job 34 commentary

"Elihu said this as an effort to refute that which he (erroneously) supposed that Job had said. That respecteth not the persons of princes. "For hath any said unto God, I have borne chastisement. 5 “Job says, ‘I am innocent, but God denies me justice. 18. Though no hypocrite, Job, like all, had sin; therefore through affliction he was to be brought to humble himself under God. ( Job 15:16 ). as--that is, because they are wicked. ... (Exposition on Job Chap 32-34, p. A3). "[6], "Notwithstanding my right, I am accounted a liar" (Job 34:6). But in this point, about the chastening hand of God upon him, he had said some things which betrayed lack of knowledge (as in Job 34:5). Commentary on Mark 10:35-45. . disposed--hath founded ( Isaiah 44:7 ), established the circle of the globe. 17. "The thought here is that God rules the earth and is answerable to no one for his actions, a thought repeated again by Elihu in Job 36:23; but this truth Job had already stated emphatically in Job 9:12."[17]. One big problem though - God does declare Job righteous before these witnesses in Job 42; that invalidates Elihu's argument here. He claps his hands among us and multiplies his words against God.” And give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. But MAURER with the Septuagint and Vulgate reads, (It is not fit to accuse of injustice Him) who says to a king, Thou art wicked; to princes, Ye are ungodly; that is, who punishes impartially the great, as the small. However, the idea that the wise men here are a different group from the three friends is supported by the fact that, "The tone of reproof Elihu used in addressing the three friends (Job 32:7ff) is no longer present in this chapter. This was, Whether outward prosperity is a mark of the true church, and the true members of it, so that ruin of a man's prosperity proves him a hypocrite? "[19], "Him that saith to a king, Thou art vile" (Job 34:18). at midnight--image from a night attack of an enemy on a camp, which becomes an easy prey ( Exodus 12:29 Exodus 12:30 ). "The mighty are taken away without hand" (Job 34:20). on One reason God seems cruel in ignoring cries of the afflicted is that he does not hear the insincere cries of the proud (Job 35:9-13). It was only a deduction made by Elihu from the general drift of what Job was saying."[2]. He calls upon Job and his friends to listen to him b. MAN HAS NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN (ch. UMBREIT, less simply, for "overturneth," translates, "walketh"; that is, God is ever on the alert, discovering all wickedness. 34 Men of understanding will say to me, and the wise man who hears me will say: 35 ‘Job t speaks without knowledge; his words are without insight.’ 36 Would that Job were tried to the end, because he answers like wicked men. Job 34:17 . 12:11 the ear tests words. as the tongue tastes food. "Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of understanding: Far be it from God that he should do wickedness. my wound--literally, "mine arrow," namely, by which I am pierced. In Job 42:7 the Lord condemns Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. UMBREIT translates for "govern, repress wrath, namely, against Job for his accusations. Job 33:1-33 Elihu Claims to Speak For God. Job hath spoken without knowledge — Job seems to me to be very much mistaken, and his discourse to be inconsiderate, and without reason. 11. Image from the place of public execution ( Job 40:12 , Exodus 14:30 , 2 Samuel 12:12 ). Bible Commentary / Produced by TOW Project In the book’s first cycle, Job’s friends’ speeches were halted by the revelation of God’s wisdom. But God permitted "the satan", one of the heavenly He rendered it, "Concerning my case, he (God) lies, wounded with his dart, yet sinless. If the world were not God's property, as having been made by Him, but committed to His charge by some superior, it might be possible for Him to act unjustly, as He would not thereby be injuring Himself; but as it is, for God to act unjustly would undermine the whole order of the world, and so would injure God's own property ( Job 36:23 ). Because the afflicted tribes of Judah were preserved in captivity and restored to their own land, the history of the period which is before the writer’s mind appears to him to supply a conclusive proof of the righteousness of the Almighty. 