eagerly in a sentence

This year, accompanied by the prize-winning pianist Jonathan Scott, his performance is as eagerly anticipated as ever. On the approach of the imperial election of 1519, Joachim's vote was eagerly solicited by the partisans of Francis I., king of France, and by those of Charles, afterwards the emperor Charles V. In Germany, the Jesuits were eagerly welcomed as the only persons able to meet the Lutherans on equal terms. Eager definition is - marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest. ‘Peering eagerly, I looked in the cradle to see my sister.’ ‘As the crowd stared eagerly at her sultry form, waiting for her to burst into song, she pondered her career choice.’ ‘It seems very sad that some people see this as entertainment, watching eagerly for the next instalment.’ The idea of securing the Protestant succession by legitimizing Monmouth again took shape and was eagerly pressed on by Shaftesbury; at the time it seemed possible that success would wait on the audacity. View more answers Q: Please show me example sentences with eagerly. While gamers sit eagerly in their rooms making space for the gaming beast, retail stores around the country get ready for the boom.Our very own Gregory Thompson happens to work in the electronics department of a retail store. The suffering Magyar multitudes eagerly responded to these seductive teachings, and the result was a series of dangerous popular risings (the worst in 1433 and 1436) in which heresy and communism were inextricably intermingled. As heiress of the rich Burgundian domains her hand was eagerly sought by a number of princes. Just then the Meletian schism, which arose over the relation of the orthodox to Arian bishops and to those baptized by Arians, distressed the church at Antioch (see Meletius Of ANTioex), and Jerome as usual eagerly joined the fray. Definition of Eagerly In an eager manner. Appointed by Governor Dennison one of three brigadiersgeneral of militia in 1860, he eagerly undertook the study of tactics, strategy and military history. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. 327 » by Various Griggs regarded Mary eagerly, as she sat with eyes downcast. He lived in close alliance with the Church, to which he was very generous, and entered eagerly into schemes for the conversion of his heathen neighbours. In November 1790 the town, which had long been eagerly expecting a manifesto from Burke's pen, was electrified by the Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event. adv anxiously; Example sentences: . Many of the fans of the Twilight series are eagerly looking forward to New Moon, Eclipse and finally Breaking Dawn. Standing among the crowd of peasants, Pierre recognized several acquaintances among these notables, but did not look at them--his whole attention was absorbed in watching the serious expression on the faces of the crowd of soldiers and militiamen who were all gazing eagerly at the icon. But, two years before, he had accidentally fallen in with a Latin copy of Euclid, which he eagerly devoured; and at twelve he attacked Newton's Arithmetica universalis. Carmen followed him out to the truck, eagerly allowing him to draw her into an embrace. During the earlier part of the 19th century the poem was eagerly scanned by the enemies of the Hohenzollerns, some of whom believed that the race would end with King Frederick William III., the representative of the eleventh generation of the family. If you're one of those candle enthusiasts who eagerly anticipates the fall releases, find out which scents should be on your "must have" list. In his theology he laid stress on the Gospel and on no sectarian opinions - he was, however, a pre-millenarianite - and he worked with men as much more "advanced" than himself as Henry Drummond, whom he eagerly defended against orthodox attack, and George Adam Smith. After listening a few moments in silence, the count and his attendant convinced themselves that the hounds had separated into two packs: the sound of the larger pack, eagerly giving tongue, began to die away in the distance, the other pack rushed by the wood past the count, and it was with this that Daniel's voice was heard calling ulyulyu. But we have to picture him as anon coming out and gathering about him a tatterdemalion company, and jesting with them until they were in fits of laughter, for the sake of observing their burlesque physiognomies; anon as eagerly frequenting the society of men of science and learning of an older generation like the mathematician Benedetto Aritmetico, the physician, geographer and astronomer Paolo Toscanelli, the famous Greek Aristotelian Giovanni Argiropoulo; or as out-rivalling all the youth of the city now by charm of recitation, now by skill in music and now by feats of strength and horsemanship; or as stopping to buy caged birds in the market that he might set them free and watch them rejoicing in their flight; or again as standing radiant in his rose-coloured cloak and his rich gold hair among the throng of young and old on the piazza, and holding them spellbound while he expatiated on the great projects in art and mechanics that were teeming in his mind. Find a lender that is willing to walk you through the process and eagerly assist you with any questions or concerns you have regarding purchasing a mobile home. Maria eagerly applies for French citizenship for her daughter, but time passes with no sign of Alexandra and no further contact with "Kursky". 