discord in a sentence

Quoting on Discord takes a chunk of text and turns it into a blockquote. 5. Violent persecutions of heretics and of the numerous Jews brought in new elements of discord. Although easy to do, not all people know how to create a new line in a Discord message without sending it. Since that time it has been the foundation on which the policy of Austria-Hungary has depended, and it has survived all dangers arising either from commercial differences (as between 1880 and 1890) or national discord. Need to translate "IN DISCORD" from english and use correctly in a sentence? To these elements of discord we must add: - (r) That the Arabs, notwithstanding the bond of Islam that united them, maintained their old tribal institutions, and therewith their old feuds and factions; (2) that the old antagonism between Ma`adites 1 - (original northern tribes) and Yemenites (original southern tribes), accentuated by the jealousy between the Meccans, who belonged to the former, and the Medinians, who belonged to the latter division, gave rise to perpetual conflicts; (3) that more than one dangerous pretender - some of them of the reigning family itself - contended with the caliph for the sovereignty, and must be crushed collie que collie. 3. Throw anger into the mix and soon a volatile potion of discord is brewing on the coals of what was once a happy marriage. and the " national question," i.e. Discordance sentence examples. 2. They considered that every offshoot of civil discord is mischievous, because it revives the contest which it is the interest of all to put down. Examples of Discord in a sentence. But, like all the vicissitudes, of the Italian race, while it was a decided step forward in one direction, it introduced a new source of discord. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But Sauveur fixed the limiting number of beats for the discord far too low, and again he gave no account of dissonances such as the seventh, where the frequency of the beats between the fundamentals is far beyond the number which is unpleasant. New lords, or petty tyrants, rose to power in turn during this period of civil discord, but the military valour of the Pisans was not yet extinguished By sea they were almost impotent - Corsica and Sardinia were lost to them for ever; but they were still formidable by land. The impact this is having on our education systems has been to bring about discord and an element of confusion. Where hanging out is easy. You'll find a lot of Andy Warhol influence in Betsey's designs; in fact, you can expect a universe of discord from these bags. - The Hit (1984 film) Ares demands a birthright from Zeus, and Zeus makes him god of hatred, discord and war. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Discord definition is - lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas). All Rights Reserved. Similar words: discordant , discount , discourse , discourage , discouraged , scorn , score , cord . The arsenals of Pola and Cattaro were already in the hands of the insurgents; and the Emperor Charles, in the hope either of winning the favour of the new regime in Zagreb or of throwing an apple of discord between it and the Entente, signed a decree on Oct. If there had been discord between her parents, she had never seen any indication. Mutual discord first sapped the prosperity of Magna Graecia. No discord has yet been found between them. They spread discord and discomfort wherever they are. Give it a try at some point. wristbands Band of hope brings discord December 19: Those little white wristbands sold by Make Poverty History were the fashion accessory of 2005. Discord among the great families broke out again, and the attempt to put an end to it by a marriage between Buondelmonte de' Buondelmonti and a daughter of the Amidei, only led to further strife (1215), although the causes of these broils were deeper and wider, being derived from the general division between Guelphs and Ghibellines all over Italy. Her discords did not shock their supersensitive ears. discord, disunity, conflict at the level of the church could have devastated the integrity of their testimony. The same agency produces discord between Abimelech and the Shechemites (Judges ix. Meanwhile fresh discords were brewing among the plebeians at the head of affairs. In spite of the perpetuation of all the old abuses and the continual appearance of new devices for increasing the papal revenue; in spite of the jealousy of kings and princes, the attacks of legists and the preaching of the heretics; in spite of seventy years of exile from the holy city, forty years of distracting schism and discord, and thirty years of conflict with stately oecumenical councils deliberating in the name of the Holy Spirit and intent upon permanently limiting the papal prerogatives; in spite of the unworthy conduct of some of those who ascended the papal throne, their flagrant political ambitions, and their greed; in spite of the spread of knowledge, old and new, the development of historical criticism, and philosophical speculation; in spite, in short, of every danger which could threaten the papal monarchy, it was still intact when Leo X. In England the inevitable conflict of interests between the new mercantile power, growing conscious of its national strength, and the old, standing insistant on the letter of its privileges, was postponed by the factional discord out of which the Hansa in 1474 dexterously snatched a renewal of its rights. 