paleo sweet potato pie with pecan crust

In a blender or food processor, chop up the nuts just until the largest pieces are pea-sized. Once cooled, to remove it from the tart pan, from underneath the pan, carefully slide a butter knife between the bottom and the lip of the side. Sweet Potato Pie Recipe Ingredients 1 14 ounce can mashed sweet potato, cup evaporated milk, cup firmly packed brown sugar, two huge eggs, 1 tbsp. You can fill the crust almost to the top… it will puff up a bit, but will settle back down when cooling. WTH??? To get a nice edge, press the pecan crust a tiny bit past the top of the sides and then use the bottom of the measuring cup to “slice” the excess off. Once the pie cools off, it is ready to serve. salt, tsp. Drain the potatoes and mash them well with a potato masher. Bring a large pot with 4-6” of water to a boil. It is always so heavy that I am usually done after one slice. You should have! (Image credit: Faith Durand) and borrowed from The Kitchn. Make sure you don’t brown the crust, because you will be baking it some more later. And they don’t soften as nicely when cooked. Place in pan and flute edges. Food is love, food is life, food is happiness. The center should be set (not jiggly). Just for the ease of things…I lean toward the canned puree as a time saver. This recipe will work in a 9″ or 10″ tart pan. 'Yams' (orange sweet potatoes… 1 cup pitted medjool dates (about 16 dates) 1/4 cup pecans; 1/4 cup rolled oats; 1 T coconut oil (solid) 1/4 tsp salt; 1/2 tsp cinnamon; For the pie. But remember: no internet. Pour filling into prepared pie shell and bake at 375°F for 35–40 minutes. When you taste it, you’ll notice a wonderful bright citrus that complements the sweetness of the sweet potatoes. Pour the mixture evenly over the pecans. Boil the chunks in a large pot of water for 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. Poke the crust gently with the fork. You can use June’s Sweet Potato Cook-Program to bake and mash your own sweet potatoes for a delicious homemade puree, but canned puree works almost as well. In case you want to Pin and save it for later (and pinning is greatly appreciated! Yes, I do use canned coconut milk. Set aside. Still super delicious! GFF Magazine. In a food processor using S-blade, process cookies into very fine crumbs. Roasting allows the sweet potatoes to slightly caramelize and make for a sweeter pie without any extra sugar. Now spoon … I used the same amount the recipe calls for after researching subbing for coconut sugar. My heart said get the yams, but my head says “I’m not making a yam pie. This post may contain affiliate links. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I like using my 8 cup measuring cup because it has a pour spout. Today I wonder if that stringiness would have gone away if I pureed the filling in a Vitamix or a food processor. These were the days when recipes were cut out of the Food section in the Sunday paper or passed down from family members. In a food processor or blender, combine the sweet potato flour, egg, and cooked bacon until a paste like batter forms; be careful not to overblend. From Thanksgiving, to Christmas, to New Year— and pretty much every day in between—everything is about food. The retelling of my regrettable moment starts with…”Remember when Lynette made that Sweet Potato pie for Thanksgiving??!!”. If you’re a pumpkin pie type of person…sub the canned sweet potato puree with canned pumpkin puree. Click here to see what I used. Place all ingredients – sweet potato puree, coconut sugar, coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut oil, eggs, lemon juice, lemon zest, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and fine sea salt into a food processor. Any idea how much to sub and if I need to make any other adjustments? To this day, I can’t remember what this off shade of green, stringy as all get out sweet potato pie tasted like. Man, I’m glad we didn’t have cell phone cameras back then. Add the pecans, salt and brown sugar in the food processor and process until the mixture begins to resemble sand. I made some coconut whipped cream (made with honey and vanilla) to top. Ever have one of those moments that you wish you could take back? Before starting the crust for the Sweet Potato Pecan Pie, we need to cook the sweet potatoes. The salt in the glazed pecan really helps bring out the sweetness as well. The nutty pie crust is made by combining almond … Then, using your hands, press the pecan crust into the bottom and up the sides of the tart pan. LOL. As an added benefit, the almond flour ends up making the pie completely gluten-free. Lynette I must confess I combined your recipe with another (I do that a lot) adding a coconut oat crumble topping as well as gingersnaps to the pecan crust (omitted the flour). Once the first person started laughing (Mona? Pour filling into the crust and jiggle the pan a little to evenly distribute the filling. Directions: Mix the sweet potatoes, eggs, salt, ghee and vanilla in a