1K. One day spent with the blind children made me feel thoroughly at home in my new environment, and I looked eagerly from one pleasant experience to another as the days flew swiftly by. How to use eagerly in a sentence. , Since they were about to become new parents, the couple eagerly awaited the arrival of their child on the day of the expected birth. 32 The boy who had carried our bags up to our room so eagerly was of course a boatman. Ozma was delighted and exclaimed, eagerly: There was now no one in the reception room except Prince Vasili and the eldest princess, who were sitting under the portrait of Catherine the Great and talking eagerly. Used to emphasize a strong desire to do or have something. One day, I found myself in Gloucester Record Office eagerly reading the microfiche of the Evenlode parish records. To many it has seemed a curious freak of Bruno's that he should have so eagerly adopted a view of thought like that of Lull, but in reality it is in strict accordance with the principles of his philosophy. He had formed a new and close friendship with Luca Pacioli of Borgo San Sepolcro, the great mathematician, whose Summa de aritmetica, geometrica, &c., he had eagerly bought at Pavia on its first appearance, and who arrived at the Court of Milan about the moment of the completion of the "Cenacolo.". 3. This statement is about a desire to listen to all presentations. Games like the Civil War chess set are eagerly sought after for their beauty and fine craftsmanship. This versatility gives the water bearer many opportunities to befriend very influential people who will eagerly open doors of opportunity for her. ), offered to acknowledge Portuguese suzerainty if he were restored to the throne by Portuguese arms, and Sebastian eagerly accepted these terms. How to say eagerly in English? `Their shape was often fantastic and they are now eagerly sought by collectors. 1. Examples from Classical Literature Both were talking and listening too eagerly and too naturally, which was why Anna Pavlovna disapproved. long-suffering Odysseus ate and drank eagerly, for it was a long time since he'd tasted any food. He looked eagerly around, but saw only a squirrel frisking among the trees and a rabbit hopping across the road. in 1 789 he eagerly espoused the democratic and anti-clerical mo p ement then sweeping over France. Everyone waited, so emphatically and eagerly did he demand their attention to his story. The death of Titus, if not hastened by foul means, was at least eagerly welcomed by his brother. It is not magnetic. Middleton in Calcutta, and Reginald Heber all over India, were eagerly using their opportunities. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Players eagerly pumped quarters and stared in awe at the lush graphics available only on these machines.From the mid 1970's to the mid 1980's, arcade video games were at their peak. Her tiny fingernails dug into his hand as she eagerly nursed. ABC channel Detroit news money eagerly refunded! Belliard began talking loudly and eagerly to the generals of the suite around him. On the day of battle the soldiers excitedly try to get beyond the interests of their regiment, they listen intently, look about, and eagerly ask concerning what is going on around them. The SI Swimsuit Edition is the most eagerly awaited issue of this popular magazine each year. As king of the Jews (37-4 B.C.) In 88 war broke out with Mithradates, and Sulla was appointed by the senate to the chief command, which was eagerly desired by Marius. "I want some mustard-seed," he said; and when the poor girl eagerly promised to bring some of so common a drug, he added, "you must get it from some house where no son, or husband, or parent or slave has died.". Now in its tenth year, over 900 people in the property industry are eagerly awaiting the season's biggest industry bash. The arrival of spring is very exciting to many, but for the pint-size among us, it is the Easter Bunny they have been eagerly awaiting. Heavy Rain is a title eagerly awaited by a certain kind of "serious" video game player. He is often wandering the streets. 186. The Rostovs' footman rushed eagerly forward to help him off with his cloak and take his hat and stick. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written© 2014-2020 Ludwig S.R.L.S. The definition of eager is ready and impatient to do something. Subject: (Not more than a sentence) Dear Sir/Madam, Body of the letter: Writing the body of the letter is crucial. Manhattan also has a surrogate race that is being eagerly watched. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. When you first purchase a game and eagerly remove the wrapper, take out the instructions and store them inside of a file folder or a large vanilla envelope. 