west philippine sea essay

Patiag, Jude Emmanuel V. The near sea of the People’s Republic of China can be thought of as the sea areas between China’s coastline and the first island chain, which includes Bo hai, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the South China Sea. Photo by ABO LIMOS. Social Issues: Territorial Dispute in the West Philippine Sea The four corners of every page of Philippines v. > Essay Writing Contest 2018 > GOING INTO THE HEART OF THE MATTER: THE WEST PHILIPPINE SEA DISPUTE AND WHAT WE CAN DO. Luckily, our paper writing service only assigns quality Essay About The West Philippine Sea writers for college essays so you can be assured Essay About The West Philippine Sea that when you hire our services, the writers we will assign to you are truly trained, Essay About The West Philippine Sea knowledgeable, as well as very committed writers. The West Philippine Sea is very rich in hydrocarbon reserves, this has made it a bone of contention between the countries in the region, resulting in a never ending conflict in that sea (Al Jazeera, May 26, 2015). China’s island building not only undermines regional stability, but also the rule of law. Essay About The West Philippine Sea. West Philippine Sea . military action) but instead thecommunity of nations created international laws that bounds every state to helpthem resolve the disputes through peaceful … The first point that ADM McRaven made on how to change the world is by accepting that no matter how hard you try sometimes you will fail. Due to geographical situation, Peninsular of Malaya was favoured by Chinese and Indian traders plying the sea routes between China and India. Fall of rome essay title. The United States long maintained sizable naval and air forces bases in the country. Scarborough, The world now is facing a set of significant problems. The arbitration resulted in an overwhelming validation of the Philippines’ arguments, and an emphatic rejection of China’s. The Reforms reinforce Maritime Courts performing an analysis of the evidence on record to determine appropriate jurisdiction, November 2015 The Sino-Philippine South China Sea Conflict Introduction In addressing a long-time conflict, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled on 29 October 2015 that it will be holding hearings over a South China Sea territorial dispute filed by the Philippines against the People’s Republic of China. Below are useful references on the issues involving the West Philippine Sea, the South China Sea and the arbitration case between the Philippines and China: Case Digest and Summary of Findings on The Republic of Philippines v. The People’s Republic of China by the Institute of Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea, University of the Philippines What is the dispute in the West Philippine Sea? The 9-dashed line area comprises almost 90% of the total area of the South China Sea. skip to content. It is moreover inflicting massive environmental damage on the most diverse marine environment in the world. Secondly, I would also like to put the whole idea of terrorism and extremities to a stop so that the country would be a peaceful place for all of us to live in. Abolishment of something is defined as to completely do away with the certain practice or law, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. According to honorable Carpio explain that "All nation must conduct themselves in a just and orderly manner to maintain peace and stability in the world". It is a group of rocks or very small islands plus reefs in an atoll shape. At the beginning of this era, the first Indian settlement had already established in Malaya and Indian culture puts it stamp on the Malays way of life until the 14th, In the world of permanent fights for one’s place in the sun not only people or countries are facing several difficulties, but also nature – which we should help, support, develop and save for the future generations. The Philippines troops still in the old naval ship near to spratly islands. The Philippines will no longer be participating in joint maritime exercises in the South China Sea with other countries, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said 03 August 2020. International law should ignore military and economic to resolve the resolution of the disputes water. No more than two years ago people thought of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda organisation if we mentioned the nightmare, extremism. The contention’s “Constitution for the Oceans” is itself at risk. Panatag Shoal's old Spanish name was Bajo de Masinloc, meaning lower Masinloc. The West Philippine Sea is very rich in hydrocarbon reserves, this has made it a bone of contention between the countries in the region, resulting in a never ending conflict in … No state, no matter how powerful, should be allowed to claim an entire sea as its own and to use force in asserting that claim. So did China. Prior to Philippines v. China, we had claims under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) about our maritime entitlements in the West Philippine Sea. "Eh ang problema nga eh, outside of negotiation, anong gagawin ba natin?" william franklin; chris gipson; keith james; andy mcgee; editors. By Lucio Blanco Pitlo III for The Diplomat The West Philippine Sea has a hydrocarbon, Describe and Evaluate Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory, Assignment 2: Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation, Exploring Different Data Collection Methods. (UPDATED) This ruling by an arbitral tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, on