baking dish. Oct 31, 2017 - These best Vegan Thanksgiving Dessert Recipes are the perfect addition to your festive menu, whether it's a simple apple pie or a fancy pumpkin parfait. Set aside on a rimmed sheet pan. 2. The reason being, the ingredients are so simple and can be found everywhere. These pictures are using a 9″ pan, but I have also made it in a 10″ pan. If you wish to use fresh, then you can either boil, steam or roast the yams and then put all the filling ingredients into a food processor and puree. Before I let you go, I’d like to show you how to make the sweet potato pie crust. Apparently, I can’t stop at just one brilliant idea, no, I gotta have two. Using a whisk, stir until all ingredients are combined and the mixture is smooth. Stir in sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and … You can spray the bottom of a flat bottomed, straight side wall, dry measuring cup with a non-stick spray and use that to get a uniform thickness on the bottom and to press the pecan crust up the sides. I’ll definitely be using is again and again for the holidays. Your email address will not be published. Serve at room temperature, or if you wish, you can chill the pie in the fridge and serve chilled. Add the remaining ingredients and mix to combine. I’m looking forward to making this pie for New Years. I have no idea where I got the recipe back then but it called for sweet potatoes and about 20 other ingredients! © 2021 Copyright Paleo Foundation. Had I known, I would have opted for the garnet yams! On lightly floured surface, roll crust to fit pie pan. I also have made it with fresh made sweet potato puree, which turns out awesome as well. This Paleo Sweet Potato Pie will be a showstopper on your holiday table! Crimp the edges with a fork if preferred. Assembling the pie:. Let me know how that turns out! butter or margarine, melted, tsp. ), it was all over with. Place the skinless baked sweet potato in a large mixing bowl. I have come up my own Paleo Sweet Potato Pie recipe and have tweaked and tested my recipe four times using my friends and my physical therapist as guinea pigs and not one of them has doubled over with laughter, so I can safely say…this pie is awesome!! It is that easy! Ok. The recipe for Almost Sugar Free Sweet Potato Pie. Everyone loves a slice of warm, delicious pie topped with freshly whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream. I don’t have a tart pan, will be using my 9.5 pie pan. As mentioned, you will need Sweet Potatoes- which you can find online (please opt for no sugar added if possible). Prebiotic fiber, and why “Just Eat Real Food” isn’t as good of a mantra as you think. Add your coconut milk, banana, egg yolks, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, and salt and using a hand mixer or whisk mix well get a nice and smooth filling. I insert a toothpick and it should come out almost clean. I honestly think it said to “mash up” the sweet potatoes after you boiled them. Are the pecans for the crust raw or toasted? It will puff up, but will settle after removal from the oven. Flatten and spread over the top of the sweet potato filling. … Yes, I do now have this wonderful food processor that is powerful! Dump the pecan crust mixture into your removable bottom tart pan. Pulse 8 – 10 times or until mixture resembles grains of sand. If necessary, using a spatula, scrape down the sides halfway through. The coconut cream helps to create a almost custardy filing which is very light. The pecan crust on the sides remain crunchy and give a nice contrast in texture to the filling. Sign up today for free and get notified before all your friends on exclusive offers, insider emails and the newest recipe posts. Hi Tammy! Thus producing the second WTH moment of the day. Spread filling into prepared pie crust. Flat Bottom, Straight Sides Dry Measuring Cups, (This post may contain affiliate links, but rest assured, I only recommend products that I actually use and luv, luv, luv.). Whisk all the ingredients until everything is incorporated and smooth. When cooked, remove and place in refrigerator to cool. The silence is deafening once everyone lays eyes on the pie. So…(and math never was my strong suit), that’d be 1/8 cup of honey. The filing is not overly sweet. I can do turkey and I make a seriously mean cornbread dressing! I have made it with pumpkin as well…just as delicious! Perhaps. I used 1/2 the amount of coconut milk and omitted the coconut oil. Those are two known facts for which I am going to blame this disaster on. The side should detach smoothly leaving the pie on the bottom piece of the tart pan. My family is going to make the 2 1/2 hour drive to my apartment and so I want to do something special. Cover with tight-fitting lid and steam 1-1.5 hours or until a knife easily pierces potatoes. Although this doesn’t look like a classic sweet potato pie because its made with purple sweet potatoes, all the classic flavours are still very much in there. Sweet Potato Pie in a Pecan-Date Crust For the