caballero canyon trail

It exhibits sexual dimorphism in size and plumage, although both sexes have a rufous back with noticeable barring.

Cruscuta californica tends to be mostly partial to buckwheats and sages.

California coffeeberry is cultivated by plant nurseries as an ornamental plant. The seed was a main ingredient of a staple food, pinole. Males have a dark brown cap and a black face with a brown back, a grey-blue chest and a light brown belly. In winter and autumn, their diet is more dependent on nuts and acorns. We did not make it to the top where the various routes intersect, but we talked with other hikers who explained how the trails were connected.

Source: Wikipedia


Malosma laurina is a large, rounded evergreen shrub or small tree growing 10–15 feet tall. At 19–21 cm (7–8 in) long, it is also the smallest falcon in North America. Other common names include California-fuchsia (from the resemblance of the flowers to those of Fuchsias), Hummingbird Flower or Hummingbird Trumpet (the flowers are very attractive to hummingbirds), and Firechalice.

Poison oak cover can be thick in riparian areas and along stream banks. Caballero Creek Park will be located at the confluence of the Los Angeles River and Caballero Creek, the River’s only tributary stemming from the ecologically-rich Santa Monica Mountains. It is prized for use in native pant, water conserving, and wildlife gardens. as directed by Google Maps.

Source: Wikipedia

LENGTH ELEVATION DIFFICULTY SCENERY 4.3 miles See Text 5220 - 7240 ft 2020 ft difference Difficult .

CAUTION: Toyon may be toxic humans or animals if ingested. 


  • Learn what poison oak looks like in all seasons so you can avoid it.
  • Source:


    Adenostoma fasciculatum (chamise or greasewood) is a flowering plant native to Oregon, Nevada, California, and northern Baja California.This shrub is one of the most widespread plants of the chaparral biome.

    The American crow is omnivorous. NoahElhardt assumed (based on copyright claims), via Wikimedia Commons.


    The flowers of Indian paintbrush are edible, and were consumed in moderation by various Native American tribes as a condiment with other fresh greens.  The plant is not typically ingested unless other forage is unavailable, or the plant is incorporated into hay. 

    This deciduous oak requires year-round access to groundwater. In the fall, the leaves turn to gold and yellow before falling from the trees.

    ource: and 


    Heteromeles arbutifolia commonly known as toyon, is a common perennial shrub native to extreme southwest Oregon, California and Baja California. It can be used in large containers, natural landscaping, habitat restoration projects and as erosion control. The tail is long and typically very bushy. Mule deer have also been introduced to Argentina.

    It is classified in the red oak section (Quercus sect.

    CAUTION: Milkweed may be toxic humans and animals if ingested and the sap can be a skin irritant. 

    They are usually not aggressive toward humans unless humans attempt to feed or interact with coyotes. It has thick bark, deeply channeled or furrowed at maturity. Caballero Canyon Trail Intermediate.

    Source: UCANR


    Crotalus viridis (Common names: prairie rattlesnake, western rattlesnake, plains rattlesnake, and others) is a venomous pit viper species native to the western United States, southwestern Canada, and northern Mexico. Western rattlesnakes live on the land, but it can sometimes climb in trees or bushes. There are several similar-looking species of dodder in Southern California which tend to be fairly specific to their host plants. Western gray squirrels eat berries, nuts, a variety of seeds, and the eggs of small birds.

    Caballero Canyon Trail Purple Sage (Salvia leucophylla) Salvia leucophylla (Purple sage, Gray sage) is an aromatic sage native to the southern coastal mountain ranges of California and Baja California. The Caballero Canyon Trail is a very popular trail and is an entrance to several other trails. Laurel sumac has adapted to fire return intervals of 50-100+ years in the chaparral areas where it grows, and after a fire burns its above ground parts, a large burl underground resprouts new stems and leaves.


    Rhus integrifolia, also known as lemonade berry, or lemonadeberry, is a shrub to small tree. This pissed off all of the Union Glaciers …

    If you see a coyote, you can stop and watch, but do not approach it. It grows between sea level and 6,000 feet (1,800 m). According to a National Geographic TV program, the highest measured speed of a peregrine falcon is 389 km/h (242 mph).

    Some even rest in crevices or caves.

    Poison oak can be identified by groups of 3 leaves growing from single stems off non-thorny, woody shrubs or climbing vines: “Leaves of Three, Leave it Be!”. Cabarello is the easiest way to access the trail network in the northern portion of the Topanga State Park. Mature specimens may attain an age of up to 600 years. There are many urban hikers on the trail with off leash dogs, bells are a must have for this trail. It is found in mixed evergreen forests, oak woodlands, and shady lower elevation slopes in chaparral and woodlands habitats.