the maritime dispute on the West Philippine Sea comes after a 3-year process pursued by … Instead, nowadays the new forces of evil would be the ISIS, complicated problems among countries, as well as tensions in foreign policies. Every nation has right to claim and protect its territory but every nation should know what is right and what is wrong. The surge in confrontation rhetoric and actions of the Philippines have added to ensure the effective response to the disputed waters. The four corners of every page of Philippines v. Philippines is preparing for the security and stability to be participant in the world. ECONOMY – Philippines. To start with, I will make an overview of China’s surrounding seas and the stages of its navy modernization. A week after the release of the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration regarding the issue in the West Philippine Sea, the verdict, I. China has intentionally created one of the biggest emerging environmental disaster in the world, yet the stakes are still greater. How to do a powerpoint for a research paper 5 paragraph persuasive essay rubric, optimal design of experiments a case study approach pdf issue essay sea West tagalog philippine, 400 word essay topicsCreative nonfiction the literary essay slideshare short essay on children's day in telugu. INTRODUCTION The challenges arising therefore they are not expected to resolved easily, but will likely to demand the attention of the Filipino Public for decades come. Blancaflor, Jazmine Blanche C. From 2013 to 2015, China successfully reclaimed and militarized seven reefs in the South China Sea, five of which are in the West Philippine Sea. The Philippines' EEZ is part of the "West Philippine Sea" that includes: Luzon Sea; Kalayaan Group of Islands in Palawan, and; the Panatag Shoal (called internationally as Scarborough Shoal and Huangyan Island by China). Mahatma Gandhi, the man who led the Indian independence movement against British rule, once said, “You must not lose faith in humanity. The West Philippine Sea dispute can, and must be resolved, through the Rule of Law because it is the only fair, just and durable solution to a situation where the opposing states are vastly unequal in terms of military, economic and political strength. The Filipinos should protect our territory on land, sea, and air. In this paper, I will write about the evolution of People’s Republic of China’s maritime strategy and its implications on China’s strategies on South China Sea. Later on countries like Brunei Darussalam joined on 7 January 1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999. The International Law equalizes both small and big countries. It means to say that this area is in fact and evidently is in the possession of the Philippines, and Submitted by: Aggressive is an understatement to describe how persistent China is in its pursuit over disputed territory in the West Philippine Sea. Senkaku islands are islands covering an area of 7 km2 located on the 175km of the northern island of Ishigaki (Okinawa prefecture), 190 km northeast of Taiwan and 420 km from the east of mainland China. The Philippines and the West Philippine Sea Manila claims only part of the South China Sea, but the area it does claim is a core national interest. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” Although there are many unfortunate incidents that are happening all around the world until now, but we should always remain hopeful for a better future. International law should ignore military and economic to resolve the resolution of the disputes water. And one of the good examples of the threatened piece of nature is the basin of the Mekong river. The issue in which the Philippines has a particular interest involves China’s continued exploitation of the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal which fall within Philippine territory or that area referred to as the West Philippine Sea. Jonil D. Canino Public International Law Sept.29, 2015AB Political Science IV A An Essay about West Philippine Sea Dispute Our era, where disputes or fights between countries are not anymore settledthrough brute force or aggressive actions (i.e. Throughout the past centuries, the country and its inhabitants had gone through various stages of cultural influences which led to development of rules that govern the country until the beginning of colonial era. NSFW CHILICOTHE, OHIO — Residents living in a small town in Ohio believe a serial killer may be on the loose following the disappearance or death of multiple women since May 2014. I will also discuss about the logic behind adopting different maritime strategy in different phases and the current and estimated future actions of China on South China Sea. The Philippines' EEZ is part of the "West Philippine Sea" that includes: Luzon Sea; Kalayaan Group of Islands in Palawan, and; the Panatag Shoal (called internationally as Scarborough Shoal and Huangyan Island by China). While China is in the West Philippines Sea claiming its China 9 dashed line. As far as China is interested in reducing the usage of fossil fuels, improving the country's ecology. This case illustrates the importance of understanding where the issue at hand occurs and the courts important role in coming to a correct conclusion. It destroyed 1.2 square … A panel of judges, selected by the US Pinoys for Good Governance ad hoc Committee for Essay Contest on West Philippine Sea, will make the final decision. Prior to Philippines v. China, we had claims under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) about our maritime entitlements in the West Philippine Sea. The idea of ZOPFAN is to make Southeast Asia a secure, independent and neutral region from the political disputes of major powers like the United States of America, Russia and China. As to this issue become trend, Philippine put its effort to diplomatically claim that the territorial disputed area exclusively part of our territorial sovereignty. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. The maritime dispute in the South China Sea (SCS) or the West Philippine Sea (WPS) as we call it, and the arbitration case filed by the Philippines against China in the Permanent Court of Arbitration deserves much attention because it is a definitive model f | RUIZ of … Overlapping claims over the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea occurred since colonialism era in the 19th century and the main event in the history that contributed to the complexity of sovereign disputes over the territorial waters was Japan’s defeat in the World War II and the San Francisco Treaty in 1951 that forced japan to leave the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea (Kosandi, 2014). This research tries to find a clear way of understanding the South China Sea conflict, specifically about the effort of China and Vietnam to gain the control over the two groups of, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Copyright © 2020 IPL.org All rights reserved. However, if I had the power to abolish to abolish three things in my Singapore society, they would be, firstly, the discrimination of people. The arbitration resulted in an overwhelming validation of the Philippines’ arguments, and an emphatic rejection of China’s. Earlier this year the Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs released a series of photographs, which it said shows stages of China’s “reclamation” of land on Mabini Reef, also called Johnson South Reef, in the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea. Sovereignty or ownership issues of territories in the West Philippine Sea contiguous to the Philippines. Sovereign rights allow the Philippines to exclusively fish and enjoy marine resources, such as oil and natural gas, in its 200-nautical mile EEZ in the West Philippine Sea. The West Philippine sea is crucial to its plan, both for expansion and intent to control international trade. > Essay Writing Contest 2018 > GOING INTO THE HEART OF THE MATTER: THE WEST PHILIPPINE SEA DISPUTE AND WHAT WE CAN DO. West Philippine Sea/South China Sea Dispute: Philippine Claims Over the Spratly Group of Islands or “Kalayaan Group of Islands ALFONSO G. PARUNGAO IV “We owned the West Philippines Sea”. Overview Then he claimed it as the "Kalayaan Island", located and the fifth class municipality in the philippine province of palawan, situated within the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea. The … The West Philippine Sea has always been a potential flashpoint because it is claimed in part by Brunei, Malaysia, and the Philippines, and in whole by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Essay on my favorite book english. In this speech he speaks on how during Navy Seal training they were required to have inspections on their uniforms. It is widely perceived by the West that China’s growing confidence is mainly attributed to its growing economic power, which is also the issue area where Western observers notice a particularly ‘provocative’ tone, supporting their verdict with examples such as Wen Jiabao’s criticism of the US “economic mismanagement” or Chinese banks’, Malik (Indonesia), Dr. Carlos P. Romulo (Philippines), Mr. S. Rajaratnam (Singapore), Tun Thanat Khoman (Thailand) and Tun Abdul Razak (Malaysia). West Philippine Sea/South China Sea Dispute: Philippine Claims Over the Spratly Group of Islands or “Kalayaan Group of Islands ALFONSO G. PARUNGAO IV “We owned the West Philippines Sea”. editors. The militarization of the area is in its advanced stage. Hence, Philippines’ move in securing its territorial integrity through applying such approach as to say filing an arbitration case against China or other approaches if obligatory is necessary and inevitable due to the surrounding circumstances of the case. Thirdly, it will examine the Peaceful yet Strategic Weaponization of the fisheries Policy. All nation should follow the rules of the. The President conveyed his gratitude to the captain and crew of the Vietnamese fishing vessel who saved Filipino fishermen near Recto Bank in the West Philippine Sea last week. For us Filipinos, calling the area the West Philippine Sea marks a subliminal paradigm change. A. The author of this essay is trying to prove that despite its so called friendly and open-minded policy, People's Republic of China does not take into the account the interests of developing countries who share Mekong basin with China, and will reach its goals without concerning the interests of its close neighbors. It destroyed 1.2 square … Five women have gone missing in Chillicothe, Ohio, a small town of 22,000 people. The People's Republic of China claims that is is a part of Ming Dynasty. – Philippines. Read this essay on Social Issues: Territorial Dispute in the West Philippine Sea. The militarization of the area is in its advanced stage. Only at TermPaperWarehouse.com" The was named after the East India Company tea-trade ship Scarborough which was wrecked on one of its rocks on 12 September 1784 with all lives lost. Disputes between China and Japan in the seizure of this island has occurred since the end of World War II until today. INTRODUCTION. This was a … China took the advantage of the country’s