2. . And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low pitch and a concord at a high one, it beats sensibly at the former pitch but not at the latter.". Here are many translated example sentences containing "IN DISCORD" - english-czech … 37. I am one of the consumers of the platform, and use it daily to give various news and talk with the people. 4. This excited the jealousy of Toghrul Beg, who summoned him to give up Hamadan and the fortresses of Jebel; but Ibrahim refused, and the progress of the Seljukian arms was for some time checked by internal discord - an everrecurring event in their history. Family discord, physical or sexual abuse, and an upcoming legal or disciplinary crisis are also commonly associated with completed and attempted suicide. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call. Evidence of family dysfunction: In some families, a daughter's eating disorder serves as a distraction from marital discord or other family tensions. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The law remains a powerful symbol of discord between the parties. A note of discord has crept into relations between the two countries. No echoes of that discord shall be heard. But hardly had this settlement been reached when a fresh element of discord threatened to wholly upset matters - the adoption of Protestant principles by the city. There is no discord then; there is the very opposite. What was new in them was a certain uneasiness and occasional discord, which there used not to be, and which, as Nicholas soon found out, was due to the bad state of their affairs. How conciliate the passions, the conflicting interests, the incompatible characters, in short, the innumerable disparities which engender so much discord? Their relationship was fraught with discord because they lacked communication skills. There's no magic sorcery involved, simply pressing the the SHIFT and ENTER keys at the same time will create a new line. 1. Yes, it's that simple. Similarly, quoting on Discord allows you to turn a … The amendment which has just been proposed by the Senator from Kentucky will, I fear, prove to be the apple of discord in this body. 21) the apostle found in many of them a disheartening slackness, due to discord and incipient legalism. 3. Read more… He would bring the same kind of economic stagnation, internal turmoil and discord to our country that other dictators bring to theirs. Discord is defined as lack of agreement or lack of harmony. The Persian supremacy, however, was not based upon the power of the empire, but only on the discord of the Greeks. 3. Examples of 'discord' in a sentence discord. , Because they had differing views, the council experienced discord on how to proceed with the issue. Mr. O'Hara wouldn't tolerate discord in the office. Comparative tranquillity and material comfort had succeeded to discord and rough living. In addition to the other subjects of dispute already in agitation, the succession to the imperial crown became a new apple of discord. It also earned a share of the muck raking with behind the scenes tales of discord competing with storyline spoilers for splash page value on entertainment websites. Meanwhile the crisis had arrived, and the discord of Oxford and Bolingbroke had become patent to all the nation. He brought the Turks into the field against them; he incited the native population of Transoxiana against their Arab lords, and stirred up discord between the Arabs themselves. 100 examples: Previous studies and literature on fish quality assessment have reported… Bohemia was now again for a time free from foreign intervention, but internal discord again broke out caused partly by theological strife, partly by the ambition of agitators. 3. In 1243 he was obliged to cede to Venice, Zara, a perpetual apple of discord between the two states; but he kept his hold upon Spalato and his other Dalmatian possessions, and his wise policy of religious tolerance in Bosnia enabled Hungary to rule that province peaceably for many years. But the result of this freedom was confusion and discord, as is indicated by Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians (see chapters xi., xiv.). But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 4. Discord in a sentence. discord in the universal harmony, and we must restore that harmony. He enjoyed a triple wergeld, but had no definite salary, being remunerated by the receipt of certain revenues, a system which contained the germs of discord, on account of the confusion of his public and private 1 The changing language of this epoch speaks of civitates, subsequently of pagi, and later of comitatus (counties). His phlegmatic and persistent egotism, his sacrifice of truth and honour to self-interest, his acquiescence in the worst conditions of the world, if only he could use them for his own advantage, combined with the glaring discord between his opinions and his practice, form a character which would be contemptible in our eyes were it not so sinister. Signs of discord in Pacoima emerged toward the end of summer. It is to vanquish racial discord from our hearts and spirit. 