    It grows 5-60 in (13-152 cm) tall with alternately branching glaucous blue-green foliage.

    Its upperside is light blue in males and dull grayish blue in females. Like other members of the Toxicodendron genus, it can cause itching and allergic rashes in people after contact by touch or smoke inhalation.

    Bing Maps has a collection of great trails with directions to trail heads as well as photos.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Glaucopsyche lygdamus, the silvery blue, is a small blue butterfly native to North America. If any leaves are present, they are minute and scale-like.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Prunus ilicifolia, hollyleaf cherry or evergreen cherry, is native to the chaparral areas of coastal California (from Mendocino County to San Diego County), Baja California, and Baja California Sur as well as the desert chaparral areas of the Mojave desert. The leaves have a taco shell shape.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Dryopteris arguta, with the common name coastal wood fern, is a species of wood fern. The berries were also dried and stored, then later cooked into porridge or pancakes.

    It is native to the coast, California Coast Ranges, and western Transverse and Peninsular Ranges, from Mendocino County south to San Diego County.

    Rhus ovata is very drought-tolerant and prefers well-drained soil in a sunny location.The fruit and flowers are popular with birds and butterflies and the plant itself provides good habitat for birds.

    The pollen and hairs on leaves and flowers can be allergens for some people.

    You may follow the creekbed on down canyon, or better, follow the faint trail up a slight incline, rejoining the stream in about 1/2 mile. Some animal poo but you’re in nature so gotta be careful. As in many birds of prey, the male is smaller than the female. They are active hunters and will prey on mice, frogs, and other small animals.

    Source: Wikipedia

    Once a wild animal gets accustomed to being fed by humans there is much more likelihood that an individual will get bitten by an animal looking for food.

    It also attracts bees when flowering.

    It will feed on invertebrates of all types, carrion, scraps of human food, seeds, eggs and nestlings, and various grains. Caballero Canyon is located in the San Fernando Valley off of Reseda Boulevard.


    Source: ASPCA


    Salvia mellifera (Black sage) is a small, highly aromatic, evergreen shrub of the genus Salvia (the sages) native to California, and Baja California, Mexico. Turn left south across Ventura Blvd. Please login to leave a comment. Weights vary from about 0.8 to 2.2 pounds (0.36 to 1.00 kg), and length (including tail) from 17 to 24 inches (43 to 61 cm). Most of these attacks have been by young lions that have been forced to hunt on their own and are not yet living in established areas.

    CAUTION: Rattlesnakes may strike when they feel threatened or are provoked. Rattlesnake bites can cause serious injury. The bobcat is an adaptable predator that inhabits wooded areas, as well as semidesert, urban edge, forest edges, and swampland environments. Trail #103: The Caballero Canyon trail is 4.3 miles long. tons of mountain bikers. Lobatae).

    While many refer to scrub jays as "blue jays", the blue jay is a different species entirely. Recent research has suggested that scrub jays, along with several other corvids, are ranked among the most intelligent animals. When these birds go to hide their own acorns, they are known to check first that no other jays are watching.

    Use pet shampoo while wearing rubber gloves. The name reflects that in the past it used to be treated in a distinct genus Zauschneria, but modern studies have shown that it is best placed within the genus Epilobium. Caballero Canyon Trail is one of many trails providing connection to "Dirt" Mulholland (Mullholland Drive Trail). The first mile is a wide trail with enough room for bikers and hikers. From the 101, exit at Reseda Boulevard and head south. These birds have a curving crest or plume, made of six feathers, that droops forward: black in males and brown for females; the flanks are brown with white streaks.

    CAUTION: If you see a lion, stop and do not run. Be sure to travel in groups when in lion country. Very solid hike overall! Maintain eye contact and do all you can to appear larger.

  • Wash your pet if it may have brushed up against poison oak. There is a 3.6 mile loop trail located here that is moderately trafficked and allows dogs on a leash. It is native to western North America, mostly near the Pacific coast, from southernmost Alaska to southern California.

    One of the many predators of tarantulas is the “tarantula hawk” which is really a large wasp. This species is equipped with powerful venom, using about 20-55 percent of venom in one bite, and will defend themselves if threatened or injured. It is listed as "least concern" by the IUCN, on account of its wide distribution and abundance throughout North America, Mexico and into Central America. This common shrub is native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, where it grows on scrubby slopes and in chaparral and dry washes in a number of habitats.

