root ball hedging

Unlike bone meal, rootgrow should be in direct contact with the plant roots to colonise them as quickly as possible. Spend £250 get 2.5% Discount, £500 get 5% Discount, £1000 get 10% Discount, £4000 Get 15% Discount 11 Items Most evergreens will not need trimming until the second year onwards when the sides can be lightly clipped to shape as required. Plants up to 120cm tall in a single row –  prepare a strip at least 40cm wide. Unlike other conifers, it produces red, berry-like fruit instead of cones. Root ball plants will have a ‘nursery mark’ on the stem, this is where the soil level was when they were growing here on the nursery. Most of the work is done by the time your plants have established and ‘filled out’, it should then be healthy and growing strongly. Root Balled Hedging Plants Many evergreen plants are sold as root balled, particularly large plants. Root ball hedging plants are normally available between October and March depending on the weather. You are here: We recommend using Rootgrow when you plant new hedging of all types, this is a really useful product endorsed by the RHS, an easy to apply product containing native mycorrhizal fungi that colonise plant roots greatly increasing the availability of water and nutrients to your new hedge. 5% discount for new subscribers, plus the latest news, offers and discounts. The first summer after planting is the most critical time for a newly planted hedge, it really is essential that new hedges have enough water, light and nutrients to establish and grow away well. Looks and grows very similar to Beech, however the leaves have much deeper veins. Plants need to establish new roots before coming out of dormancy and need a close eye kept on watering, especially as the new leaves emerge. Please see the best4hedging range of Planting Essentials for further information. As a guide, a new hedge will need at least 5-10 litres per metre of hedge, twice a week but larger root ball plants will need substantially more. Use spiral tree guards to protect the stems, smaller plants will need a 90cm bamboo cane to support the plant and the guard. Privet hedging is a very traditional English form of hedging. This is all wrapped in a hessian sack (or wire for larger specimens) which is left on whilst planting and will decompose naturally. ScotPlants Direct despatch … As late October/early November is the best time for planting (less risky than planting in March/April) we recommend pre-ordering to ensure delivery of your plants at the start of the planting season. This is a perfectly normal response from the plant trying to conserve water while establishing new roots. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE HESSIAN MESH around the roots when planting, it is there to protect the roots and will rot away completely over time, although once the plant is in position the tie around the stem can be loosened or cut (but only when you have placed the plant in position, started to backfill and the plant won’t need to be moved again). The best fertiliser to add is bone meal, an organic slow releasing feed as this encourages root growth which is essential to get your hedge established, as a guide 1 kilo will be enough for about 15 metres of hedge planting on a single row. Rootgrow should be sprinkled into the planting hole or trench directly next to the roots. In the following years deciduous hedges will make a denser hedge more quickly of the annual growth is shortened slightly. However, pot-grown plants are equally suitable but cost a little more. In the period from delivery to planting you should make sure that they are kept moist at all times. Root-ball and bare root plants are at risk of drying out very quickly. Really strong gales can even dislodge plants to the point that the roots become exposed which is also fatal. Unpack your root ball plants and aim to plant them as quickly as possible after delivery (especially later in the season – March and April). Root ball plants will usually need a deeper and wider trench than other types of hedging as they can have substantial root systems. We have Box (Buxus sempervirens) from 25cm high to 160cm high. If you are not planting immediately they can be stored in a protected place away from drying winds and kept well-watered for a few days, this can be in a sheltered spot outside or in an unheated shed or garage (but not a greenhouse). We strongly recommend mulching new hedges to improve the success rate and vastly improve growth in the first year or two, especially on lighter soils that don’t retain moisture. A new hedge needs to have a trench (or individual holes if you prefer) large enough so the roots can spread out naturally, surrounded by well-prepared soil they can grow into and establish, not have their root system squeezed into the smallest possible hole. Make sure the sides and bottom of the trench have been loosened with a fork to allow drainage and remove any compaction and give the newly emerging roots a foothold. They are dug from the fields where they grow much fatter