what are the 10 branches of philosophy?

Basically concerned with how our languages affect our thought. A philosopher of religion must be objective. To even answer any of those questions, we really have to consider ontology (the study of being). Philosophy has five main branches of study that can be divided. Ontology – The Philosophy of being. Ethics – The study of Morality, Human Action, and Conduct. However, these divisions remain helpful for identifying what's at stake. The scientific method is a rule-set with which we can debunk our theories. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that explores the creation and appreciation of beauty through critical analysis and reflection. The Branches of Philosophy Joe Bess AIU Online Abstract There are six branches of philosophy, they are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political, and Social. It answers the question\"What is it?\"It encompasses all that exists, as well as the nature of existence itself. -Reasoning is making a claim and giving justifications for the claim. Six Branches of Philosophy - Epistemology, Logic, Metaphysics, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy. Philosophy of Education: Fairly self-explanatory. Philosophy and healthcare can be related using the example of … Then, to subdivide, the metaphysics of physics covers theoretical physics, the metaphysics of physical systems covers cosmology, the metaphysics of being relates to ontology, and the metaphysics of spirituality relates to theology, etc. Theology (and to some extent Ontology) – The philosophies that deal with God and religion. Or, we could do anything in between (or even use a mix of systems and consider “transcendental categories” or divide into continental and analytic, or western and eastern, etc, etc, etc). Then look to metaphysics. Western philosophy can be divided into six branches that have assumed various importance over time. TIP: Eastern philosophy can be categorized and understood through the lens of western philosophy, or it can be explored on its own merits. A minor branch, mainly concerned with what is the correct way to educate a person. In addition, a range of academic subjects have emerged to deal with areas which would have historically been the subject of philosophy. film and it supports the Stoic philosophy in many different ways. Philosophy of Law. Philosophy loosely translated means “the pursuit of wisdom” or “the love of wisdom.” It isn’t about “knowing” (or thinking you know; that is sophistry), it is about the pursuit of knowing, even when we know we don’t (or can’t) know for sure. We can consider the beauty of Pez, what we can know about Pez, the philosophical economics, and politics of Pez, etc. A philosopher of religion must be objective. BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY(Heirarchical Relationship) Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. We can say logic is the philosophy of mind, while ethics is the philosophy of the heart. In summary, and we’ll detail this all more below as we present more systems, philosophy is simply us questioning a subject (broad or refined). Logic has to do with the relations of things. Study of law attempting to discern what the best laws might be, how laws came into being in the first place, attempting to delimit human laws from natural laws, whether we should always obey the law, and so on. Philosophy of Mathematics: Concerned with issues such as, the nature of the axioms and symbols (numbers, triangle, operands) of mathematics that we use to understand the world, do perfect mathematical forms exist in the real world, and so on. Philosophy of other Arts and Sciences – We can study the foundations, methods, and histories behind any field or pop-culture item. Nature of Philosophy. It is the philosophical study of history, particularly concerned with the question whether history (i.e. Philosophy of Mind: Study of the mind, attempting to ascertain exactly what the mind is, how it interacts with our body, do other minds exist, how does it work, and so on. Philosophy (from Greek: φιλοσοφία, philosophia, 'love of wisdom') is the deliberative investigation of humanity's most general and fundamental questions, such as those about reason, existence, knowledge, values, mind, and language. study of beauty, art, and taste. TIP: If you want another viewpoint on how to group the major branches, see Introduction to the Five Branches of Philosophy. Our site is not officially associated with any brand or government entity. Among Eastern European and continental philosophers, philosophy tends to be the study of politics. Philosophy is the study of this meaning, the nature of reality, existence, values, reason, mind and language. Logic. To keep this page readable we won’t explore ancient philosophy or Eastern philosophy. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world, https://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Introduction_to_Philosophy/The_Branches_of_Philosophy&oldid=3746235. Descartes said we couldn’t trust our senses or what we read, all we can know is “I think therefore I am.” On FactMyth.com we try to define what is “a fact” and what is “myth” and label things as true or untrue. Literally, “meta” coupled with “physics”, meaning “what is beyond physics.” This makes the most sense with cosmology, which is the philosophy of space, time, and the universe. Ethics, the study of how individuals should act, depends on Epistemology, because we need knowledge to make good choices. We can consider how rhetoric relates to political philosophy and philosophy of the mind. It is concerned with answering the questions about identity and the world. The main branches of philosophy include axiology, epistemology, metaphysics and logic. Or, we could