    Caballero Canyon Trail Sacramento Ranger District T103 GPS Track (as .GPX) Left click to open in your browser; then save from browser. Mimulus is a diverse plant genus, the monkey-flowers and musk-flowers. 

    The flowers are small and white.


    It is the largest native tree squirrel in the western coastal United States. this is a good hike with nice views.

    Image Source: By Greystork at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,


    Platanus racemosa is a species of sycamore tree known by several common names, including California sycamore, Western sycamore, California plane tree, and in Spanish Aliso.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Salvia apiana (white sage, bee sage, or sacred sage) is an evergreen perennial shrub that is native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, found mainly in the coastal sage scrub habitat of Southern California and Baja California, on the western edges of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts.

    This resemblance is the source of both the common name hollyleaf cherry and its scientific name ilicifolia (Ilex-leaved, Ilex is the holly genus).

    The last half mile is medium to hard climbing with wide switchbacks. Tarantulas are not poisonous to humans, though like all spiders they have venom that is effective on small arthropods for subduing their prey. While female tarantulas can live for up to 25 years, the average lifespan of the male is only seven or eight years. 

    Remember, coyotes are wild animals. Its leaves have been shown to contain Thujone, which is suspected to have mild psychoactive properties, and Cineole, which is an antibacterial agent.

    In southern California, it is mainly found in relatively shady and wet areas. Caballero Canyon Trail. However, the trail can be dangerous as there’s a lot of hairpins and running into a downhill biker is definitely possible. They can be seen during the day, but they are most active in the evening and at night.

    Unlike the related white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), mule deer are generally more associated with the land west of the Missouri River, and more specifically with the Rocky Mountain region of North America. 4 It is the most important native source of honey in California, particularly attractive to numerous species of native bees and other pollinators. This species is also an important food plant for numerous native butterflies.

    They will key in on easy prey such as pets and small children.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Corvus brachyrhynchos, American crow, is a large passerine bird species of the family Corvidae.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is a deer indigenous to western North America; it is named for its ears, which are large like those of the mule. As with any wild animal, if it feels threatened by someone coming toward it or chasing it, it may feel the need to protect itself.

    Hollyleaf cherry is prized for cultivation because it is showy and easily grown from seed. They are active at dawn, night or near dusk, using their excellent hearing and night vision to locate prey. It is common in the coastal sage scrub of Southern California and northern Baja California. Red-tailed hawks can acclimate to all the biomes within their range.

    Tag: Caballero Canyon Trail. Just past a residential development, the one with the water fountains in front, you will see a canyon. This hike is intense! Ceanothus is a good source of nutrition for deer, specifically mule deer on the West Coast of the United States.

    Of course, parents should always keep an eye on children while on the trail, but coyotes pose no special danger. Caballero canyon trail is no joke - very technical - on the steep side. The eyes are white. Recommend doing the steep part as an initial climb rather than a downhill Schueby November 30, 2020
  • It’s best avoided by staying on the trail and wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts to prevent contact with skin.
  • This is my favourite trail so far Great views, great cardio workout and easy inclines. The project, which is a partnership between MRCA and the City of Los Angeles, will restore 1.5-acres of an asphalt lot into a multiple-benefit natural park. She then lays an egg on the spider. It has a small hard nut in a shallowly grooved, thick shell that is difficult to remove.

    (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times) 2 … It is the most common falcon in North America, and is found in a wide variety of habitats.

    Image: No machine-readable author provided. The fragrant leaves and stems give chaparral its characteristic fragrance. There are quite a few bugs everywhere but nothing a little bug repellent can’t fix. Through this structure, dodder draws its nourishment from the host. The fruit is a dry achene.

    It was not clear which was Caballero Canyon trail; turns out they all are and all lead to the top area along the unpaved Mulholland Road. ...instead of following the official trail, stay in the creek bottom... and follow it up and around into North Caballero Canyon, turning right into that drainage, and follow it up to where it connects with the pipeline route. Poison oak has waxy or shiny green leaves in spring and early summer. It is native to dry slopes and in chaparral of western North America, especially California. Western gray squirrels exhibit a form of coloration known as counter shading. Most pets are not sensitive to poison oak, but the oil can stick to their fur and cause a reaction in someone who pets them. Caballero Canyon and Reseda Loop is a 3.7 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located near Los Angeles, California that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate.

    Toyon flower are visited by butterflies. Big figure 8.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The black-chinned hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) is a small hummingbird.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Ceanothus is a genus of about 50–60 species of shrubs or small trees in the family Rhamnaceae. It's a gentle uphill two miles past open grasslands, chaparral slopes and live oaks. They are flavorful, although they have almost no aroma. It inhabits a variety of open and semi-open areas, including subtropical forests, shrublands, pastures, and deserts.

