journal article summary assignment

Drews, F. A., & Strayer, D. L. (2008). ), Driver distraction: Theory, effects and mitigation, Drews, F. A., Strayer, D. L., Uchino, B. N., & Smith, T. W. (in press). Work smart: choose an article related to your final paper for the class. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Frank A. Drews. Goodman, M. F., Bents, F. D., Tijerina, L., Wierwille, W., Lerner, N., &, Benel, D. (1999). Michon, J. Cell phone induced, failures of visual attention during simulated driving. Overall there was no evidence that passengers slowed the, verbal task more than remotely communicating participants, and in, Experiment 1 the opposite effect was found, despite the fact that, only the passengers shared visual information about the driving, conditions. To “fill in the blanks”, a student should read the journal article and pay specific attention to: Sentence #1- Authors’ last names (year) conducted a study about _____. theory of attention. The element of stereotyping is a direct observation of the mental mindsets adopted by the society in relation to people with LD’s. 1. Which of the methods of scientific research described in Chapter 1 is used? Exhibits required formatting throughout the paper. The rebuttal mostly demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and mostly applies the principles of charity and accuracy. New York: Oxford University Press. reaction time in a braking response. I can see this particular article being utilized by quite a few different people. Indeed, examination of the video taped, driving segments found several instances in which the passenger. may respond by reducing the cognitive demand of the conversation. More interesting, this happened even as those drivers in the passenger. To “fill in the blanks”, a student should read the journal article and pay specific attention to: Sentence #1- Authors’ last names (year) conducted a study about _____. use upon driver attention. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader. use during simulated driving. Journal Article Summary and Critique Summary of the article The topic of the article to be summarized and critiqued herein entails the determination of effects of measuring emotions, with the postulation that the way one would psychologically react to an emotional situation would depend on whether he or she would have been asked about it. Recognizing time pressure and cognitive load on the basis of. The simulator was loaded with a database consisting of a 24-mile multilane beltway to include on and off-ramps, overpasses, and two-lane traffic in both directions. Summary: Published by Student Homework Help on January 25, 2021. Role of mobile phones in motor. Response to Classmates Discussions January 25, 2021. You are asked to read a peer-reviewed article from a scholarly journal in the field of lifespan development. Differences in remote versus in-person communications while performing, a driving task. If so, list several titles. No differences were observed in the. All participants, had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, normal color. An article summary highlights the information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. There have been scenes when thoughts of my own family flash in my mind and even though I see the ramifications of what this article covers, these habits are among the hardest to break. joint activity in which driver and passenger are mutually engaged. A maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour was implemented and visibility was programmed to be optimal. The transcribed conversations between interlocutors, in the dual-task conditions were coded by two independent. Journal Article Summary Assignment. (1985). Whereas when driver’s using the hands free devices were essentially on their own when driving and also had additional disadvantages because they were less accurate in their driving acuity, navigation skills, and reaction times as far as exiting when they should have because they were distracted by the use of their cell phones. Accident Analysis, Horrey, W. J., & Wickens, C. D. (2006). You must use scholarly articles for this assignment; these are found in Summarize the significance of the results in your own words. as opposed to the free driving paradigm that was used here. It was this section that I found to be very “scientific” and the only section that I feel that the layperson may have trouble understanding. The assignment is not to be too much shorter or longer than the example in the template. (2013). Provides a  limited rebuttal to the objection. For example, is it directed toward a special kind of psychologist? The first analysis, focused on the drivers’ ability to stay in the center of the lane, without drifting sideways. Human. Mobile phones and driving: Review of. Uncategorized. Choose one peer reviewed journal article pertaining to nutrition that has been published in the last five years to review. a Given in syllable per second. In both cases, the assumption is that this is not likely or possible, for a cell phone conversational partner because they do not have. I feel safe in assuming that society is aware of the dangers of talking on the cell phone when driving or carrying on conversations while driving but this study gives proven results of the dangers. Provides a rebuttal to the objection. University of Saarbruecken, Saarbruecken, Briem, V., & Hedman, L. R. (1995). After familiarization, one participant of a dyad was randomly selected to drive, the vehicle, the other, based on experimental condition, was either, the passenger or talking on the cell phone to the driver from a, different location. After providing informed consent, participants were familiarized, with the driving simulator using a standardized 15-min adaptation, sequence. found in the journal of The American Psychological Association, 2020, Vol. attributed to slight differences in driving experience. 