crust. Happy baking!! This crust recipe I adapted (slightly tweaked to my tastes) from Vanessa Barajas. What I ended up with was a very stringy pie filling. I like using the tart pan because I always seem to not be able to get that first slice out of a pie pan nicely. Back then I didn’t know about meal planning and timing. Put the apples, pecans, ghee, cinnamon and vanilla in a food processor or blender. Learn how your comment data is processed. This silky spiced sweet potato pie with a nutty crunchy pecan crust is my favorite southern inspired sweet potato pie. With its seasonal flavors and deliciously nutty crust, this pie from GFF Magazine contributor and Sqirl LA’s chef Jessica Koslow can hold its own at any dessert buffet. Ok, for the filling, I used fresh made sweet potato purée. Now take your sweet potatoes and remove the skin and mash them in a bowl. So this is where the hint of panic starts to set in. Roasting allows the sweet potatoes to slightly caramelize and make for a sweeter pie without any extra sugar. After all the maple syrup is gone, spread the pecans over the parchment paper and let them cool. Insert a toothpick in the center and it should come out almost clean…not wet. Preaheat oven to 425F. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome and hope you are too. My favorite is Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Simple. On top of the filing, evenly spread out the maple glazed pecans. 2. You may have to do that in 2 or 3 spots. Pour the sweet potato pie filling into the pastry shell. With lots of spices, it tastes just as good as the original. Otherwise… OMG DELICIOUS! I can’t remember if the pie recipe called for a food processor or not. Give it a rinse if you’re extra concerned. Bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees. I honestly can’t wait to make this pie again! Did you use canned coconut milk? Dip a pastry brush into the egg white and brush over the part of the crust that can be seen. Happy holidays to you and yours!! The cooking of the rest of Thanksgiving Dinner was great. I can totally deny this whole story because no one has tangible proof!!! Walking around in the produce section I come upon sweet potatoes, sitting right next to garnet yams. This original pie always leaves you wanting more and more and more!! We may earn money from the companies mentioned in this post. Using a mixer or a fork lightly beat the reserved egg whites until it begins. Audrey? Bake the crust for 6-8 Minutes. Orange Glazed Shrimp with Bok Choy and Mushrooms, Celery Salad with Apples, Pears and Cashews. Stop when it looks like dough. Remove the potatoes and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes and then remove the skin and discard. We will use the paddle attachment will mash the sweet potatoes and mix everything together. Let’s get started on the crust. After a minute or two, pour in the maple syrup and sea salt. The center of the pie should be firm (it shouldn’t jiggle). Pour crumbs into bowl with melted butter; stir until well combined and press into bottom and sides of pie plate –pressing the crust … And now this poor sweet potato pie is like a train wreck you can’t look away from. I couldn’t “mash up” any harder than I was mashing up to get rid of the stringiness. Swapping the coconut flour with almond flour should be fine in the crust and in the filling, although, I’ve only tested my recipe with the coconut flour. Once the sweet potatoes are ready to mash, peel them and throw them in a mixer with a paddle attachment along with all of the sweet potato filing ingredients. Put all of this together and you end up with one unbelievably tasty paleo sweet potato pie. You will see the pie start to dome, but don’t sweat it. A lot of the fun of cooking is adjusting recipes to fit your tastes and lifestyle!! Although I’ve not tried it yet, I researched equivalent substitutes for coconut sugar and found that for honey you would use 1/4 of the amount of the coconut sugar. I bet it will be fabulous!! Julz, On top of the filing, evenly spread out the maple glazed pecans. To remove the pie, work a butter knife into the underside and gently twist to separate the bottom from the sides. Only to be overshadowed and forgotten due the memories that were made after I bring out that sweet potato pie! Bake in preheated oven at 350°F for 55-60 minutes or r until So, Thanksgiving morning rolls around and I’m up at the crack of dawn to start cooking. I am talking slap your thighs, snorting, tears falling out of your eyes, best ab work out ever, can’t catch your breath, laughing. I like to press it in fairly thin as I am not a fan of super thick pie crusts. Pour the sweet potato filing into the pie crust. ! Thank you! After this bad boy cooked for almost an hour, I take it out and I’ll be damned if that pie didn’t somehow, for some reason, turn a light shade of green. Merriam Webster defines food as “something that nourishes, sustains or supplies.” That can describe so many things. I don’t think that would change the consistency