than in … By continuing to use this site, you agree to accept these cookies. Hedging. Do try to get the site ready before your plants are delivered, this way you will be able to plant more easily and quickly especially if the weather is bad after delivery. Bare root laurel should be planted November to end of March. Another tactic for ensuring the healthy establishment of your plants is to plant with Rootgrow, this organic fertiliser has been proven to improve plants' ability to absorb water and nutrients whilst increasing their tolerance to drought and disease. Quick buy. From November until mid-April we can supply very good quality evergreen bare root and rootball hedging. Plants up to 120cm tall in a double row – prepare a strip at least 60cm wide. Unless your soil is already good, it will pay to improve it by adding organic matter like well-rotted manure, garden compost or general planting compost/soil improver which should be well mixed in with the surrounding soil. Suits most soils Excellent for screens and hedges. This site uses cookies to provide and improve your shopping experience. Preparing thoroughly now can be time consuming but is still much easier than trying to remedy problems after planting so is time very well spent. With good care and watering, new shoots will emerge a few weeks later and the plants will catch up. The root ball is then wrapped in biodegradable hessian to protect it. It’s Yew Hedging Root ball season once again! Mulching should be carried out as soon as possible after planting and before weed seedling appear, watering very well beforehand if the soil is dry. Similarly to bare root plants, root ball hedging plants are grown naturally in a field but this growing method is normally reserved for much larger species. Give the top of your new hedge its first trim just short of the proposed final height as this will make it fill out. Rootballed Taxus Baccata 'Instant Hedging' Yew is an extremely hardy, disease resistant native tree. The root ball is then wrapped in biodegradable hessian to protect it. Root Ball Hedging Mail Order Only If you want to collect from our nursery, you must order through our website and await a call to confirm your order is ready. De Kuil Hedging can offer you a full range of sizes and wide choice of varieties in this key landscaping area. Root ball hedging plants are more cost-effective than buying the same sizes in the pot grown equivalent as they are cheaper to grow (no re-potting required). Straightening up a newly planted hedge is much easier than trying to take remedial action when they have grown much larger. Extra attention to loosening the sides and base with a hand fork will be needed and care needs to be taken not to mix poor quality subsoil with your topsoil. The soil and roots are wrapped with a biodegradable hessian wrap which will decompose with time. Is a great way to get large hedging plants for less of an outlay. The success rate for planting root balls is high, but not as high as pot grown hedging plants. A mulch should be applied at least 5-8cm deep (2-3 inches) deep and at least as wide as the strip you have prepared. In order to remove these dormant plants from their field, machinery is used to scoop the roots out of the ground whilst cutting out the surrounding soil. New hedges need to be kept well-watered if the weather is dry, especially evergreen root ball plants. It is important that bone meal does not come into direct contact with plant roots as it will scorch them, make sure the bone meal is well mixed with the soil and water well a day or so before planting if it is very dry. Again, like bare roots, root ball plants are only available from late October to April. Root ball hedging plants do not need pruning after planting except for removing the occasional damaged or wayward stem. As a rule, deciduous hedges can be trimmed in mid to late summer while evergreen hedges are best trimmed in early spring or early autumn but there are always exceptions, recommended timings for trimming all hedge species can be found on our website or in our catalogue. If it is very windy do protect the roots of your plants leaving them exposed to the wind for the shortest possible time. This is the time of the year when plant growth is dormant and we can sell plants direct from the ground as a root ball without having to pot them up, meaning even more value for money for you. Quick buy. Carpinus Betulus root ball is an ideal cost effective instant hedging tree, commonly known as the Hornbeam, is a superb long established native hedging tree. They are grown in the field and dug with a ball of soil around the roots. Plants are allowed to grow naturally and when harvest time comes we scoop them up, with roots and soil intact. Well-tended plants will grow away more quickly and will tend to resist pests and diseases. Sprinkle a handful of bone meal on top of the dugout trench at the point where the root balls meet the bottom of the trench. ROOT BALL 160-180cm Extra THUJA plicata 'Atrovirens' Western Red Cedar Large sized conifer