    It is an extremely adaptable bird, occupying a broad range of habitats. Tree squirrels undergo a complete head-to-tail molt in the spring and a rump-to-head molt in the fall. In both sexes, the underside is gray with a  row of round spots of variable size depending upon region. It is the official state flower of California. The lemonade berry plant is found on dry slopes in coastal areas of southern California and northern Baja California. Add comment . The branches terminate in bunches of white tubular flowers five mm diameter, with five petals and long stamens. The adult male has a red cap starting at the forehead, whereas females have a black area between the forehead and the cap.

    It is a flowering perennial sending up many thin, erect stems and bearing distinctive long pointed leaves which are very narrow and often whorled about the stem, giving the plant its common names. Discover trails like Caballero Canyon Trail California, find information like trail length, elevation, difficulty, activities, and nearby businesses. The dorsal fur is a silver gunmetal gray, with pure white on the underside; there may be black flecks in the tail. There is a small part on the small of their backs where there are some green feathers.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The long-eared owl (Asio otus, previously Strix otus) is a species of owl which breeds in Europe, Asia, and North America. For more trail and hiking information, visit the website.

    CAUTION: Coyotes may be dangerous to pets (small dogs). If your pet is leashed and you and your pet are on the trail, it is very likely that the coyote will not try to attack. Coyotes generally are not interested in confronting people, even small children.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Comarostaphylis diversifolia, summer holly or California comarostaphylos, is a species of shrub in the heath family. The ears turn reddish-brown at the back in the winter. It can be cultivated for its seeds, which are commonly used as a spice. > Caballero Canyon Trail > Gallery.

    Asclepias fascicularis is a specific food and habitat plant of the monarch butterfly. It is cultivated by specialty nurseries as an ornamental plant and used in butterfly and wildlife gardens, and in native and water conservation gardens, and natural landscape projects. 

    It has some switchbacks and drops. The brain-to-body mass ratio of adult scrub jays rivals that of chimpanzees and cetaceans, and is dwarfed only by that of humans. 

    The small (1 mm) seeds are hard and vary in color from dark brown to black. Accordingly, "the abundance of this species in the hills above Los Angeles... gave rise to the name Hollywood."

    Caballero Canyon Trail This 3.4-mile round trip hike ascends a canyon on the north side of the Santa Monica Mountains with views over the San Fernando Valley. It is endemic to Southern California where it is found along the coast, inland hills, and some Transverse Ranges and Peninsular Ranges.It is a member of the chaparral, grasslands, and lower montane coniferous forest plant communities.

    It turns red in late summer and autumn before its leaves fall leaving behind bare branches during winter.

    Source: UCANR


    The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), also known in some North American regions as the turkey buzzard (or just buzzard), and in some areas of the Caribbean as the John crow or carrion crow, is a vulture that is the most widespread of the New World vultures. Keep children next to you. It is a perennial plant, notable for the profusion of bright scarlet flowers in late summer and autumn. The most usual call is CaaW!-CaaW!-CaaW!.

    The valley oak's deeply lobed leaves assist in identification.

    The American crow is one of only a few species of bird that has been observed modifying and using tools to obtain food.

    Join us for a moderate to strenuous 10 to 11 mile roundtrip (semi- loop) hike that begins at the Caballero Canyon Trailhead in Tarzana. The glacier carved out this canyon in a short 67 days. It blooms in clusters of lavender or lavender-tinted white flowers which have five reflexed lobes that extend down away from the blossom. Caballero Canyon Trail is one way to reach Mulholland Drive’s spectacular views of the San Fernando Valley. This out and back trail in Tarzana is a great starter hike.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Eschscholzia californica, also known as the Californian poppy, golden poppy, California sunlight, or cup of gold, is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae, native to the United States and Mexico. Access from the south end of Reseda Boulevard.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Artemisia californica, also known as California sagebrush, of the Asteraceae family, is a shrub that grows in coastal sage scrub, coastal strand, chaparral, and dry foothill communities, from sea level to 800 m (2600 ft.). As a result, there is a lot of traffic on it (both bikers and hikers). Other common names for members of this genus are wild lilac, and soap bush.

    Clusters of pale colored urn shaped flowers attract hummingbirds in spring, and large drooping clusters of dark red berries are fed upon by birds in late summer.