too much, but to be safe, maybe add another Tbsp of coconut flour, which will thicken the consistency of the filling. Best wishes for a wonderful 2021!! I’m not sure how to since it’s a different consistency. Press the dough into a 9 inch pie dish. Thanks for this recipe! Lightly brush the top of the pie. Didn’t cross my mind to start the day before prepping everything and getting the baking done. Place rimmed sheet pan on to the middle rack in preheated oven. So I stirred and mashed and stirred and mashed and then poured it into my store bought pie crust and popped it into the oven. This is one of my favorite recipes – I make it constantly. Preheat the oven to 350°F. I use raw pecans but toasted would work fine as well. These canned chunks often have added sugar, but you’re draining any syrup away. The Sweet Potato Pie Filling. I have never attempted another sweet potato pie. ground cinnamon, 9 inch frozen pie shell . Paleo twist on the traditional pie crust gives a nice crunchy contrast to the smooth and creamy filling which is nicely brightened with a hint of citrus. This homemade pecan pie has a creamy sweet potato filling and a flaky crust that crumbles in your mouth! My filling didn’t fill the crust enough so the top edges got a bit too done. 1. Sweet Potato Pie with Pecan Crust. Pour in pecans and let them roast slightly before pouring in maple syrup and sea salt. This truly is one of my favorite recipes on my website. Yeah. Remove pie and let it cool completely. One of those moments that become part of your family fabric, one of the stories that gets told at family gatherings and leaves people rolling on the floor in laughter? The “Simple” has no Guar Gum in it. Why? Anyone who bakes paleo knows there’s just no duplicating a flaky gluten filled pie crust. Paleo Apple Pie Crust / Paleo Pumpkin Pie Crust. Pierce unpeeled potatoes with knife. It is normal and will flatten out once the pie cools off. Pour the mixture evenly over the pecans. Do you think any measurement changes are necessary? Sometimes, especially with paleo … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I hope yours turn out fabulous! And for some reason, I have the brilliant idea of hosting Thanksgiving Dinner. Aren’t sweet potato pies supposed to be some variation of the color orange? That wouldn’t have been all that bad, (Ha! The filling should be smooth and creamy. Especially for my Daddy. Required fields are marked *. I don’t think you’ll miss the traditional pie crust at all. Preheat oven to 375. You may have a little extra filling. In a small mixing bowl, mix together the top filing ingredients of maple syrup, 1 egg and coconut sugar. There are so many to choose from, but this year I decided that we will make a Paleo Sweet Potato Pecan Pie. No end-of-the-year holiday is complete without pies. Oh and my secret ingredients are: LEMON extract and COCONUT flavoring! The mixture will end up … Instructions. I only need to sub one ingredient. Or 300+ minutes to be more precise. 1. My sweet potato pie differs just a bit from other recipes in that I prefer a graham cracker crust over a basic pie crust and also I’m very light on the spices. Or use my favorite pumpkin pie recipe with coconut milk swapped in for the dairy for a paleo pumpkin pie. Thanks! Apparently, we all had time on our hands back then! How was I supposed to know? If you really want to know the difference, here’s a good explanation. The reason it is called a Sweet Potato Pecan Pie is because it is the best of both worlds. Make the recipe with simple ingredients for a delicious paleo dessert. Before starting the crust for the Sweet Potato Pecan Pie, we need to cook the sweet potatoes. To start the Sweet Potato Pecan Pie, we will start by glazing the pecans with maple syrup. Yes, these are also called yams…don’t be confused. GREEN! Thanks for the question…I will update the recipe to specify canned!!! This pie recipe is fantastic for fall and winter. Bake for approximately 55 – 60 minutes. Doesn’t that just make your mouth water?? Add water as needed. The crust prep is really easy. But, let’s continue with my humiliation. So instead of the syrup filing, I decided to use a sweet potato pie filing. I’d like to sub honey for coconut sugar. Which I did. Your email address will not be published. Place the sheet pan on the middle rack in an oven preheated to 350 degrees. Once that step is complete: Pour the sweet potato filing into the pie crust. Press the crust ingredients evenly on the bottom and … I like my pies to hold true to the beautiful orange color of the sweet potato. This is a sweet potato filling. Jul 7, 2017 - Delicious sweet potato dessert recipes that are vegan! Never miss a single bite - subscribe via email. I wouldn’t check it with a knife…whatever you use to check it, the hole that it leaves will become slightly bigger as the pie cools. One of his favorite desserts was Sweet Potato pie, so, seriously…how hard can that be? Well…Google it if you’re so inclined. These holidays are usually celebrated over a feast of turkey, casseroles and pies. This is probably one of the best pies I have ever made. Until now. Let’s go back. If you are using the canned puree, the empty the puree and the rest of the filling ingredients into a large bowl. You can fill just about to the top the pecan crust. With the soft texture of sweet potato filling (pumpkin filling too), I like using a pecan crust better than a paleo crust made from almond flour because the crunch of the nuts give texture to this sweet potato pie. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cover with saran wrap and set aside. 5 Consejos para el Equilibrio Hormonal Femenino, 19 Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods Busted Myth, Best Ever Paleo Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe, 1 Tsp Vietnamese Cinnamon (you can use Chinese cinnamon for spicier flavor), 1 Tbsp Vietnamese Cinnamon (again, Chinese cinnamon is spicier). Next, melt butter in a skillet over medium heat. Keep stirring until the maple syrup is almost simmers down completely. In a small mixing bowl, mix together the top filing ingredients of maple syrup, 1 egg and coconut sugar. It’s easily able to hold its own against any other type of pie out there, and … I missed the brightness of the lemon as it was overpowered by my additions. Hi! You may have to adjust the coconut milk (use canned coconut milk), adding more, as the fresh yams will be thicker than the canned sweet potato puree. Pierce the sweet potatoes a few times with a fork and then bake in the oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until very tender. It is that easy! This week, we are not going to talk much about the ingredients. Just me. Going to make it with pumpkin in the next couple days and with a tart pan now that I have one . Mix eggs and half & half into this mixture, then slowly fold into sweet potato mixture. Paired with the maple pecan topping is a perfect balance of sweetness. Fox Run Removable Bottom Non-Stick Tart and Quiche... Cuisinart DFP-14BCNY 14-Cup Food Processor,... KitchenTour Heavy-duty Stainless Steel Measuring... Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Carrot Medley, Instant Pot Leg of Lamb with Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Carrots. Remove from the oven and let it cool completely. #YamRight. Sweet potato brownies, chocolate pie, sweet potato caramel, toffee fudge, superfood cookies and MORE! All Rights reserved. But remember…I got the “real” sweet potatoes. Food, good food, is created in love and gives love. Brushing the pie with egg whites gives the pie a beautiful sheen. Your sweet potato pie should release beautifully. My family arrives and we enjoy dinner and great memories are being made. Thanks! The sweet potatoes were white-ish and the garnet yams were orange. I like to roast the sweet potatoes in the oven until they are fork tender. Set the crust aside and we will prep the filling. It is good, but now I want to make yours and follow it to the letter. Turn the oven down to 350F. I love Pecan Pies, but am not a big fan of the syrupy filling. You will also need ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg as well.. What you will need to make this Find my recipes for sugar free pie crust recipes here. Transfer contents to an empty pie tin. So very happy your pie turned out delicious! Ummm! To make the crust, use a mixing bowl to combine the almond and coconut flours, 2 eggs, coconut oil, honey and sea salt together with a mixer until well combined. Make the cookie crust: Preheat oven to 350º and grease 9″ pie plate (not deep dish one, or use springform pan). This will get your edges looking like this: Set the pecan crust aside on a rimmed sheet pan and prepare the filling. OF COURSE we had to try it! Once that step is complete: Now pop that beautiful Sweet Potato Pecan Pie into the oven and bake it at 350°F for 1 hour to 1½. We have never laughed as hard as we did at that pie. In a food processor, mix all pie crust ingredients and let it process until everything is well incorporated. Directions. Hi Stacy, With a grain free and paleo crust that tastes just like the real deal, and a creamy filling filled with sweet warm spices, you’ll be … I don’t think any measurement changes are necessary when using your 9.5 pie pan. Hi Heather! Place the dough into a greased pie pan and gently press the crust into the pie plate and up the sides. You want your final mixture to resemble grains of sand. Lightly beat eggs. Pulse 8 to 10 times stopping to scrape down the sides if necessary. You don’t want to completely submerge them. Just looking at this next picture makes me do my happy dance! I will note, only pour in enough top filling to cover the pecans halfway. I did however know enough to get the pie in the oven first because that 25 lb turkey was going to take a minute. I want to try this recipe because it’s near perfectly compliant for the diet I follow (ibd-aid). 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paleo sweet potato pie with pecan crust 2021