6), and a modern writer imagined that he reconciled this discordance by the supposition that he was born at Athens, but lived at Alexandria. Chilperic retrieved his position, took from Austrasia Tours and Poitiers and some places in Aquitaine, and fostered discord in the kingdom of the east during the minority of Childebert II. After he left Washington, Jackson fell into discord with his most intimate old friends, and turned his interest to the cause of slavery, which he thought to be attacked and in danger. When Nicole Richie took a happily married man to a strip club on The Simple Life, it caused a "minor discord" according to The Acorn. 3. 2. There has always been discord over NATO's role in world conflict: 20. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Menu. On the negative side, when metal is introduced to wood, this creates discord. Sidetes in 128 left him a free hand, Hyrcanus (135-105) soon carved out for himself a large and prosperous kingdom, which, however, was rent by internal discord owing to the antagonism developed between the rival parties of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The wrongdoers are in profound discord. The same discord between his private opinions and his public actions maybe traced in his conduct subsequent to 1534. But I find discord in your midst, strife and confusion. . Discords sentence examples. I sense an apple of discord between you two? Similar words: discordant , discount , discourse , discourage , discouraged , scorn , score , cord . U . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A few years later discord arose among the allies. The EU Commission has unwittingly brought about some discord through its own actions. Discord; Discording; Discorded; Discords; 1. Looking for sentences with "apple of discord"? Problems and discord between partners can affect performance. Meaning: ['dɪskɔːd] n. 1. Weariness, complacency or discord, squabbles over petty matters, would mar our prospects. If there is any misunderstanding and discord between you and Mary, I can't blame her for it at all. Discords must not be taken unprepared, because a singer can only find his note by a mental judgment, and in attacking a discord he has to find a note of which the harmonic meaning is at variance with that of other notes sung at the same time. 0. The consequence is that they take a pride in accentuating their national characteristics, a circumstance which threatens to develop into a new source of discord. You can overcome the marital discord these separate beds create by covering them with a pink sheet. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. He was also the first to discard the use of wooden bomb-shells, and substitute others cast in bronze. He is his turn tried to stem the tumultuous current which had borne him along, and to prevent discord; but the check to his policy of an understanding with Prussia and with Sardinia, to whom, like Richelieu and DArgenson, he offered the realization of her transalpine ambition in exchange for Nice and Savoy, was added to the failure of his temporizing methods in regard to the federalist insurgents, and of his military operations against La Vend~e. Peace he will plant where discord grew before. The revolutionary journalists, Desmo`ulins in his Revolutions de France et de Brabant, Loustallot in his Revolutions de Paris, Marat in his Ami du people, continued to feed the fire of discord. Discord can be a root cause of problems. Link within a sentence Follow. 2. Her long reign had not lacked intelligence and even greatness; she alone, amid all these princes, warped by self-indulgence or weakened by discord, had behaved like a statesman, and she alone understood the obligations of the government she had inherited. Examples of discords in a sentence: 1. Rudolph resented this indignity very greatly, and until his death in January 1612 the relations between the brothers were very strained, but this mainly concerns the history of Hungary and of Bohemia, which were sensibly affected by the fraternal discord. 1. Alter hundred and fifty years of foreign war and civil discord, at period when order and unity were ardently desired, an absolutt monarchy had appeared the only power capable of realizint such aspirations. Sentence with the word discord. In the later legends of the Trojan War, Eris, lot having been invited to the marriage festival of Peleus and Thetis, flings a golden apple (the "apple of discord") among the guests, to be given to the most beautiful. international discord in a sentence - Use "international discord" in a sentence 1. Not that there is any discord betwixt them; but rather a friendly harmony, when each hath its place and respect. He therefore proposed that there should be an international conference for the purpose of focusing the efforts of all states which were " sincerely seeking to make the great idea of universal peace triumph over the elements of trouble and discord.". Though the discord resulting between the states on account of this failure was subsequently allayed for a time by a treaty granting to Brazil the right