Fast growing, upright habit. Full details. Root balled hedging is a great way to get large hedging plants for less of an outlay. © 2021 best4hedging. Best Selling Products. Mulching is still a great idea on heavier soils that can dry out and crack on the surface in dry spells for most plants except for Box and Yew where too much moisture can be trapped making these species more susceptible to root diseases. Lemon Citrus Tree-From £34.99. They are especially economical when looking for very tall or bushy plants and will help in achieving instant impact more quickly. Root ball hedging plants are grown and nurtured as nature intended in fields rather than containers. Taller plants may need staking, particularly on windy and more exposed sites where (firmly supported) windbreak netting may also be useful. At our nurseries, evergreen hedging is a speciality and a passion. Once the mature plants are dormant, which happens during the cold autumn / winter months, they are taken out of the ground with the soil around the plant’s root ball intact and wrapped for protection in biodegradable Hessian sacking. Strong winds (even moderate breezes) can cause newly planted hedging plants to rock and sway opening a hole around the stem that can then fill with water which will eventually kill the plant. It is possible to prepare the site with a mini digger which can save time but some heavy soils can smear or compact sealing the edges and bottom of the trench trapping water which will kill the roots. Our most popular Rootball hedging species Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) Rootball hedging plants. Evergreens, especially, are often sold as root-wrapped, where the roots are in a soil ball contained by a fabric casing. Always make sure to plant them back at the same depth. From £12.99 Box hedging or Buxus sempervirens as it’s also referred to as, is the ideal … Root ball hedging plants are normally available between October and March depending on the weather. Leylandii Hedging (cupressocyparis leylandii), Brachyglottis ‘Sunshine’ Hedging & Shrubs, Hardy Fuchsia Hedging – Hardy Fuchsia Shrubs, Monterey Cypress Hedging (Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’), Bergenia Cordifolia Purpurea Ground Cover, Candy Floss Tree Ornamental Trees & Shrubs, Plant species that rabbits don’t eat (Box or Yew). Plants over 200cm tall in a double row – prepare a strip at least 80cm wide. Plants up to 200cm tall in a double row – prepare a strip at least 70cm wide. Sign up to receive our newsletter and discount codes. Rootball plants during this time are not actively growing, but economical for planting large areas of ground. They are dug from the fields where they grow much fatter than grown in containers. The same principles apply to using an auger to make the planting holes, it’s a great idea if you have a lot of planting to do and can save a lot of time – but the hole must be big enough so the roots can spread out naturally, there must be space for a backfill of loose soil around the roots and the sides and base of the hole must be loosened before planting to allow drainage – otherwise you will have a row of sealed/compacted sump holes and very poor success rate. It grows relatively quickly and is tolerant of most soil types and clips easily to form a neat, dense and tidy hedge. Yew leaves are evergreen needles that clip beautifully into a formal hedge. Home » How to Plant a Hedge » How to Plant Rootball Hedging, Planting guide for Root Ball hedging plants. Hedging plants are often supplied as bare-root specimens, which are usually inexpensive. Thuja has been a popular alternative to leylandii hedging for many years. Some of the most popular hedging choices are Common Beech, Common Yew, Hawthorn and Laurel, whilst Box plants are perfect for a formal, tightly clipped hedge or to make a knot garden. Cherry Laurel Root Ball Hedging - PALLET DEAL-From £177.00. To maintain this, we recommend an annual feed and mulch in spring keeping the hedge in tip top condition. Multi stemmed or bushier plants will need either circles of wire netting for the individual plants supported with a small stake, or the whole area secured with rabbit netting. Ideal for privacy, we have a wide range including buxus hedges, hornbeam and beech hedges. Root ball plants will usually need a deeper and wider trench than other types of hedging as they can have substantial root systems. The not so secret 'secret' about planting a successful hedge is water! Poorly drained planting sites always benefit from having some sharp sand or grit added in the same way, planting on a slightly raised mound can also help on wet sites, or adding perforated drainage pipe to get rid of excess water. English Yew Root Ball Hedging - PALLET DEAL-From £260.00. Root Ball Hedge plants have an advantage as they come with the soil in the Rootball and can only be moved when they are dormant (November - March). Hedges are a garden’s living walls, and evergreens make the best hedges of all. After planting water the new hedge thoroughly – as a guide for