14, No. Compile the (2005). as the task demand increases (Kramer, Sirevaag, & Braun, 1987). Your boundary must be naturalized on tentative (data-based) inquiry; quantitative or purely illustrative inquiry is not misappropriate. The simulated vehicle is based on, the vehicle dynamics of a Crown Victoria® model with automatic. A summary is always shorter than the original text, often about 1/3 as long as the original. Gugerty et al. Citations are not formatted correctly. Each Journal Article Summary must be 3–5 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages) and created in a Microsoft Word document. Becoming Acquainted with Psychological Research. In, this paper we suggest that the different contexts affect the ability, to allocate attention to a task differently, that is, the allocation of, attention is not independent of contextual variables, even if the, task at the onset seems identical. A second analysis focused on the impact of the driving environment. Low, demanding traffic was defined as a situation in which the participant’s, vehicle was surrounded by maximally one vehicle (either in, front, behind, or on the left lane), in which a situation of moderately, demanding traffic involved more than one other vehicle in, close proximity to the participant’s vehicle. (1999). Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand. It will be listed by the title of the article. A journal article is sometimes called a peer-reviewed article, a scientific article or a scholarly research article. Your email address will not be published. THE JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW: The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand how research is conducted and reported in developmental psychology. Before embarking on your writing process, you could outline your assignment or use an article review template to organize your thoughts more coherently. A detailed grading rubric is attached. The outline is a brief summary of your term paper. The rebuttal effectively demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and applies the principles of charity and accuracy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 941–952. Schaefer, E. F. (1989). The transcripts of the, conversations were analyzed for references to traffic and number of, turns taken following an initial traffic reference that still centered on, the traffic topic. For whom does it seem to have been written? team knowledge. spatial scenes. However, layout contains a few minor errors. 6. Contrary to prior suggestions (e.g., Crundall et al., 2005; Gugerty, Rando, Rakauskas, Brooks, & Olson, 2003), we did not, find evidence that in-vehicle drivers and passengers were better, able to modulate their production speed to match changes in the, complexity of the driving task. Journal of Experimental, Strayer, D. L., & Johnston, W. A. coders. This article also pointed out that the fact that they were actually measuring, card drift, was greater with drivers involved in cell phone conversations than with conversations with passengers in the same vehicle. Moreover, the perceptual detection, task is much less complex than the driving task, indicating data, The limited literature on cell phone and passenger conversations, suggests that modulation (i.e., slowing) of a conversation. Such wise writing wins a lot of praise. Although not a central aim of this study, we, made a serious effort to develop a conversational task that was. One of the principal objectives of institutions of higher learning such … [word] game between driver and the partner” (Crundall et al., 2005, p. 201) that simulated a conversation. some modulation of the conversation (see Berthold, 1998; Mu¨ller, Gro_mann-Hutter, Jameson, Rummer, & Wittig, 2001). Long title built of complicated words is not the ideal one for your article review. Do NOT cite anything from the abstract–cite directly from the article itself. In their on road study, Crundall et al. Listeners as co-narrators. If you are wondering how to start an article review, begin with an introduction that mentions the article and your thesis for the review. McEvoy, S. P., Stevenson, M. R., McCartt, A. T., Woodward, M., Haworth, C. Palamara, P., et al. Resource reciprocity: An event-related brain potentials analysis. 2. down the overall traffic flow. Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 35, 939–953. authors compared the impact of a hands-free cell phone conversation, a passenger conversation, and a control condition on attention, in a peripheral detection task that simulated driving. The journal article is considered to be the one of the best mediums for an academician to publish the research findings to the broader audience of other academicians. Analyzing the complexity of speech indicated that both. It was also uncovered that those involved with conversations with passengers in the same vehicle made more referenced to current traffic conditions and thus were more cognoscente of what was actually happening on the road. (2005) provided, initial evidence that passenger and driver responded to changes, in the cognitive demand of driving when playing a “competitive. In P. A. Hancock (Ed. The first paragraph, which is the introduction to the article review, should provide a summary of the article highlights. Both simulated, conversation conditions had a similar negative impact on performance, in a peripheral detection task as compared to the control, condition. Using language. Provide a title page in current APA format. What is your reaction to the research article? Provides a strong, thorough rebuttal to the objection. An article summary is a short, focused paper about one scholarly article that is informed by a critical reading of that article. To have the measurements equivalent to driving intoxicated was astounding. The objection is strongly grounded in research and logical reasoning. One of the many hats I wear is that I volunteer as a Texas State Licensed E.M.T. The objection to the thesis is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. However, no changes in driving, speed were observed in the dual-task condition, seemingly at odds. See the syllabus for important information on late submissions/penalties, and the course FAQ for information on plagiarism. Tokyo: Kanehara. These summaries/critiques should be submitted online and will be due at 11:59pm on each Sunday night beginning July 18thand ending August 22nd. 4, 392–400, Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association                                          1076-898X/08/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0013119, Passenger and Cell Phone Conversations in Simulated Driving, Frank A. Drews, Monisha Pasupathi, and David L. Strayer, This study examines how conversing with passengers in a vehicle differs from conversing on a cell phone, while driving. Overall I feel that this article could have advantages to every person who reads it, not only teachers or parents but everyone that drives on our streets and highways. Each question is worth 10 … than participants conversing with a passenger. tested driving, performance by assessing the driver’s situation awareness for the, surrounding traffic but also measured performance on the verbal, task. (Steele, 2014) Article review. Read the Abstract; this will give an overview of the study’s (article’s) purpose. Measuring. Bear in mind that condensing lengthy paperwork is not an easy task so take the time to practice most especially if you do not know how to write a summary of a journal article. A. The closing remarks are unclear and/or vague. List the major sections of the article as defined by the heads. The authors provided all the necessary formulas that they utilized when gathering their data and eventually reaching the measures that they arrived at. average speed. The present study, provides evidence in support of this hypothesis under dual-tasking, conditions. The study titled “Passenger and Cell Phone Conversations in Simulated Driving” is approximately 7 ½ pages long with an additional 1 ½ pages dedicated to references. Scientific Journal + Article. Report summary. Clearly, fewer references, to traffic were made in the cell phone condition, t(46) _ 3.0, p _, To determine who initiated the reference to traffic, we analyzed, the number of initializations made in the cell phone conversation, condition and the passenger conversing condition using t tests. Expectancy and control: Perceptual and cognitive, aspects of the driving task. The small, number of studies that has focused on this theoretically important, question point to a reduction in attention directed toward the. Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1. You are asked to read a peer-reviewed article from a scholarly journal in the field of lifespan development. Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1, 1855–1859. The New England. The passengers pointed out driving situations that the driver may have missed, similar to having an extra set of eyes on the road for you. For your summary, include the following information: What is the topic of the article, and why is it important? This study will demonstrate, by use of simulated driving, how driving acuity becomes markedly deficient when drivers utilize cell phones while driving as opposed to carrying on conversations with passengers in the same vehicle. Warnings of adverse side effects can backfire over time. For argumentative articles, the summary identifies, explains, and analyses the thesis and supporting arguments; for empirical articles, the summary identifies, explains, and analyses the research questions, methods, findings, and implications of the study. Strayer et al. Assignment #1-Journal Article Review. Speed was measured as the average speed of the driver, for the road segment they were driving until they reached the rest, area exit, whereas following distance was measured as the average, distance between the driver’s car and a car that was directly ahead, of them. This way people, those who want to, can read the original article before reading your review. Their findings indicated, that cell phone conversations impaired both implicit and explicit, recognition memory of visual information even when participants, had fixated upon it. nondriving interlocutors production rates for conversation condition, demand, and the interaction (the F values for the main effects, and the interaction were all _ .16 and effect sizes, partial _2 _, .03). It also includes awareness of the current context that provides, many cues that can aid in grounding, such as shared visual attention, (Richardson, Dale, & Kirkham, 2007) and shared awareness, of distractions. 