655), than his whole kingdom eagerly accepted Christianity, and received missionaries, Irish and Northumbrian, from the victorious Oswio. He started at the words, and looked eagerly in her face for an explanation. 5. It stands near the positive end of the list of elements arranged in electromotive series, being exceeded only by the alkalis and metals of the alkaline earths; it therefore combines eagerly, under suitable conditions, with oxygen and chlorine. She eagerly informed the pair how she planned to attend tomorrow's ice festival activities, in search of first hand research for what was sure to be a winning chapter. Degrassi: The Next Generation spoilers are eagerly dissected by fans for news of their favorites. The chief objection to enforced labour has been the difficulty in ensuring this; but the convict nowadays eagerly tries his best, because only thus can he win privileges while in prison and an earlier release from it. His fingers dug into her breast as he eagerly nursed. Two of the following symptoms usually indicate some degree of dehydration: drinks eagerly, thirsty, restless, irritable, sunken eyes, or skin pinch goes back slowly. Samuel Taylor Coleridge — 1816 Preliminary note to'Kubla Khan', explaining the reasons for the fragmented end of the poem. Several people came round the corner talking eagerly. Whenever we needed a few moments alone, a dog walk was suggested and eagerly accepted. , After dressing in their Halloween costumes, the young boys eagerly walked from door-to-door asking for candy. He, at least, among the well-known scholars eagerly espoused Luther's cause, as he understood it. When Lord Raglan definitely asked him for support, he gave it willingly and eagerly, sending his troops up at the double, and it must be remembered that several British divisions took no part in the action for the same reason that actuated Bosquet. The progress of the war was eagerly followed, and only the reports most flattering to our army were circulated. This was the time of rapid development in the universities, where not only were the scholastic philosophy i~ and systematic theology eagerly studied, but figures, ~j1,iJlife appear like that of the great Roger Bacon, a scientific researcher of the first rank, whose discoveries in optics and chemistry caused his contemporaries to suspect him of magical arts. He is faithful and willing, in fact eagerly desirous, to see us go on to the end in victory. When the decision was known the populace, who had been eagerly waiting from early morning till night to hear the result, accompanied the members with torches and censers to their lodgings, and there was a general illumination of the city. The first of a series of ephemerides, calculated on these principles, was published by him at Linz in 1617; and in that for 1620, dedicated to Baron Napier, he for the first time employed logarithms. It does not appear that up to this time the Pascal family had been contemners of religion, but they now eagerly embraced the creed, or at least the attitude of Jansenism, and Pascal himself showed his zeal by informing against the supposed unorthodoxy of a Capuchin, the Pere Saint-Ange. est 1. Eager definition, keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing: I am eager for news about them. The Protestants eagerly sought out the writings which exposed and denounced the arrogance of the popes, while the Romanists attempted to counter them with the numerous lives of the saints. and rice - which are not indigenous - are eagerly sought after. But in 1753 he was eagerly engaged in having several of his improvements incorporated in a new press, and more than twenty years after was actively interested in John Walter's scheme of " logography.". This time she responded passionately, returning his kiss eagerly. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Follwing the spectacular success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Jackson went on to make one of the most celebrated and most eagerly anticipated remakes in history. All the way through The Sixth Sense you eagerly await revelation; shots of the depression pills and the cellar door demand explanation. Here he came into close relations with Vittoria Colonna, Contarini, Sadoleto, Bembo, Morone, Marco Antonio, Flaminio, and other scholars and leaders of thought; and many of the questions raised by the Reformation in Germany were eagerly discussed in the circle of Viterbo. The designer swimsuits section is always one of the most eagerly awaited parts of any catwalk show, and it's easy to see why: skimpy swimsuits show off supermodel physiques to perfection. She never tells a lie. He began to produce Satires, which were not printed, but eagerly passed from hand to hand; the first three are known to belong to 1593, the fourth to 1594, while the other three are probably some years later. Accepting the Jewish apocalypses as sacred books of venerable antiquity, they read them eagerly, and transferred their contents bodily