evergreens, 5 litres for each smaller plant (under 1 metre), 10 litres for each medium plant (1 to 2 metres) and 20 litres for each large plant (over 2 metres). Bare root hedging plants are a great way to create a large hedge or fill a big space at a fraction of the cost of the same plants in containers. This is simply the plant reacting to the shock of the temperature change and they just need a good watering to see them through. Full details. As expected, the success rate will increase if they are planted into their final position before spring and as soon after delivery as possible. It's a relatively fast-growing plant and creates a super formal hedge in any garden. Check your new hedge regularly and re firm plants where necessary until they are well established. Root Ball Hedge Plants Similarly to bare root plants, root ball hedging plants are grown naturally in a field but this growing method is normally reserved for much larger species. Root ball plants can be planted from November into May. Quick buy. Buying root balled privet hedging is a cost effective way to plant a larger privet hedge in the colder months of the year. For hedging and screening, the cost-effectiveness and instant impact of heavy grade root ball hedging plants is hard to equal. A mulch is a layer of organic matter such as bark chips, garden compost or similar material that is applied to the surface of the soil around your new hedge (but not touching the stems) to supress weeds and conserve moisture. Planting with Rootgrow is highly recommended. If in doubt check how wet the soil is a few inches under the surface. Make sure the sides and bottom of the trench have been loosened with a fork to allow drainage and remove any compaction and give the newly emerging roots a foothold. Plants up to 60cm tall in a single row   –  prepare a strip at least 30cm wide. All Rights Reserved. Many evergreen plants will ‘moult’ or defoliate many leaves, or the leaves may turn yellow following warm weather (this can happen very quickly). Buy bare root hedging online at English Woodlands. It is also important to protect the roots from frost. Back fill making sure that the soil ground level is slightly above the soil level of the top of the root ball. Plants up to 200cm tall in a single row     –  prepare a strip at least 50cm wide. They can be left in these fields (watered and fed) for many years, meaning that when they are ready for delivery, our customers are provided with mature, healthy hedging plants, perfect for establishing a new hedge quickly. Green Beech Root Ball Hedging Trees Green Beech is a plant native to the UK and is commonly seen growing in woodlands and open fields. Planting quickly after delivery is a certain insurance against your hedging plants deteriorating and will without doubt give the best results. They must be kept free of all weeds including grass over the whole width of the planting area (even the short grass of a lawn will compete for moisture and nutrients) for at least the first 2 years. In the first season after planting a new hedge will almost always come into leaf much later than an established hedge of the same species. best4hedging Registered office Five Acres, Dawbers Lane, Euxton, PR7 6EE, Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5:30pm | Sat-Sun: 9am-4pm, The 10 most common pests and diseases of Hedging Plants in the UK, Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia' hedging, Prunus laurocerasus 'Etna' ('Anbri') hedging. If it is very dry you need more water, just moist them you are watering correctly, if it is very wet and sticky then cut back. Backfill the trench around the root ball which should then be well firmed without compacting it to remove any air pockets being sure to hold onto the plant as you firm to keep it straight. The golden rule is to ‘stay in tune’ with your hedge, check the soil regularly a few inches down, not just on the surface and observe the plants – if the leaves start to flag then they almost certainly need water. This means new hedges of any species will establish far more quickly, this can be especially important with bare root and root ball evergreen hedging plants that are vulnerable to losing moisture through their leaves after planting, particularly in the warmer spring months. Growth rate 30-60cm per year; For Sales and Advice, or further details on our Laurel hedge plants (Prunus laurocerasus) please call us on 01798 831008, or Email Us at We stress the importance of keeping large evergreen plants thoroughly watered and recommend watering the planting hole prior to planting them in and generously watering the plants again after planting. Portugese Laurel Root Ball Hedging - - PALLET DEAL-From £239.00. Plants over 200cm tall in a single row    –   prepare a strip at least 60cm wide. On over 30 hectares of open ground production, we grow the classic evergreen hedging plants that bring distinction to any planting scheme: Portuguese Laurel, Cherry Laurel, Box and, English Yew.However big the plants – and we can … Order your root ball hedging