consider all of the above, like we do on our page of epistemological and ontological categorization. The 10 commandments of Philosophy (according to Louis P. Pojman) Allow the spirit of Wonder to flourish in your breast. Still, for those who want a specific list, or for those who want definitions of the major branches, the rest of the page is devoted to that. Explanations of the Branches of Philosophy 1358 Words | 6 Pages. It won’t always have a name, but by knowing how the branches of philosophies work, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what line of reasoning you are following. These branches originate from basic questions. The theory of knowledge, from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech/study), is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, origin, scope and (possibility/study) of knowledge. You'll be asked a short series of multiple-choice questions. The Supreme Court of the United States and the Legislative Branch is meant to be a branch of government rooted in the concept of ethics. Mill's On Liberty. This simple question is its school of philosophy. Or we could simply consider 1. all empirical philosophy and 2. all rational philosophy (using a mind/body, or a priori / a posteriori division). The name ‘Metaphysics’ is derived from the Greek words ‘Meta’, which means beyond or after, and ‘Physika’, which means physics. In philosophy, ethical behaviour is that which is "good" or "right". The first branch in understanding in understanding philosophy is Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that handles the first concepts of things, including conceptual principles like being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. See a theory of human knowledge for an epistemological and ontological theory. With all that in mind, we present an overview of philosophy in general, each major branch of philosophy (denoted commonly in different models), examples of minor branches, an explanations of different systems of categorization, and how to understand all this below. Stoic Philosophy. These five branches show the different perspectives of healthcare to better understand how the related to one another. Metaphysics. Dealing with nature is one of the branches of philosophy. These branches can be categories as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics, and Estetics. Logic (and Reason) – The study of… logic and reason. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. Socrates said, “all I know is that I don’t know”. Most academic subjects have a philosophy, for example the philosophy of science, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of logic, the philosophy of law, and the philosophy of history. It is the branch of philosophy responsible for the study of existence. Answer: Epistemology. Aesthetics; Epistemology ; Ethics; Logic; Metaphysics / Ontology; We can go ahead and add a few contemporary branches on to this (more examples could certainly be adduced): Philosophy of Science [referring to the hard sciences] (Mathematics, Technology, etc.) Classic works include Plato's Republic, Locke's Thoughts Concerning Education, and Rousseau's Emile. Philosophy of Education. What is beautiful? Metaphysics also studies determinism versus free will, the duality of mind and body, and other aspects of being, including religious concepts (ontology and theology, noted below). Philosophy Project Topics and Materials Free Download 2021. Of these branches, metaphysics is the primary one. Because of the way this works, there is no perfect sub-division, just many useful ones (some commonly agreed on, some not). There is Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political, and Social. TIP: Rarely does a line of questioning only relate to one area of philosophy. Understanding philosophy in the 6th century B.C. Aristotle. Also a litle bit of metaphysics never hurt anyone. Some “[rather major but often referred to as] minor branches of philosophy” include, but are in no way limited to: theology (a branch of metaphysics that deals with religion), cosmology (a branch of metaphysics that deals with the universe, space, and time), ontology (a branch of metaphysics that deals with reality, being, non-being, change, categorization, and relations; and is therefore a branch related to logic and reason and epistemology as well), axiology which deals with both ethic and aesthetic “values,” and the often discussed social philosophy (including the philosophies of politics and economics which deal with many if not all branches at once, but are somewhat rooted in ethics). Ethics is a general term for what is often described as the "science (study) of morality". Further, and in general, each field of study in modern life (arts, sciences, etc.) Any mention of a brand or other trademarked entity is for the purposes of education, entertainment, or parody. We can study filmmakers and film history by looking at the philosophy of film, or we can do the same thing for music. Or, we could simply think of any subject under the sun (0r not) and consider it as having an “applied” aspect (applying what we know) and a “philosophical” aspect (an aspect of theory, asking “what could be?”). Although I personally like this system that bridges the gap between Aristotle and Kant, it is hardly the only system out there. Philosophy of Language: Ancient branch of philosophy which gained prominence in the last century under Wittgenstein. To know, is to think about and ponder, to think about ponder is “to study.”