to Christianity. Many genealogists using Apple products eagerly awaited the release of Family Tree Maker Mac at the end of 2010. When three years old he read eagerly such works as Rapin's History and began the study of Latin. Thus Mehring is justly claimed as the originator of comb-foundation, though the value of his invention was less eagerly taken advantage of even in Germany than its merits deserved. it needed strengthening, as, on the other side, the Roman Catholics, especially Albert, duke of Bavaria, were eagerly forwarding the progress of the older faith, which towards the end of this reign was restored in the important abbey of Fulda. The navy chafed at its inactivity and looked eagerly for some outlet where it could get at grips with its enemy. eagerly in a sentence Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the monsoon. In 1757 Voltaire came to reside at Lausanne; and although he took but little notice of the young Englishman of twenty, who eagerly sought and easily obtained an introduction, the establishment of the theatre at Monrepos, where the brilliant versifier himself declaimed before select audiences his own productions on the stage, had no small influence in fortifying Gibbon's taste for the French theatre, and in at the same time abating that "idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman.". Capricorn is one sign that will eagerly rise to any challenges Scorpio flings his way. The President's visit is eagerly looked forward to. He was gladly received by the king of Poland, and other neighbouring princes, welcomed by a large number of the people, and in 1348 invested with the margraviate by King Charles IV., who eagerly seized this opportunity to deal a blow at his enemy. 3. 9. She put down the geometry book and eagerly broke the seal of her letter. Eagerly in a sentence 31 The findings will be eagerly awaited. The Peloponnesian War, too, not only added a deeper interest to ordinary questions of policy, but also caused the relations of dissentient parties, of allied and belligerent states, of citizens and aliens, of bond and free, of Greeks and barbarians, to be eagerly debated in the light of present experience. Discouragement and weariness cast me down frequently; but the next moment the thought that I should soon be at home and show my loved ones what I had accomplished, spurred me on, and I eagerly looked forward to their pleasure in my achievement. The post of representative, and still more that of priest, was eagerly coveted and provided a scope for the ambitions which despotism usually crushes. We can divide the letter’s body into three parts- The introduction, the middle part, and the end. * I eagerly wanted to listen to all presentations. eagerly await your reply in a sentence - Use "eagerly await your reply" in a sentence 1. He seemed eager to talk all night. Two impressions, the quarto having possibly been completed by Schoeffer, arrived in England early in the summer of 1526, and were eagerly welcomed and bought. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Of course, just because it's the very epitome of utilitarian style doesn't mean every man will eagerly grab one. A: The student knew the right answer and eagerly raised his hand. They have found themselves living in a new age of editiones principes, and have eagerly welcomed the first publication of Aristotle's Constitution of Athens (1891), Herondas (1891) and Bacchylides (1897), as well as the Persae of Timotheus of Miletus (5903), with some of the Paeans of Pindar (5907) and large portions of the plays of Menander (1898-1899 and 5907). She eagerly latched on to his comment, hoping to divert her own mind to something less disturbing. The discoveries of Columbus awakened a spirit of enterprise in Spain which continued in full force for a century; adventurers flocked eagerly across the Atlantic, and discovery followed Sp aniards discovery in rapid succession. 39. The kids eagerly packed their bags for their trip to Disneyland. At long last, the eagerly awaited day of opening drew near - Sunday 2nd October 1927. It was in crises of national anguish that men turned most eagerly to the prophecies, and sought to construe their teachings as a promise of speedy deliverance (see Apocalyptic Literature). And the Kemps are eagerly awaiting next spring's batch of calves, which will include a number of calves imported from Canada as embryos. Set are eagerly awaiting the new game of Thrones episodes sentences and more for.! Find something to eat 1 789 he eagerly devoured hundreds of pages products awaited. Stipulated for a quick break, Tortilla & chocolate were eagerly sought after and their own prestige along it. Distant roof as I am eager for news of their favorites though they had eagerly accepted his great subsidies eagerly! Body and eagerly tore back the brown paper wrapping of recovering the grand duchy and holders... Had been eagerly awaiting his return to Wimbledon this summer to bring about were eagerly read and on... 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eagerly in a sentence 2021