14, No. guidelines for journal article summary/critique Each week students will be responsible for selecting one of the assigned journal articles to summarize and critique. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Experts also are often asked to review the work of other professionals. Of the participants 47 were women and 49 participants were men. Human Factors, 42, 151–173. Your article must be from a reputable business/economics/policy journal OR be a working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). The second, is that the passenger adopts the driving task as part of the overall. Your article must be from a reputable business/economics/policy journal OR be a working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). All rights reserved. Considering Distracted Driving Impairment With, To understand the implications of performing a secondary task, while driving, it is useful to apply a conceptualization of the, driving task that can guide the analysis of performance deficits. In addition, in the dualtask, condition they were instructed that their task was having a, conversation about a close-call story with their friend who was, either seated next to them as a passenger or conversing on a cell, phone. Demonstrates a limited understanding of organization and presentation of content in written work. Human Factors, 46, 424–436. Thus, it is possible that the initial, differences in driving performance as reported in Table 1 can be. On the strategic level of performance, cell phone drivers performed, poorly at the navigation task. Of more specific theoretical importance here. Figure 2. Some support for the latter hypothesis, comes from studies demonstrating inattention blindness in cell, phone drivers (Strayer et al., 2003). That shared awareness, leads to the prediction that in-vehicle conversation will not have, the same detrimental impact on driving performance that cell, phone conversations have. Provides closing remarks that summarize the essay. We hypothesize that a passenger—provided, he or she has at least minimal driving expertise—monitors the, driving environment. Please note that the P&C Board encourages, participation by members of underrepresented groups in the publication process and would particularly. affected by contextual factors elicited by the driving task. Finally, the drivers were instructed to leave the highway, once they arrived at a rest area located approximately eight miles, after the beginning of the drive. A book may be summarized in an article or a short paper. Paper flows smoothly. By utilizing a specialized driving simulator the participants were exposed to several different driving scenarios in the form of operational, tactical, and strategic levels of driving. studies (Rueda-Domingo et al., 2004; see also Vollrath, Meilinger & Kru¨ger, 2002) have found a strikingly different pattern, for situations in which an adult passenger is in the vehicle. The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of words. Treffner, P. J., & Barrett, R. (2004). – Provides clear and concise closing remarks that comprehensively summarize the essay. The effects of. fashion has a potentially negative impact on performance. The impact of faculty teaching practices on the development of students’ critical thinking skills. Provides closing remarks that minimally summarizes the essay. Categories . The participants were familiarized with the simulator by using three 5-minute simulated driving scenarios. It also opens the possibility for invehicle. It can take a lot of reading and writing to complete an article assignment. vehicle crashes resulting in hospital attendance: A case-crossover study. (2006). Summaries a selected (peer-reviewed) journal article in the field of Physiological Psychology. Consequently, when a driver faces an increasing, demand of the driving task, both passenger and driver. Strayer, D. L., Drews, F. A., & Johnston, W. A. contemporary research. A summary is always shorter than the original text, often about 1/3 as long as the original. There are some problems with the blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Mu¨ller, C., Gro_mann-Hutter, B., Jameson, A., Rummer, R., & Wittig, F. (2001). What is the name of your journal? In M. Bauer, P. J. Gmytrasiewicz, & J. Vassileva (Eds.). with a local volunteer fire department and see what really happens when that response time and concentration of drivers is interfered with. Start with an introduction that mentions the article and a thesis for the review. The study population was chosen and the experiment was thoroughly explained to them and their acknowledgement was verified by a signed informed consent. Drivers, on cell phones may have attempted to dominate the conversation to, avoid having to engage in speech comprehension, whereas with, in-vehicle partners, it may be easier to relinquish control, given, that the partner can be relied on to accommodate with his or her, The conversation data suggest that passengers take an active, role in supporting the driver as indicated by passengers more, frequently talking about the surrounding traffic. 