status of being a third world country, thinking that Philippines don’t stand a chance against China. The development of law may create the new rules and eliminate the inconvenient laws. This was a … The West Philippine sea is crucial to its plan, both for expansion and intent to control international trade. Scarborough Shoal or Scarborough Reef, also known as Huangyan Island or Panatag Shoal is located between the Macclesfield Bank and Luzon Island of the Philippines in the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea. In 2013, China began dredging the seafloor to build artificial islands on the disputed area. That’s why the government put the fate of the whole country in the Tribunal and the compulsory dispute resolution mechanisms of UNCLOS (Del Rosario, December 4, 2015). The Sino Philippine South China Sea Conflict 1499 Words | 6 Pages. Suddenly the name that always carried China is now changed. Fifthly, Taiwan?s ambigious legal and political status: Fisheries Agreement as a Comprehensive Security Policy yet with greater implications for the regional, Republic of the Philippines maintain close ties based upon the U.S.- Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, the period of U.S. colonization, common strategic and economic interests, and shared democratic values. The Scarborough Shoal and It’s Location He said that sometimes no matter, The development of law under historical sources is the change of religious belief, local customs, opinion of jurists and historical development. wika ng tagapagsalita. Thus, the end priority goes to the military and infantry. Philippines is preparing to modernize its military to project the territorial water of the sea including the West Philippine Sea. China claims “indisputable sovereignty” over all the waters, islands, reefs, rocks, seabed, minerals, and living and non-living resources falling within its 9-dashed line claim in the South China Sea. To understand the context of today’s situation, it is imperative that we discuss the history of this dispute. Aggressive is an understatement to describe how persistent China is in its pursuit over disputed territory in the West Philippine Sea. Then he claimed it as the "Kalayaan Island", located and the fifth class municipality in the philippine province of palawan, situated within the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea. The People's Republic of China claims that is is a part of Ming Dynasty. Although the Philippine Senate voted against U.S. wishes to close American military installations in 1992, bilateral security cooperation resumed following territorial disputes between the Philippines and China in, leaders, help correct China’s self-consciousness as the only permanent member of UNSC that lacks naval capacity join rescue missions and crisis interventions. With the intervention of the United States, the issue turns to be more serious as it attracts a lot of concerns from international community. They were some disputes which were going on between Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia, while, other cases of the fisheries agreements in the East China Sea? One of these conflicts is the dispute in South China Sea between China and six neighbor ASEAN countries. william franklin; chris gipson; keith james; andy mcgee The dispute occurred because these two countries at the same time claim that the Senkaku Island belongs to them. The Philippine Navy’s plan of deploying hundreds of militiamen is a response to China’s gray zone operations in the West Philippine Sea, a maritime expert said Monday. All nation must follow in a orderly manner to maintain stability and peace in the world. As the political doctrine of realism says, everybody is your enemy and war of all against all is a permanent and, worse, normal existence condition of our world. (Augustin 2013). The South China Sea (“West Philippine Sea”) has been for several years a space of potential conflict between several countries due to overlapping of … Applying this to current issue, as to the territorial disputes among neighbor countries claiming that the particular area of West Philippine Sea exclusively the Scarborough Shoal and other islands are part of their territory. Suddenly the name that always carried China is now changed. For us Filipinos, calling the area the West Philippine Sea marks a subliminal paradigm change. Territory is one of the central political concepts of the modern world and, indeed, functions as the primary way the world is divided and controlled politically (Elden, 2013).Amazingly little has been published about the concept of territory unlike that of territorial disputes. 2.0 Background history of the Organization He devoted a lot of time on the issue of West Philippine Sea in his State of the Nation Address on Monday. This is due to the position of Southeast Asia as a rather strategic region to be under the influence of the East-West political tension; political conflict in Vietnam, Social Issues: Territorial Dispute in the West Philippine Sea. Riding on an 85 percent approval rating, President Duterte probably thought he could convince Filipinos about the wisdom of his much-criticized policy towards China in the matter of the country’s territorial claim in the South China Sea. Even China is a signatory in these and … The thesis statement reports the status quo of the country (Philippines) towards its territory. According to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 169 of the, I will give examples as to why each of these things are not only important to myself, but important to any Airmen trying to successfully