plants now and get an early November delivery - and start your planting early. There are many variables here, different sizes and species will use differing amounts of water, and different soil types will need water more or less frequently, planting at the end of the season (March and April) will leave un-watered plants much more vulnerable than the same plants planted earlier in the season. Don’t let us put you off, just be aware that these small details can make a very big difference to the end result. Box. If the planting site is very dry it should be well soaked before planting allowing time for the excess to drain away. Dig a trench so that when plant is placed –where the top of the roots meets the stem- it is slightly above the soil level. Full details. If the site is very wet the mini digger will almost certainly compact the soil (as well as making a very muddy mess!) Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) is the most popular low hedging... Green Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Rootball hedge plants. A green beech hedge will be an excellent source of shelter and food for wildlife such as birds and small mammals. Plants are allowed to grow naturally and when harvest time comes we scoop them up, with roots and soil intact. Here are some rough minimum guidelines you might find useful but if in doubt, go a little wider, especially for bushy root ball plants like laurel and privet. If possible do try and avoid planting if the ground is frozen, or immediately after very heavy rain as the soil can compact easily when very wet which will then make it difficult for the roots to establish. This is because they are dormant (sleeping) during this time so will not go in to shock from being transplanted. Failure to do this can dramatically reduce … They can be left in these fields (watered and fed) for many years, meaning that when they are ready for delivery, our customers are provided with mature, healthy hedging plants, perfect for establishing a new hedge … Buy 10x 1 – 1.25 Metre Tall Yew Trees for an amazing price – UK delivery Rabbits can cause serious damage to new hedges, if you have a rabbit problem there are three options: Other animals can also cause damage so please do check your new hedge regularly. Planting Instructions For Root Ball Yew Hedge. The width of your prepared ground will depend on the size of plants, and whether you are planting a single or double row. It is very important to remove all perennial weeds and grass from the planting area which should be thoroughly dug over as a trench to at least 20cm (8 inches) deep for smaller plants (up to 60/80cm tall), 30cm deep for larger plants making sure that the sides and bottom have good drainage, loosening with a fork if necessary. The most popular sizes for box (Buxus sempervirens) plants to make parterre hedging and knot gardens are 25-30cm or 30-35cm tall. Plants up to 60cm tall in a double row – prepare a strip at least 50cm wide. Best4hedging begin taking pre-orders for root ball hedging plants from mid-summer and build up a huge amount of pre-orders between then and the end of October. Root balled Thuja hedging Why should I plant a Thuja hedge? The best way to minimise these effects is to do everything possible to encourage a new strong root system – good soil preparation, applying bonemeal, using Rootgrow, keeping the area completely free of weeds and grass, mulching and watering regularly and sufficiently. If you have a lot of perennial weeds it might pay to use a systemic weedkiller such as ‘Roundup’ (kills the roots as well as the leaves of weeds) a week or two before preparing the site following the recommendations on the pack. Its olive green shiny foliage and cinnamon red shredding bark give it an attractive look and the foliage when crushed gives off a pleasant aromatic scent. Water each day unless it has rained heavily for at … Root Ball hedging plants are normally quite large and are delivered with a substantial ball of soil inside a biodegradable hessian bag. View all. First thing to remember is to leave the hessian / wire root ball on the plant – this is to protect the plan to thrive with out the root system being disturbed. so its better to either wait for drier weather and improved conditions, or do the work by hand. For the best success rate, root balls should be planted into their permanent positions as soon as possible and generously watered during their first year. Evergreen hedging plants also appreciate misting over the leaves which like all watering should be done in the evening when the heat of the day has passed. Please note that large root balls (1m and taller) may be inclined to defoliate or suffer from yellowing of the leaves during their first bout of hot weather. This will need to be repeated once or twice a week in dry weather especially for Thuja, Laurel and Privet root balls. Cost effective way to get large hedging plants are only available from late October to April wet the soil of. 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root ball hedging 2021