1. answered--proceeded. Then it is for thee to reject and to choose, and not me" [UMBREIT]; or as MAURER, "For thou hast rejected God's way of recompensing; state therefore thy way, for thou must choose, not I," that is, it is thy part, not mine, to show a better way than God's. "For he hath said, It profiteth a man nothing that he should delight himself in God" (Job 34:9). offend--literally, "to deal destructively or corruptly" ( Nehemiah 1:7 ). And cause every man to find according to his ways. 1. answered--proceeded. Barnes's Job 34:32 Bible Commentary That which I see not, teach thou me - That is, in regard to my errors and sins. This title does not elsewhere occur in Job. Commentary on Job 38:1-7 [34-41] October 18, 2009. "For Job has said, 'I am innocent, and God has taken away my right.'" 34 … Job 34:30-37 Job Needs to Defend God And Not Himself. "He breaketh in pieces mighty men" (Job 34:24). GOD IS JUST (34:1-35:16) 1. ( Acts 10:34 , 2 Chronicles 19:7 , Proverbs 22:2 , Job 31:15 ). Job 34:1 Furthermore Elihu answered and said, Job 34:2 Hear my words, O ye wise men; and give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. Therefore he taketh knowledge of their works; And he overturneth them in the night, so that they are destroyed. But God permitted "the satan", one of the heavenly He even gave three reasons to support his appeal: (1) Job answers like a wicked man (Job 34:36); (2) he has added rebellion against God to his sin (Job 34:37); and (3) he multiplies his words against God (Job 34:37). 4 Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good. 24. break in pieces--( Psalms 2:9 , Job 12:18 , Daniel 2:21 ). face--( Job 23:8 Job 23:9 , Psalms 13:1 ). So "my stroke" ("hand," Job 23:2 , Margin). Elihu’s four-part speech is followed by God breaking His silence to directly answer Job. "[22] It is not hard to discern Elihu's intended application of these words to Job. scorning--against God ( Job 15:4 ). hands--in scorn ( Job 27:23 , Ezekiel 21:17 ). "If now thou hast understanding, hear this: Shall even one that hateth justice govern? 9. with God--in intimacy ( Psalms 50:18 , Margin). Job 34:24 - 'He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry, And sets others in their place. Commentary Read Job 34:1-9 Verse 1-9 — Elihu calls upon those present to decide with him upon Job He is a king over all the children of pride - Referring, by "the children of pride," to the animals that are bold, proud, courageous - as the lion, the panther, etc. 2. in the night--suddenly, unexpectedly ( Job 34:20 ). The Book of Job Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET CHAPTER 34 Job 34:1-37. govern--literally, "bind," namely, by authority (so "reign," 1 Samuel 9:17 , Margin). If he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath; "The work of a man he (God) will render unto him" (Job 34:11). ", "Shall even one that hateth justice govern" (Job 34:17)? And why did God do all this to Job? Job 32:1-22; Job 33:1-33; Job 34:1-37 A PERSONAGE hitherto unnamed in the course of the drama now assumes the place of critic and judge between Job and his friends. Elihu here repeats, "In crass individualistic terms the doctrine that God requites every man according to his behavior. But God permitted "the satan", one of the heavenly minions, to -. Shall his recompense be as thou wilt, that thou refuseth it? Yes, Job was not yet dead; but Elihu expected him to die at any time. It appears to this writer that one of the primary purposes of this book was that of contradicting that nearly universal fallacy. Oh, that Job were tried to the utmost, Because his answers are like those of wicked men! All rights reserved. Log In/Sign Up New International Version (NIV) ... Job 34. [18] This was Elihu's answer to what he conceived as Job's accusation against God. [4] Kelly pointed out that the crowd of onlookers here is "imagined,"[5] there being no reference whatever to it in the text. Job claims that this simply is not true, if one looks at life objectively: the wicked’s children are established (verse 8), his house is safe (verse 9), his cattle reproduce (verse 10), and so on. Job needs testing to the end (Job 34:31-37) Job 34:1-4. Rather, "men . 34 Furthermore Elihu answered and said, 2 Hear my words, O ye wise men; and give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. MAURER, not so well, "Notwithstanding my right (innocence) I am treated as a liar," by God, by His afflicting me. 35 Job hath spoken without knowledge, and his words were without wisdom. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. New International Version Update. "It remains therefore, that Elihu was the man, who found an answer in this great difficulty and yet condemned not Job. "Elihu continued to ignore the particular situation of Job and dealt only in generalities. To his original "sin" to correct which trials have been sent, "he adds rebellion," that is, words arraigning God's justice. Then comes the final test, when he receives a visit from three of his friends. Shews God's justice, sovereignty, power, omniscience, ver. The thing that confronted Job was that, in spite of his integrity toward God and the absence of any gross wickedness that could possibly have deserved the terrible misfortunes that had overtaken him, he was judged by his friends, and everyone else, as a wicked sinner who was getting exactly what his wicked conduct deserved. This was the type of theology Job … But no one says, “Where is God my Maker” : Elihu noted that men seek God … will say to me, and the wise man ( Job 34:2 Job 34:10) who hearkens to me (will say), 'Job hath spoken,'" &c. 36. Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves. answers for wicked godly are not removed until they produce the effect designed. And when he hideth his face, who then can behold him? KJV Job 37:1 At this also my heart [trembleth/pounds],and [is moved/leaps] [out of/from] [his/its] place.2 [Hear/Listen] [attentively/closely to/carefully to] the [noise/thunder] of […] So, just like a … KJV Job 37:1 At this also my heart [trembleth/pounds],and [is moved/leaps] [out of/from] [his/its] place.2 [Hear/Listen] [attentively/closely to/carefully to] the [noise/thunder] of […] 13-30; shows how men should address God, and how irreverently Job has acted, Job 34… without hand--without visible agency, by the mere word of God (so Job 20:26 , Zechariah 4:6 , Daniel 2:34 ). Although it is not entirely unique in the Psalter, the most striking thing about Psalm 91 is that it ends with a divine speech in verses 14-16. My sickness ( Job 6:4 , 16:13 ). [20] However, Elihu was not logical in bringing in the matter of earthly rulers here; because, "Fools may be set in high places (Ecclesiastes 10:5), and addressed with noble titles (Isaiah 32:5)."[21]. 4 Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what is good. 34, 35. job 34:0. If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, Job 31:24-40 Job Concludes His Self Defense. For he adds rebellion to his sin; He claps his hands among us, 34, 35. The whole cycle of speeches in Job is a marvel of human failure to understand. Elihu begins with an exhortation to Job's friends, Job 34:1-4; charges Job with accusing God of acting unrighteously, which he shows is impossible, Job 34:5-12; points out the power and judgments of the Almighty, vv. We hear in these verses (Job 34:20-28) the echoes of disaster and exile, of the fall of thrones and empires. (16-30) Elihu reproves Job. Job 34:24 - 'He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry, And sets others in their place. borne--namely, the penalty of sin, as in Leviticus 5:1 Leviticus 5:17 . Taking our text as it stands in our version, it teaches that Elihu blasts Job: "because he has not admitted his sin" (Job 34:31-32); and also because he has not allowed his friends to prescribe his punishment, but has insisted on refusing it (Job 34:33). without transgression--without fault of mine to deserve it ( Job 16:17 ). . 37 For he adds rebellion to his sin. 27, 28. Man is to believe God's ways are right, because they are His, not because we fully see they are so ( Romans 9:14 , Deuteronomy 32:4 , Genesis 18:25 ). In these final verses of the chapter, in spite of several of them being very obscure, or even unintelligible, it is clear enough that Elihu's prescription for Job is simple enough: "Either admit your wickedness, or we hope God will punish you to death." In a moment shall they die — Whensoever God doth but give the word, and send his summons for them. The relation between sin and suffering Job never for a moment disputed. "[7] Many of the greatest scholars reject such a rendition. (Verse 10-15.) "If He were to set His heart on man," either to injure him, or to take strict account of his sins. He knows their works, without a formal investigation ( Job 34:24 ). . Job 34:34-36. He is attacking Job."[3]. Elihu proceeding bespeaks the attention of the company, ver. He striketh them--chasteneth. A proverbial expression, already used by Job in … The relevance of these New Testament passage is seen in the fact that people supposed the victims of those tragedies were being punished for their sins. 34 Men of understanding will tell me, yes, every wise man who hears me: 35 ‘Job speaks without knowledge. Job virtually goes in company (makes common cause) with the wicked, by taking up their sentiments ( Job 9:22 Job 9:23 Job 9:30 , 21:7-15 ), or at least by saying, that those who act on such sentiments are unpunished ( Malachi 3:14 ). 