. study of arguments. Further, there can be no “100% correct” system, because the meta-logical system of dividing things into categories is… a thing of metaphysics, epistemology, and logic and reason. These “four fundamental categories” derived from the Greek concepts of physis, logos, ethos, and pathos (here consider that Aristotle wrote a book on each category physics, logic, ethics, and metaphysics) can be used to categorize all the philosophies, natural and moral in a system. That is, the categories of philosophy are logically broken down into sections based on the questioning of different aspects of the human experience and subcategorized from there… but there is no one perfect place to draw divisions. NOTE: Social philosophy, or political philosophy, is sometimes considered a major branch (and rightly so in my opinion).[4]. Logic is critical for analytic philosophers, who are deeply suspicious of ethics, politics, and metaphysics. The philosophy of art, also sometimes described as aesthetics, is a branch of its own and relates to our beliefs about art and the nature of beauty.In this branch of philosophy… With all that said, to re-state this core point, there is notably no one way to express either the major or minor branches of philosophy (especially considering how some bleed together and how some branches are more “major” or “minor” than others). Metaphysics, which studies the nature of existence, is closely related to Epistemology, the study of knowledge and how we know what we do about the world around us. © Plato defined the basics as being, non-being, and change. Philosophy of Science: It is the Study of science concerned with whether scientific knowledge can be said to be certain, how we obtain it, can science really explain everything, does causation really exist, can every event in the universe be described in terms of physics and so on. With that in mind the video below does a good job of backing up the point we hopefully just made, that is: there are different logical ways to categorize the philosophies. It can also be described as the study of strength of the evident links between the premises and the conclusion. Each one of these branches asks a particular question that we seek the knowledge of ourselves, unknown to … Law isn't often directly dealt with by philosophers, but much of political philosophy obviously has a bearing on it. We won’t consider how to organize a society based strictly on morality; we will try to use critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and structured arguments. It questions the existence of spiritual beings, nature of universe, life after death, etc. However, we can also consider other categorizations. TIP: Sometimes aesthetics is combined with ethics, politics, and other “related” aspects as Axiology. Philosophy of Politics: Closely related to ethics, this is a study of government and nations, particularly how they came about, what makes good governments, what obligations citizens have towards their government, and so on. Philosophy project topics and research materials PDF and DOC free download file for final year students in 2020 and 2021 acquiring a degree in any level of education in Nigeria. NOTE: When no other context is give, the aesthetic is about beauty and art. "The Branches of Philosophy Overview" is tagged with: Epistemology, Ethics, Logic and Reason, Metaphysics, Morality, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Law, Plato. If one wanted to subdivide philosophy into major and minor branches, thus giving a hierarchy, one way to do it would be like this (NOTE: this is not an official way, I don’t think there is one, and this is not the only way): In other words, we can most certainly categorize philosophy to denote hierarchy, and doing so can be very useful, but there is no one perfect way to define the branches. The way above, where epistemology covers what we can know, logic and reason covers how rational systems work, ethics and morality cover actions and feelings, aesthetics covers beauty and art, and metaphysics covers every other unknown is one way to divide the major branches. How do we act? Then, when we zero in we can consider the many different subdivisions of each field (again, grouping them by common properties; conceptual or real), we get minor branches like political philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of the mind (psychology), philosophy of exercise, philosophy of economics, philosophy of baking, etc. There are no limits when we muse on a subject we partake in a philosophy of it. With that in mind, when we speak about philosophy more specifically, we can use terms like “theology,” “ontology,” and “cosmology” (to denote specific categories; here the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of being, and the philosophy of the universe respectively). schools of philosophy Buddhism nihilism existentialism hedonism schools of thought rationalism taoism stoicism marxism Institute for Humane Studies What is the purpose of universities? From In general, the movie’s main character, Marshal Will Kane, played by Gary Cooper, is a prime example of philosophies talked about in the Stoic belief. We can thus categorize it in many different ways, like we do with our fundamental categories of being and knowledge, or like they do in the Map of philosophy below, or like they do in the branches video above, or like we do in the branches listed on this page, or like they do with the categories they offer you a PHD in in school (a PHD is a degree as a doctor of philosophy in a given subject). Philosophy in its most broad definition simply study of anything, natural or moral, real (being) or not (non-being). You only really need to read a few philosophers group psychology and theories of group decision making and collective.. Right now, it has fewer religious overtones marxism what are the 10 branches of philosophy? for Humane Studies what is right, moral, (! 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what are the 10 branches of philosophy? 2021