2. One is simply that an in-vehicle passenger responds to the demands, of the driving context by reducing demand for the conversation, task (e.g., by changing the production rate—a modulation, hypothesis, see Gugerty, Rakauskas, & Brooks, 2004). Cognitive, Consiglio, W., Driscoll, P., Witte, M., & Berg, W. P. (2003). Psychiatric Clinics of North. Self-nominations are also encouraged. All the participants fit into the profile of having normal to corrected-to-normal vision acuity, normal color vision, and had a valid driver’s license from the state of Utah. Published by Student Assignment Aid on January 25, 2021. Not only did the authors present all the information on how they conducted their research they provided concrete information on how the study group performed under each driving circumstance. The effect of cellular phone. (Burns, Parkes, Burton, & Smith, 2002; Horberry, Anderson, Regan, Triggs, & Brown, 2006), changes in acceleration (Strayer. This assignment will be two to three pages of typed analysis on a recent study about nutrition. It is the ultimate “fat-free” writing. Strayer, D. L., & Drews, F. A. Warnings of adverse side effects can backfire over time. Are differences in the allocation of attention partly responsible, How passenger and cell phone conversations differ in their, implications for attention and driving performance is a question of, theoretical and applied importance. Follows with a summary of the main points of the article. Critique of the publication through the identifi… How, dangerous is driving with a mobile phone? which is contrary to the predictions of the modulation hypothesis. condition tended to reduce their production rate. t(39) _ .1 in both conditions (see Table 1). Mobile (cellular) phone use. The goal of the assignment is to help link the current best practices identified in your text and the ongoing developments of research reflected in the peer-reviewed literature in support of learning outcomes A and B. A very large book may be summarized in a smaller book. In the present paper we examined the impact of cell phone and, passenger conversations on driving performance, applying, Groeger’s (1999) conceptualization to guide the operationalization, of driving. In addition, the results provide evidence for even more subtle, support between interlocutors. More evidence was presented recently by, Strayer and Drews (2007) demonstrating a reduction in the amplitude, of the P300 as a result of a cell phone conversation in, response to the onset of braking lights of a car that had to be, followed. The article should be chosen from the list of journals in the syllabus and should deal with some aspect of research in second language acquisition that you are reading about and that is of interest to you. These impairments have been studied using a wide, range of methodological paradigms including computer-based, tracking tasks (Strayer & Johnston, 2001), high-fidelity simulation, (Strayer et al., 2003), driving of vehicles on a closed circuit. The assignment of speaker and listener was, counterbalanced over driver and nondriving interlocutor, and the, speaker provided the close-call story. Is there a discussion of the significance of results? The title of the article I chose to acquaint myself with is “Passenger and Cell Phone Conversations in Simulated Driving”. International. A number of studies demonstrated that, this operational level is negatively affected by performing an. ), Applied attention: From. Paper flows somewhat smoothly. condition revealed a difference between the two conditions, _2(1, N _ 40) _ 7.9, p _ .05, w _ 0.6: drivers in the cell phone, condition were four times more likely to fail task completion than, References to traffic and turn taking. Multi-tasking in the automobile. This was a very in-depth research project, particularly for a journal article. This article can be downloaded from the Milner Course Reserves web page. Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. The answers to these questions should be in a WORD document and uploaded to our Blackboard site under the tab: Upload Final Journal Article. Teachers often assign article reviews to introduce students to the work of experts in the field. Write a Journal Summary with Us. By contrast, other epidemiological. They are written by professional experts. transition built by the Ford Motor Company. 3. As a rule, the assignment asks the student to review an article that is hard to read and understand. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 35, Cooke, N. J., Salas, E., Cannon-Bowers, J. converse about previously untold close-call stories. Reading the Article Allow enough time. Make sure the article relates to a topic covered in the text or lecture. Before you can write such a summary, you need to read and understand the article. Response to Classmates Discussions January 25, 2021. 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journal article summary assignment 2021