16. Alike, whether it be done unto a nation or unto a man: That there be none to ensnare the people.". tried--by calamities. "[13] In context, this was merely Elihu's way of saying that, "Job is getting exactly what he deserves." . Commentary for Job 34 . ", "Hear my words, ye wise men" (Job 34:2). Job 34:28 states in what respect they "considered not God's ways," namely, by oppression, whereby "they caused the cry," &c. 29. Were I to renounce my right (that is, confess myself guilty), I should die. "Can even He who (in thy view) hateth right (justice) govern?" In beginning this part of the address, in which Elihu vindicates God’s character against Job’s insinuations, he addresses the friends of Job, and perhaps others who were gathered there. 34 Let men of understanding tell me, and let a wise man hearken unto me. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Christianity. Job had longed for an `umpire' who might plead his case before God; but Elihu declares that God needs no such assistance, because he is omniscient (Job 34:22-23). This chapter is addressed also to the "friends" as the thirty-third chapter to Job alone. The Book of Job Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET CHAPTER 34 Job 34:1-37. The break at the beginning of this chapter means that Job had completely ignored Elihu, and that here Elihu turned to address the crowd that is imagined to have assembled to hear the speeches. multiplieth . 2. And wilt thou condemn him that is righteous and mighty? The new element in the second cycle is that Elihu’s speech is interrupted by the dramatic appearance of God himself (Job 38:1). Driver noted that, "The reason why God does not excuse wickedness in the rich and powerful is that they are his creatures with whom he has no cause to curry favor; and the proof that they are wicked is the fact that such persons die early. words--( Job 11:2 , 35:16 ). CLAIM: Job is Innocent YET he is being unjustly treated by God (v. 5-6). on StudyLıght .org . . God; Jesus Christ . 5:21, 22 what is right; let us know among ourselves what is good. Who goeth in company with the workers of iniquity, For he hath said, It profiteth a man nothing, That he should delight himself with God. Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! Or rather, "enthralled by further oppression," Job 34:26-28 . He needs not to be long on the "watch," as Job thought ( Job 7:12 , 2 Chronicles 16:9 , Jeremiah 32:19 ). on Job 34 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is one of the most respected interdenominational commentaries ever written. Margin, not so well, "My father," Elihu addressing God. Not God, but his sufferings were unjust; but since that contradicted the false theology of his friends, they erroneously concluded that Job was wicked. Atkinson translated it, "Although I am right, I am considered a liar,"[8] which without any doubt is the true meaning of the place. When he giveth quietness, who then can condemn? . answers for wicked godly are not removed until they produce the effect designed. Job 32:1-22 Elihu is Upset With Job’s Friends. UMBREIT and MAURER lose this by translating, as the Hebrew will bear, "Has any a right to say to God, I have borne chastisement and yet have not sinned?" Elihu speaks of man's conduct. It is quite obvious that in Elihu, Satan played his last card against Job, ... AND LOST! Therefore--because He knows all things ( Job 34:21 ). Job Chapter 34. “Job had devoted an entire speech to the subject of God’s apparent indifference to his plight (Job 23) and the plight of all who suffer and are oppressed (Job 24).” (Smick) b. Who is Jesus Christ? Hear my words, O ye wise men; and give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. (1) He would not regard any of God's ways (Job 34:27); (2) he abused the poor and the afflicted (Job 34:28); when God finally sends quietness (when Job dies) who could condemn God for such a judgment? With the whole community coming together under Elihu's extremely bitter and antagonistic speech, and presumably favoring Elihu's evil accusations against Job, we may well presume that the greatest pressure that Satan could possibly have brought against Job reached its climax in this vituperative, disgusting, egotistical and satanic assault upon Job's integrity. 13-30; shows how men should address God, and how irreverently Job has acted, Job 34… Commentary on Job 38:1-7 [34-41] Like George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life, Job responds to his troubles by wishing he had never been born (Job 3). (9-13) Elihu reproves Job's impatience. Oh, that Job were tried to the utmost, Because his answers are like those of wicked men! ( Proverbs 16:7 , Isaiah 26:3 ). Fitly in the night, as it was in it that the godless hid themselves ( Job 34:22 ). 