If it turns out that they survived on “yokai and dew,” well, I will respectfully ignore that because that is stupid, especially given how often we’ve seen Towa and Setsuna eat. Exactly, like was it REALLY the only decision for Kagome to just never see her family again?? What if they didn’t? 6. What happens when Rin is an old lady while Sesshomaru is the same? Since he's a 900 year old demon and she was an 8 year old kid.... yeah it's not good despite the show going at this angle. Besides, as important as Towa must be to the Higurashis, I do feel like Moroha and Kagome should have some conflict about returning to the future. You're protecting her, so you think alot of her, but now Marks interfering in her life again to what? Have kids with her? Trapped between the worlds? In Yashahime Episode 1, Kagome and Sango have some clunky exposition revealing and explaining the twin’s names: Kinu and Gyokuto. Anime. There may also be something about tree roots/feet/family roots/connections, but who knows? It is the power imbalance. Towa and Rin were beat up by a gang of men. Surely some solution will be found to make this a happy ending? she gain the love of her life but had to say good bye to her family whom she also loves forever??? Towa’s VA speculated whether Sesshomaru named the twins, but I think we know who named the twins. It's the GROOMING. I do think they will show that Setsuna, deep down, is a smiling sweet girl like her mother and that circumstances made her like she is. Don’t you want to be girly and cute? Exactly. In the feudal era, she has her sister, her cousin, Kohaku and his group, and she seems to be excited to grow in power and go into battle, despite her earlier misgivings. I’m sure there is more, but these were just the ones that stood out to me after this weekend’s episode. I think so many of my feelings and observations have been stated by others at this point, but here go my rambling thoughts anyway. and takes care of the little girl. You wouldn't say 'SEE IT IN A POSITIVE LIGHT' if it was a little girl next door to you. And this is where it starts getting weird, cuz, that's fine if its in her best regards. I understand how ppl can find the ship disgusting in your pov, heck I would too with your narrative! Sesshomaru contemplates his fears and worries for his wife as Rin is close to giving birth to their children. Look how much she loves and trusts Sesshomaru. Press J to jump to the feed. Essays and paragraphs have been made about sesshorin relationship that's supported by the source material manga/anime but a lot of you still wants to imagine abuse and other triggering stuff about said relationship. Why stay in her life if she was well taken care of and you wanted her to thrive? Jaken will be all, “I know right? Also, look at how Sango is about THISCLOSE to putting on her slayer clothes and kicking Sesshomaru’s ass when he scooped up those babies and turned away: The rest of the episode was such a jumble of events. I am longing for some brotherly interactions. Sesshomaru’s wife & children The new sequel, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, that is set to release this year, will follow Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s children in a story transcending time. But that last option is what I want! at best, you give gifts to your DAUGHTER! not a child whom you end up having sex with later! Don’t you want to be something more socially acceptable?”. When has Sesshomaru ever manipulate, abuse his status, or try to persuade Rin to do something? While Rin did not have the power to help her family, Towa did. As a wife of Sesshomaru, “Rin” is a candidate. Even in the drama cd (THAT WE ALL KNOW ISN’T CANON), he gave her a choice. He talked with his father following the battle with Ryūkotsusei, demanding the two swords be handed over to him. If you cant help but assume malice outside what is shown in canon then that's on you. Did Inuyasha's big sequel, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, just reveal the identity of Sesshomaru's half-demon daughters? It was the voice of a someone who had just birthed twins and knows something awful is about to go down. Please tell me she got to spend some time with them. Like Inuyasha and Kagome, I think Rin and Sesshomaru had their own place: This looks different from Kaede’s hut. Imma be disgusted by child grooming, at any point, in any fantasy, at any time. Not really her fault, but even before she was used (frequently) as bait by Sesshomaru’s enemies, the poor kid seemed to get into plenty of trouble in her village. The WARMTH, the LOVE. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If we had been given the chance to see Rin with some agency, maturing into her own person outside of Sess and with her own power it would be easier to support the best case scenario that others have suggested (that her and Sess came together in a healthy way.) “Towa” and “Setsuna” are said to be the daughters of Sesshomaru, but their mother’s name has not been announced. The first time she got kidnapped by Kagura, she was looking for melons while Jaken b$tch and moan from a distance. He's changing, but his basic being is MONSTER. Alright, TED Talk over, but you guys seem to be misunderstanding disgust with saltyness. I cannot believe that they would end with Towa going back, but Kagome and Moroha left in the past. Or did he tell Inuyasha that he better get used to having another demon hanging out in his forest by the village? Look at his little smile while he listens to his daughters’ first cries: He had his worried face on, and then he smiled. Not really. The introduction threw us straight into the past, very, very briefly framed by Riku as the narrator. Look at the names of their daughters. This little girl LITERALLY freezes. This sets up the audience to contemplate the significance of meaning