    Recent rains have made the area particularly green, but have also caused some erosion and muddiness on the trail, so be careful. From LA, take US-101 north, exit Reseda Blvd. Located on the north side of the Santa Monica Mountains in Tarzana, Caballero Canyon Trail is a straightforward dirt single track that ascends 625 feet over 1.7 miles to an unpaved section of Mulholland Drive. Platanus racemosa is native to California and Baja California, where it grows in riparian areas, canyons, floodplains, at springs and seeps, and along streams and rivers in several types of habitats.

    The main trunk can fork close to the ground, making it look like two trees that have grown together, then diverged. Caballero Canyon Trail is a 5.1 mile heavily trafficked loop trail located near Tarzana, California that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate. MTB Caballero Canyon TrailENCINOLos AngelesMountain Biking on Caballero Canyon Trailsingletrack fire roadSports Camera 4K Action Cam x1000v Sony

    CAUTION: Black Mustard may be toxic to horses. Caballero Canyon Trail is one of many trails providing connection to "Dirt" Mulholland (Mullholland Drive Trail). Park on the dirt strip next to the trailhead or across the street. See Details The lemonade berry occurs in both chaparral and coastal sage scrub communities. They are typically active diurnally in cooler weather and nocturnally during hot weather.



    Asclepias fascicularis is a species of milkweed known by the common names narrowleaf milkweed and Mexican whorled milkweed. The plant is typically found on dry hillsides and in gravelly soils. Toyon is a prominent component of the coastal sage scrub plant community, and is a part of drought-adapted chaparral and mixed oak woodland habitats.

    Source: and


    Epilobium canum, also known as California fuchsia or Zauschneria, is a species of willowherb in the Evening Primrose Family (Onagraceae). Native Americans made a tea from the leaves as a stomach remedy. Look for the trailhead on the right before you reach the end of the road. There are believed to be several subspecies, including the black-tailed deer. The Californian species are commonly known collectively as California lilacs, with individual species having more descriptive common names. Compared with the eastern gray squirrel S. carolinensis or the eastern fox squirrel (which have been introduced into its native range), these squirrels are shy, and will generally run up a tree and give a hoarse chirping call when disturbed. It remains in some of its original range, but local populations are vulnerable to extirpation by coyotes and domestic animals.

      These birds wait on perches to swoop down on unsuspecting prey; they may also catch insects in flight. The other grouping of owls are the barn owls, family Tytonidae.

      Source: Wikipedia


      The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is an omnivorous mammal of the skunk family Mephitidae. Their diet consists mainly of small mammals such as mice or rats, birds, and large insects; however they are opportunistic predators, even taking small trout at night. Indian paintbrush has similar health benefits to consuming garlic if only the flowers are eaten in small amounts and in moderation.

      I picked the tougher side of the loop with a breathtaking view. Look for the trailhead on the right before you reach the end of the road. It is native to western North America from Washington to Baja California, where it grows on hills and mountains slopes along the coast and inland.

      While the boulevard offers speedy access to an extensive trail network that begins up top, take your time and make the ascent via the Caballero Canyon Trail instead. Except for the central feathers, the tail is mostly black, contrasting with the paler body; this contrast is especially noticeable when the bird is in flight.

      Source: Wikipedia

      , Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority. Overall a fun hike.



      Castilleja affinis is a species of Castilleja known by the common name coast Indian paintbrush.

      One subspecies, the Palos Verdes Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis), is a endangered blue butterfly native to the Palos Verdes Peninsula in southwest Los Angeles County, California. Moderate traffic-a few hikers and more bikes. My LA to Z: Wilmer Valderrama. trail guides.

      Source: Wikipedia

      There will be a sign on the trailhead: Caballero Canyon trailhead.

      Source: Wikipedia


      The California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) is a species of frog that is endemic to California. It is a highly versatile species, whose range has expanded a midst human environmental modification.

      4. The trail is open for the following uses: Hiking, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Motorcycle Trail Riding

      Source: NPS


      Baccharis pilularis, called Coyote Brush (or Bush), Chaparral Broom, and Bush Baccharis, is a shrub in the Asteraceae that grows in California, Oregon, Baja California, and New Mexico.

      California scrub jays, like many other corvids, exploit seasonal food availability by storing food in scattered caches. NOTE: the bikers were considerate, announcing themselves or being visible. Not too busy at all for a Saturday afternoon, would definitely do this one again. It is commonly found in disturbed soils including along road- and trail-sides. Tail hair is replaced only in the spring. It likes full sun, loose open soil (porous), and tolerates drought conditions well. Located on the north side of the Santa Monica Mountains in Tarzana, Caballero Canyon Trail is a straightforward dirt single track that ascends 625 feet over 1.7 miles to an unpaved section of Mulholland Drive.

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      caballero canyon trail 2021