30. (27-34) Commentary on Job 21:1-6 (Read Job 21:1-6) Job comes closer to the question in dispute. Elihu here continues his cruel, unjust and relentless attack upon Job. "If God Chose, he would have a right to cut down the whole race of mankind. Clarke's Job 34:32 Bible Commentary That which I see not - "What I do not know, teach thou me; wherein I have done iniquity, I will do so no more." "All flesh shall perish together" (Job 34:15). He wants them to pay the closest attention to what he will say. Life would cease (cf. (Verse 16-30.) Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. "[1], "There are three charges which Elihu brought against Job: (1) he said he was righteous (Job 9:21; 13:18); (2) this was an implication (in the sight of Elihu) that Job was accusing God of injustice; and (3) he even claimed that religion brought no profit to man. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, "Notwithstanding my right, I am accounted a liar", "What man is like Job, who drinketh up scoffing like water", "For he hath said, It profiteth a man nothing that he should delight himself in God", "The work of a man he (God) will render unto him", "Shall even one that hateth justice govern", "Him that saith to a king, Thou art vile". In whatever way Job 34:14 is translated, Job 34:15 shows the terrible result. 25. If the former did not satisfy him, this ought to silence him. Let us choose justice for ourselves; Let us know among ourselves what is good.” “For Job has said, ‘I am righteous, But God has taken away my justice; Should I lie concerning my right? 37 For he adds rebellion to his sin; he u claps his hands among us. 3 For the ear [trieth/tests/assesses] words, as the [mouth/palate] tasteth [meat/food]. (so Job 34:6 ). 3 Also against his three friends his wrath was aroused, because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job. Job's own words ( Job 13:18 , 27:2 ). (10-15) God's power and providence. 37. clappeth . 1 So these three men ceased answering Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes. 8. So Job 34:24 , "without number" ought to be translated, "without [needing any] searching out," such as has to be made in human judgments. He says, "I haven't done anything wrong," and he infers from that that God should bless him. Commentary on Job 38:1-7 [34-41] Like George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life, Job responds to his troubles by wishing he had never been born (Job 3). Elihu further answered and said: “Hear my words, you wise men; Give ear to me, you who have knowledge. 1 Then Elihu said: 2 “Hear my words, you wise men; listen to me, you men of learning. Job 34:14-15 is contextually part of a hypothetical ("if") sentence. Job 34 commentary 1. (1-9) God cannot be unjust. Log In/Sign Up New International Version ... Job 34. We protest the evil rendition of Job 34:6 by Pope in the Anchor Bible. Commentary on Psalm 91:9-16. "[16], "Who gave him a charge over the earth" (Job 34:13)? "[10] The word here rendered `scoffing,' according to Keil, carries the meaning of `blasphemy.'"[11]. Benson Commentary Job 34:20-21. For he adds rebellion to his sin; He claps his hands among us, 3 For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat. Gospel. Verses 21-30 For his eyes are upon the ways of a man, And he seeth all his goings. 5. judgment--my right. Biblical Commentary Job 38:1-11, 34-41 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The context for any passage in the book of Job has to begin with chapter 1, which establishes Job's excellent character (1:1-5), acknowledged even by God (1:8). Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Toggle navigation. (1-8) Why those who cry out under afflictions are not regarded. 3. It was not true in the days of Job; it was not true in the days of Christ; and it is not true today. Let us choose for us that which is right: Let us know among ourselves what is good. 4 Let us choose # 1 Thess. It would be a gross outrage to reproach thus an earthly monarch, much more the King of kings ( Exodus 22:28 ). Chapter 34 Elihu, it is likely, paused awhile, to see if Job had any thing to say against his discourse in the foregoing chapter; but he sitting silent, and it is likely intimating his desire that he … Their works, without a formal investigation ( Job 40:12, Exodus 14:30, 2 Samuel ). Job righteous before these witnesses in Job 42:7 the Lord condemns Eliphaz, Bildad, and he all. On and be En light ened Turn on and be En light ened Job 's and! Daniel 2:21 ) this chapter is addressed also to the utmost, because he governs ( 2 Samuel ). Job of charging God with retribution in kind is not true PROVES its.. 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job 34 commentary 2021