in twin names, which lead us to…. Rin is in labor, it will be soon, you did well, Rin, Rin resting in bed with her daugthers, her voice weak and tired, the tub used to wash the babies in the background. So it’s a bit jarring to try to picture her grown up and making her own decisions. Language: English Words: 809 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 46 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 363 belonging in the future. WHY. #News. Yashahime Episode 15 Preview revealed to us that Sesshoumaru took Towa and Setsuna into the forest to be protected from Kirinmaru’s older sister. Like…for all intents and purpose, Sesshomaru may have been living in the same village as Inuyasha, both intending to raise their families together. At his insistence, they break up when she goes to college so she can have normal experiences and see other people - and she does date other people. He took advantage of her in a period where she wasn't mentally mature enough to understand. Sango explains that Miroku chose the names with the implication that the meaning is special. If you haven’t heard by now, InuYasha is getting its own spin-off anime titled Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon. to the girls about the nature of demon/human relationships. What's the problem?" The anime will be premiering in Fall 2020, and it will follow half-demon twins, Setsuna and Towa. So does Towa – and Setsuna…but that’s another post! He repeatedly left her alone, or she was with Jaken or A-Un. Riku is one shady fellow. He has power over her. To hear her name the babies was a beautiful moment, and how sweet were baby Towa and Setsuna. Anything by Carriedreamer is worth checking out! Does she have some kind of magic yokai ultrasound that lets her know Sesshomaru had twin daughters and predicted Kagome would have a daughter? rinsmeido: Kagura’s revival (especially as a mortal woman) is by many means impossible . They get married, are both coaches in the activity they met through, have 3 kids and 20 years later are still happily married. This is how my heart feels thinking about Rin’s babies being taken from her right after birth. YES! He didn’t prey on other participants in the sport, he also dated while she was in college, women that were his own age, but they were just good together. Order in the court . This is why I do not make statements unless I know it is facts. Even Setsuna asks her if she is okay…and while Towa is back to her sweet self, she clearly is not okay. #inuvember #inuyasha #inuyashaedit #inuyashasource #sessrin #mine #yashahime. Even though she speaks positively of the future and especially of her love for Mei, when Towa was shown in the future, she was one unhappy girl. Would Towa pull a Kagome and go back to the past or would she be unable to let go of her family in the present and decide to stay in the present? Sesshoumaru’s wife Rin. She described Rin as his wife. And if you would, you're very ignorant of how the real world works. I’m dying to see more of Sesshomaru’s mom. But now Wendy's 16, and Mark is like 'Okay, i put all this effort into you, lets fuck! You are looking at it like a "you're just mad because you didn't understand that he never loved kagura" or "that doesn't make sense because he loves rin". She knew what was going to happen, but poor thing…I wish it could have been different for her. He hasn’t seen her in years (such a bad son), and when they go to her castle, she’s missing. 6. The truth is, we don’t know how this all unfolded. Which reminded me that Kaede was introduced to Setsuna in a similar fashion: Look at that baby’s dirty feet. There's a power imbalance, not cool. It also seems like the pique that their ship didn't sail has influenced their disgust and to hyperfocus on issues, in order to justify their ire, even if it isn't a conscious decision - it's just literally how brains work. I knew that. So, this makes me consider how much Sesshomaru really did settle down for Rin. If that's gonna hurt your feelings, then leave. It is rife with potential for abuse. He MARRIED her. Have a come to jesus moment. The fact that he is older then her makes him more powerful then her. It's weak writing imo that relies too heavily on old tired tropes. She’s the mom. Erika Harlacher as Moe Higurashi. Thankfully, Jaken has stuck around and has become the girls' retainer. Rin was with them. Idk. Wendy got lucky enough, however, to bump into some early twenties dude (Mark i guess) that was like "Hey, i'll help you out". Hahahaha ok I do believe everyone is completely entitled to like and dislike any pairing they choose! A girl and a boy, both in elite level sport. EDIT: Changes are being made to reflect new information. Even if they are hanyo, I don’t think Jaken and Sesshomaru would have left newborn babies alone. If that was the case, Inuyasha would have had an authority over her that she may not even known about, and it wouldn't have been a fair relationship. Really, those few years between 11 and 17 that we didn’t see are really going to determine how I feel about it. Jaken even said he was bringing Rin to them (I assume after she recovered from birthing twins). Can you imagine these two caring at all if their daughter chooses to do her own thing? Cute, right? I’m still imagining her meeting with Sesshomaru and Rin, two people who clearly don’t give one single solitary flying fig what society or anyone else wants them to do. Keeps him up at night makes me think that she was well taken of... Were going to make this a happy ending wife is the one that ’ helped... Who became his wife, and this is why i do believe everyone is completely entitled to like and any. Tone of Jaken ’ s beside the point ) just A-Un nearby new information thing…I wish it could have them. 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yashahime sesshomaru wife 2021