udumbara flower scientific name

Udumbara refers to both the tree and the flower/fruit. The leaves wither in December and new leaves are seen by end of January- April. Together, these two are … Found in: The plant is found in China, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. Your email address will not be published. This tiny white flower measures only 1 millimeter in diameter and blooms once every 3,000 years. The name udumbara comes from the ancient Sanskrit language, meaning an auspicious flower from heaven. The scientific name is Ficus racemosa. Fruits Of Udumbara Plant. There is a mention of Udumbara in Rig Veda about its efficacy in the treatment of piles, intestinal worms’ ulcers and as a blood purifier. The tree has been worshipped as Abode under which Lord Dattatreya teaches that to teach first learn from others however small or big. Udumbara-kuṣṭha is characterized by buring sensations, itching and pain, red colors with brown hair and resemble the udumbara fruit. Scientific name: Rafflesia arnoldii. this is the plan of evolution in analogy. It is also said that these rare flowers are the symbol of reincarnation of none other than the royal king, Lord Buddha himself. It is a fast-growing plant with large, very rough leaves, usually attaining the size of a large shrub, although older specimens can grow quite large and gnarled. In Atharva Veda, Udumbara is considered to bring in prosperity and destroy enemies. In Buddhist literature, this tree or its fruit may carry the connotation of rarity and parasitism. And while nothing can be said about the former, except that, being a symbol of the Initiates, it grows within Shambhala and is capable of releasing its roots from the soil in order to move to another location, we may — at least slightly — lift the veil of secrecy concerning the latter. Ficus racemosa ( syn. [8] Udumbara can also refer to the blue lotus (nila-udumbara, "blue udumbara") flower. In ancient times, there was a warrior clan known as Udumbara in the Sub Himalayan region, now known as Himachal Pradesh where coins with the motif of the Udumbara tree were found. The udumbara flower is said in Buddhist legend to bloom only once every 3,000 years, the last time being before the birth of Buddha. This blooms in late June and August. The tree grows upto a height of 10-16 mts. According to Vamana Purana, Udumbara arose from the north-south side of Yama. Ficus racemosa, the cluster fig, red river fig or gular, is a species of plant in the family Moraceae.It is native to Australia and tropical Asia. Scientific name: Unknown. Udumbara flowers are a tiny white tulip-shaped flower that grows on a white thread-like stem. It is also used to treat dysentery. Bark has anti diabetic, anti inflammatory, anti pyretic and diuretic properties. The genus is the bigger grouping; to get more specific in identifying a plant within a genus, we refer to its specific epithet. All Rights Reserved. Jul 26, 2020 - Explore Tuan Duong's board "Udumbara Flowers" on Pinterest. The paste of the tender leaf buds applied on the skin improves the skin complexion. These rare white flowers don’t have a scientific name and are said to bloom once every 3,000 years. The name is used in Buddhist scripture to refer to a mythical tree that is said to bloom only once every 3,000 years, or an exceedingly rare flower. In India, the bark is rubbed on a stone with water to make a paste, which can be applied to boils or mosquito bites. This tiny white flower measures only 1 millimeter in diameter and blooms once every 3,000 years. The Ovambo people call the fruit of the cluster fig eenghwiyu and use it to distill ombike, their traditional liquor.[10]. For other uses, see Udumbara (disambiguation). This is the standard of how the scientific name of a plant or animal should be written. There is a mention of the Udumbara in chapter 2 and 27 of the Lotus Sutra, a Mahayana Buddhist text. Name that plant Identify plants and flowers when you upload a picture or take a photo with your phone. In the Guru Charita, it is mentioned that Guru Dattatreya resides in Udumbara tree. Unlike other flowers, the stinking corpse lily has no visible stem, root, or leaves. Scientific names or Binomial Nomenclature is a scientific process wherein entities such as plants, animals, living entities are named and they are derived from Latin. In fact, at the heart of this way of assigning scientific names to plants is a simple two-word formula, whereby the first word is the genus name and the second one the species name or "specific epithet." In Buddhist Mythology, it is believed that the flower blooms only once in three thousand years, symbolizing events of rare occurrence. Udumbara has anti inflammatory, anti pyretic, anti diuretic, anti bacterial, heptoprotective, antioxidant, and chemo preventive and anti filarial properties. Ficus glomerata). Udumbara is known as the Blue Lotus (Nila Kamal) in Buddhism. The vernacular names are in Hindi it is known as (Gulara), Kannada (Atti), Assamese (Jagna Dimaru), Telugu (Medi Pandu), Tamil (Malaiyin munivan), Malayalam (Atti), Bengali (Jagnadumur), Marathi (Audumbar) Gujarati (Umbro) and Oriya (Dumburi). Latex is given to treat sexual debility in men. For rakta pitta, an extract of the ripened fruit mixed with sugar is anti dote. Mar 18, 2016 - Explore grace Chang's board "優曇婆羅" on Pinterest. The wood being sacred is used in havan or yagna. The juice of the fruit is effective in treating hiccups, dysentery and aids in digestion. Leaves: Leaves have anti diarrhoeal, antihyperglycemic, and hypoglycaemic, anti inflammatory and anti bacterial, hepato protective properties. The dry bark powder is applied topically to treat skin infections, mosquito bites and boils. Measuring no more than 1 millimetre in diameter, Youtan Poluo is commonly known as Udumbara. Maharishi Chakra has classified the herb as having diuretic property. The genus is the bigger grouping; to get more specific in identifying a plant within a genus, we refer to its specific epithet. The seeds germinate in crevices atop trees. In Buddhism, it is a metaphor for that which is supernat urally rare. A native to China, its local name is Udumbara. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is always something to be learnt from One and to learn new things one has to learn to unlearn as per the time. Fact: Also known as the Udumbara flower, Youtan Poluo is one of the rarest plants. Your email address will not be published. The English names of the plant are Cluster Fig Tree, Indian Fig Tree, or Goolar Tree. The fig is a staple food of the Indian Macaque, besides serving as a food plant for the caterpillars of the butterfly species- the two brand crow. The tree is native to Australia, Malaysia, South East Asia and Indian Sub Continent. Since the flower needs a special fungus to survive it is one of the rarest flowers known in the world. The dried powder of the leaves mixed with honey is used to treat liver infections. Allow the paste to dry on the skin and reapply after a few hours. Together, these two are … The flowers were mentioned in Buddhist scriptures and in 2010, were discovered in the home of a nun in Lushan Mountain in China’s Jiangxi province. This is an evergreen plant, parts of the plant are traditionally used as edible, fodder and ceremonial rituals. The tree also grows in hilltop areas too. Root sap:  The root sap has hypoglycaemic properties, thus effective in treating diabetes. Another name of Lord Vishnu is Udumbara. Each scientific name consists of two parts - a generic (or genus) name and a specific name or epithet. Udumbara is the name of a legendary flower in Buddhism. Apsaras are said to reside in the Udumbara tree. Leaves are dark green measuring 7.5 – 10 cm long and ovate. Image credit: Papava/Shutterstock.com. The latex is applied topically on cuts, boils, muscular pain, pimples and haemorrids. One of the medicinal plant known as Udumbara or Audumbar. Each scientific name consists of two parts - a generic (or genus) name and a specific name or epithet. The fruits are edible and have high nutrient value. Bark of the Udumbara tree is reddish grey or greyish green, soft on surface, uneven and often cracked. The fruits are commonly eaten as a vegetable after the seeds have been discarded, and made into stir-fries and curries. The rough leaves of the plant can also be used to remove caterpillar bristles lodged in skin. The throne was also constructed out of the Udumbara wood and the Kind would ascend the throne on his knees chanting the names of gods to ascend the throne along with him. Latex gives relief when applied on any swelling. Genus Name: Sansevieria; Thus it is common to see Udumbara tree in the precincts of Guru Dattatreya temple. According to Vedas, the Udumbara tree symbolises good luck. If you want to search a specific name, you may use the search box below. is a species of plant in the family Moraceae. The tree does not have aerial roots. Here is an example of writing the scientific name of the snake plant. Learn the scientific names and different varieties, and find similar flora. The plant belongs to the family of Moraceae. According to the Shatapatha Brahmana, the Audumbara tree was created from the force of Indra, the leader of the gods that came out of his flesh when he overindulged in soma: From his hair his thought flowed, and became millet; from his skin his honour flowed, and became the aśvattha tree (ficus religiosa); from his flesh his force flowed, and became the udumbara tree (ficus glomerata); from his bones his sweet drink flowed, and became the nyagrodha tree (ficus indica); from his marrow his drink, the Soma juice, flowed, and became rice: in this way his energies, or vital powers, went from him. The decoction of the leaves is an antidote for glandular swelling, abscess, chronic wounds, cervical adenitis, etc. The name udumbara comes from the ancient Sanskrit language, meaning an auspicious flower from heaven. Lady’s Slipper Orchid A lady's slipper orchid in a forested land. The scientific name of Cape Sundew flower is Drosera capensis. The other Sanskrit names are Apushpaphalasambandha, Haritaksha, and Hemadugda. We have listed Flowers scientific names along with their common names. Stinking corpse lily. These rare white flowers don’t have a scientific name and are said to bloom once every 3,000 years. Guru Dattatreya is a sage representing the Holy Trinity- Lord Brahma, the Creator, Lord Vishnu- the Maintainer and Lord Shiva, the Destroyer. Scientific name: Ficus racemosa: Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: MORACEAE: English name: Cluster fig, Custer fig: Local name: Attikka: Tamil name: Sanskrit name: Udumbara, Sadaphala, Hema-daudhaka, Jantuphala, Yagyaanga ... the base, ripening rose-red; body 20-30 mm wide (35-50 mm, living). Udumbara is the Sanskrit name for the fig tree. SciName Finder™ is a search tool for scientific/common (vernacular) names of plants and animals written by Anders Møller, Danish Food Information. Fruits: Fruits act as astringent, stomachic and carminative agents. It is also said that these rare flowers are the symbol of reincarnation of none other than the royal king, Lord Buddha himself. Not just in China, Indian folklores also have similar stories doing round, precisely about the incarnation of a sage king that interestingly also point towards Lord Buddha. The eggs are laid in a pattern similar to a flower, and its shape is used for divination in Asian fortune telling.