to navigate the river, every obstacle was thrown in the way by the Paraguayan government, and indignities of all kinds were offered not only to Brazil but to the representatives of the Argentine and the United States. As greatly asserted on the Discord Forums, Discord Developers might likely introduce a transformative update on “Enter Behaviour” for configuring hotkeys on entering a new line or sending messages. Within the country the traditional antagonisms, regional, political, religious, still lived on, tending even to become more pronounced and to be complicated by the introduction of fresh elements of discord. Temperament and discord were in the air too and they erupted during a brief residency in Upstate New York: 19. How to use discord in a sentence. The apple of discord, the arrows of Philoctetes, the invulnerability of Achilles, and similar fancies, are the additions of later poets. The first year of Leo's reign saw a memorable siege of his capital by the Saracens, who had taken advantage of the civil discord in the Roman empire to bring up a force of 80,000 men to the Bosporus. A note of discord surfaced during the p A source of abundant discord was opened by the provision that each state should contribute its quota to the Federal revenues. Knowing that discord is destructive in the classroom, the teacher wanted to foster a sense of community among her students. Pretorius (q.v.) The globes set up their seductive rhythms as before, but he could not hear them above the discord of his squeaker. Discord is really okay, and you can even run it in a browser if you don't want to have the app. Part of the king's ransom was still owing to England; other causes of discord between the two nations existed, and in 1436 these culminated in a short war. For instance, there has been almost no discord in Washington's convention delegation. Meiring on Monday said his decision to retire was prompted by what he labelled discord and distrust sparked by the leakage of the report.. Meiring said his request was prompted by what he labelled discord and distrust sparked by the leakage of a Military. And he that soweth discord among brethren. The boundary line between the countries was an apple of discord between the two countries. Example sentences for "discord" in popular movie and book plots. No discord has yet been found between them. She started the coffee and picked up an empty pop bottle from the counter to discard in the trash. To these elements of discord we must add: - (r) That the Arabs, notwithstanding the bond of Islam that united them, maintained their old tribal institutions, and therewith their old feuds and factions; (2) that the old antagonism between Ma`adites 1 - (original northern tribes) and Yemenites (original southern tribes), accentuated by the jealousy between the Meccans, who belonged to the former, and the Medinians, who belonged to the latter division, gave rise to perpetual conflicts; … Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. The reason for this change lay partly in the fact that the ephors, chosen by popular election from the whole body of citizens, represented a democratic element in the constitution without violating those oligarchical methods which seemed necessary for its satisfactory administration; partly in the weakness of the kingship, the dual character of which inevitably gave rise to jealousy and discord between the two holders of the office, often resulting in a practical deadlock; partly in the loss of prestige suffered by the kingship, especially during the 5th century, owing to these quarrels, to the frequency with which kings ascended the throne as minors and a regency was necessary, and to the many cases in which a king was, rightly or wrongly, suspected of having accepted bribes from the enemies of the state and was condemned and banished. In spite of the endeavours of their rulers, the Sla y s of Poland and Lithuania did not wish to attack the kindred Bohemians; the Germans were prevented by internal discord from taking joint action against the Hussites; and the king of Denmark, who had landed in Germany with a large force intending to take part in the crusade, soon returned to his own country. discord from in a sentence - Use "discord from" in a sentence 1. Synonym Discussion of discord. 6. Such is the view expressed by Cicero in the De legibus (iii. 11 sentence examples: 1. He left his wife for a mistress, Elizabeth Holland, was in discord with his family, and lived to see his two nieces, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, and his son Surrey, the fiery-tempered poet, go in turn to the block. Quotes are mostly taken from a sentence, statement, or phrase that someone said (with reference). , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). GomeeS.SQL March 11, 2019 03:13 - English (US) Hello, my name is Gomes, and today I am here to give a suggestion to the management team of Discord. These support the idea that negative politeness (avoidance of discord) is more important than positive politeness (seeking concord ). 19: Those little white wristbands sold by Make Poverty History were the fashion accessory of 2005 examples. 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discord in a sentence 2021