change the world. Even China is a signatory in these and … As the geography may indirectly dictate, seas and oceans surround the country that can be of use to take advantage over adversaries. In accordance to the requirements for Prelims in English 2 (ZEN112) their own territorial integrity and national interest against interventions through different approaches to survive. Disputes occurred because the two countries have a different perspective in terms of the ownership of the Senkaku islands. CHINA'S VICTIM. The last one is that China violates the 2002 declaration of conduct, non-binding confidence building agreement on maritime conduct signed by China and ASEAN. Civil war essay questions for high school: essay on house in marathi afrikaans essay on my first day at high school west philippine Essay sea about dispute mthodologie introduction dissertation juridique if you were writing a research paper about collectivistic and individualistic beliefs research paper outline template for 5th grade. So did China. Fourthly, Japan?s Normalization Effect in the form of the Fisheries agreement with Taiwan; Paramilitary Balance of Power. The International, Philippines is preparing for the security and stability to be participant in the world. The theme of the essay is, “The West Philippine Sea and its impact on the future of the Philippines.” The essay should focus on: 1. Interestingly enough, in regards to damages occurring in ship collisions, Chinese Maritime Law share similarities to United States Maritime law via determining liability. Bo hai is China’s inner sea and innermost gulf of the Yellow, Because HNA objected to the jurisdiction of the court, the Court agreed and held the Tianjin Maritime Court had jurisdiction. As the geography of the Philippines foretells the strategy of the military, the need for a strong naval force is a must to secure and to attain utmost security within the territory of the country. In 2013, China began dredging the seafloor to build artificial islands on the disputed area. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your classes and more. The territorial dispute between China, the Philippines, and other ASEAN countries over the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea is a proof of this. In this way, the main priority of the country must stand within its naval force. While the case is being processed in the Arbitral Tribunal, The effects of this territorial dispute, is China seizes the Freedom of Navigation which is the passage way of all marine ships in the disputed territory to the escalation of the conflict. Panatag Shoal's old Spanish name was Bajo de Masinloc, meaning lower Masinloc. Read more » China bukas sa oil, gas cooperation kasama ang Pilipinas sa West PH Sea INTRODUCTION. The aim and purpose of this association was about cooperation related with economic, social, cultural, technical, educational and other fields. Abstract The South China Sea (“West Philippine Sea”) has been for several years a space of potential conflict between several countries due to overlapping of … Essay About The West Philippine Sea 905 Words | 4 Pages. Then after, a strong air defenses and forces must be established to harmonize with the navy. I believe that there are three main International threats to global stability, the rapid rise of extremism, international disputes over territories, and corruption. , case study ux ui.Scariest place essay 100 words. 2. The first state to claim the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea was China in 1279 which drew territorial map of its powers including the waters which is better known today as the “Nine-Dash Line”. Other countries think that the International Law does not apply to “Great Powers” such as China. A. Because of the territorial Dispute in the West Philippine Sea, China has been expanding its territory and seizing it’s Freedom of Navigation; thus Philippines filed a case over China at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Hague, Netherlands. No state should be permitted to write and re-write the rules in order to justify its expansionist agenda according to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Albert del Rosario (Del Rosario, 2015). Solutions to these issues facing humankind are compulsory to avoid some expected consequence. Kasalukuyang ina-angkin ng Pilipinas ang West Philippine Sea, na bahagi ng South China Sea. created to solve problems such as this one, the West Philippine Sea and the Spratly Islands are clearly inside the Philippine territory. 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According to honorable Carpio explain that "All nation must conduct themselves in a just and orderly manner to maintain peace and stability in the world". For the first argument for this issue is that, Philippines seek help to the Permanent Court of Arbitration to resolve the problem. Luckily, our paper writing service only assigns quality Essay About The West Philippine Sea writers for college essays so you can be assured Essay About The West Philippine Sea that when you hire our services, the writers we will assign to you are truly trained, Essay About The West Philippine Sea knowledgeable, as well as very committed writers. Photo provided by Philippines government. All nation must follow in a orderly manner to maintain stability and peace in the world. The islands portion of the archipelago lies along some 1,150 miles between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea.It is separated from Taiwan by the Bashi Channel, from Indonesia by the Celebes Sea,. 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