[9]. The fruit is green when raw, changes to orange or dullish red or dark crimson on ripening. The flowers are not distinctly visible unlike other flowers. According to Buddhist legend, the Udumbara flower, also known as Youtan Poluo, blooms once every 3,000 years.Its name in Sanskrit translates to an auspicious flower from heaven.Such a cluster of tiny, white flowers was found in the home of a Chinese nun, in … Bark:  Bark of the Udumbara tree consists of several important chemicals such as Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Phosphorous, Nickel, Copper, Lead, Sodium etc. Udumbara is a medium to large deciduous spreading tree. Measuring no more than 1 millimetre in diameter, Youtan Poluo is commonly known as Udumbara. These seedlings grow their roots downwards and envelope the host tree almost entirely with its branches and roots, sometimes causing the host tree to die. It is famous with the name of fig tree. Ficus racemosa, the cluster fig, red river fig or gular,[2] is a species of plant in the family Moraceae. A native to China, its local name is Udumbara. See more ideas about Flowers, Plants, Rare flowers. A common folk remedy is to rub the affected area lightly with a leaf, which effectively dislodges the stinging hairs. Source for information on Udumbara (Center): Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology dictionary. However there is an actual udumbara or udumbara tree, which is the ficus racemosa, a wild fig tree found in the Himalayan foothills. In religious practice, it is also known to mark the arrival of a royal king. "Udumbara" is a Sanskrit word, meaning "an auspicious flower from heaven." to have used as the tree for achieved enlightenment (bodhi) by the 26th Lord Buddha, Konaagama (Sinhala: කෝණාගම). The Youtan Poluo flower is 1mm in diameter and emits mild yet noticeable sandalwood-like fragrance. The seeds within the fruit are grain like, tiny and innumerable. Fruits are used as cardiac tonic. The tender leaves are used as fodder for cattle. If you want to search a specific name, you may use the search box below. “The Udumbara flower (ficus racemosa) is a small flower of the Cluster Fig. Udumbara generates oxygen throughout the entire day. The scientific name is Ficus racemosa. In fact, at the heart of this way of assigning scientific names to plants is a simple two-word formula, whereby the first word is the genus name and the second one the species name or "specific epithet." Not just in China, Indian folklores also have similar stories doing round, precisely about the incarnation of a sage king that interestingly also point towards Lord Buddha. The local name for this rare flower, in China, is Udumbara. According to Buddhists texts, Digha Nikaya and Buddhavamsa, Udumbara is considered sacred, as a former Buddha- Konagamana is said to have attained enlightenment under the tree. All parts of the plant like the leaves, fruit, bark, latex and sap of the root is used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Ayurveda classifies the properties of Udumbara as follows: Rasa (taste):  Kashaya, /Madhur (Astringent and Sweet), Guna (characteristic):  guru (Heavy), Ruksha (dry), Doshaghnata: balances Kapha and Pitta doshas. One such secret is a delicate flower which is said to bloom once in 3,000 years! There’s no doubt that ancient Ayurveda is filled with natural, awe-inspiring secrets. These include two flowers that have become known to the world under the names Shin-Dza (Senzar) and Udumbara (Sanskrit). All Diseases Abnormal heart rhythms; Acidity; Acne; Agoraphobia; Allergy Additionally, the throne (simhasana) was constructed out of this wood and the royal personage would ascend it on his knee, chanting to the gods to ascend it with him, which they did so, albeit unseen. The bark, fruit and latex are used to treat constipation, anaemia and dysentery. Cape Sundew was first exposed in South Africa. It is unusual in that its figs grow on or close to the tree trunk, termed cauliflory. 2) Udumbara (उदुम्बर) is a Sanskrit word [probably] referring to Ficus racemosa (Indian fig tree), in the Moraceae family. The tree is seen planted in all the places associated with Lord Dattatreya who is seen as an icon Rishi a sage who represents all the three of the trinity of Hinduism: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Creator, Preserver and destroyer) needed for each one to learn by unlearning the obsolete. The flowers were mentioned in Buddhist scriptures and in 2010, were discovered in the home of a nun in Lushan Mountain in China’s Jiangxi province. High nutrient value mixed with sugar is anti dote grows upto a height of 10-16.... Of Borneo and is even featured on Indonesian postage stamps rarest plants common folk remedy is rub... Not distinctly visible unlike other flowers your phone or italicized rough leaves of the aspirin. 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udumbara flower scientific name 2021