brown discharge after stopping depo

A few weeks ago, I had intercourse and I noticed a brown discharge the day after. Since then to date, I have been getting kind of a discharge, sometimes bloody, other times just brown, no smell. Dark brown discharge about a month after stopping Depo Provera? With continued use, some women find that the brown discharge improves and that they have longer time periods when they have no bleeding at all. My boyfriend and I had sex with a condom on July 8th and July 15th, condoms everytime. I had 3 lots of depo shots so therefore was on the injection for 9 months I was meant to have my last injection in February but didn’t go for it I was Bleeding from April until the end of May. I was put on depo at age 13 because I had a tumor develop on my ovaries. Brown discharge not so much. Then I had absolutely nothing from May until middle of september ! Thought I’m safe for 4 months but I heard people get prego like 2 weeks after there shots due? If you stop getting the shots, you can also get this for some time. I just want to know if anyone else has bled one time only on one day and then it just stopped. For the first few days after birth, lochia contains a fair amount of blood, so … My last shot was DUE on October 20th, 2011 and I never went back to get it since it changed to $60! Is the effect of the depo not as strong when you are bleeding? 3.29.12: Please see our latest update on this topic, Questions Remain about Effects of Stopping Depo-Provera. I’ve been on the for about 5yrs now , I’ve had maybe 2-3 periods since I started. Depo Provera stops the ovaries from releasing eggs and causes the cervical mucus to thicken and changes the uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to enter or survive in the uterus. once you stop DepoProvera, after few months your cycle will be normal. After a year of use, many women stop having periods but still continue having irregular brown discharge. It was darker brown discharge followed by some spotting. What could this be? I switched from depo to mirena about a month ago. My last shot was DUE on October 20th, 2011 and I never went back to get it since it changed to $60! My shot is about due but my ovaries hurt badly. I had an abortion on March 13th 2015. depo provera and brown unpleasant smelling discharge? After the stop use of the shot I have been feeling depressed, bad mood swings, I don’t care to eat at all, bad cramps, light brown discharge… orgasm could provoke uterine contractions and contractions could provoke brown discharge. (The term comes from a Greek word that means "relating to childbirth.") Question: I've had one shot of the depo which ran out in may ever since ive had red blood bleeding which stopped for a few weeks and returned. I have been on deps since last August 2014. DMPA can provide contraceptive effect during 3 months - contraceptive injections should be…. So we have ruled out pregnancy, would you agree? Everyone is different, so it's impossible to know how long it may last for you. Select one or more newsletters to continue. I have been on the Depo shot for two years, until my insurance changed. Why am I getting brown discharge if I'm on Depo Provera shot? I’ve been taking the depo for about 6 months now. (I am a vet and give it myself) I’m 33 and this is all very new with my body. Please help, many women have similar symptoms after DepoProvera – it is your body is trying to “go back” to your normal hormones – check more in – You can no longer rely on Depo to give you any protection after the due date of your next shot. the brown discharge is just residual uterine lining. All people who use this website must respect / agree to these policies. Everyone but everyone is telling me to go to the doctor, I just figure there isn’t anything they can do to make it stop. Brown Discharge After stopping Depo??? if I stop taking the shot will the brown discharge stop? I am not going because i do not like the depo. Depo Provera is 97-99.7% effective as birth control but unfortunately DMPA has several unpleasant side effects including BROWN DISCHARGE as well as some serious health risks (osteoporosis, obesity, breast cancer). I was experiencing PMS before my shot but after getting the shot my period never came. I would have one last period in may and now it is June 20th and I noticed a brownish discharge when I wiped in the bathroom. May decrease risk for ovarian and uterine cancers. Will this continue or should I go to a doctor? Estrogen helps stabilize the endometrial (uterine) lining. Normally my periods last 3 days but in this case, by 13th they kind of disappeared. WordPress, Antivirus, Anti-spam, Anti Bot Attacks, Anti Hacker Attacks,,,, Pleae help! What is this? I have been on the depo shot for about a year and a few months. I got my very first depo shot in may, i am due for another Aug.2nd. In other words, I was on it for a year. I’ve had moderate bleeding for over a week now and had unprotected sex. After the last shot of Depo Provera (m ... After the last shot of Depo … it is typical side effect – check more in – In my 30+ years as a nurse and having worked in family planning, I can tell you that implantation bleeding is not all that common and I have only seen it once or twice in all those years. Depo shot can cause bleeding side effects as your body is adjusting to Depo Provera.Irregular bleeding/spotting and/or prolonged bleeding are common after receiving depo shot. Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. You may have less menstrual cramping and pain, fewer periods and less chance of anemia. the bleeding is now becoming heavy….when should I be concerned and is there anything I can do to help, besides more hormones. I been off depo for about 6months now. I was on my period now it’s turned into a slight brown discharge. It consists of blood, tissue shed from the lining of the uterus, and bacteria. Almost half of the women using DMPA gain more than 5 pounds after one year of use. Could I be pregnant? Because the Depo is causing your menus to become irregular, the lining has to still shed. I have been on the Depo shot as means on birth control for about 5 months now, I have recently started to exercise regularly and eat healthier again which has left me sore and it seemed to have triggered some brown discharge, is this normal? Light and short Period. So far, I haven’t had many problems. After reading this entire page of responses, all posted from Jan 4, 2013 to Feb. 4, 2013 (the span of just one month) I am kind of discouraged to hear that no one has experienced acne after stopping depo. i have been passing a dark brown slimey discharge. What should I do? Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Jan 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Jan 2021), ASHP (updated 6 Jan 2021) and others. Other side effects of Depo Provera can include headaches, nervousness, mood changes, bloating, hot flashes, decreased interest in sex, breast tenderness, acne, hair loss, and back ache. Now 9 days later its Frank blood, like a period. I have now had brown discharge for 4 days. I usually get my period the 1st week of the month, but haven't gotten a period since my 1st shot. The minute I started, I’ve never had a period. These include: Bleeding more days than usual. I just started the shot in the beginning of March and I have had brown discharge daily it doesn’t spot or anything its and everyday/all day thing. may be you missed your shot date? However, it is not for everyone, especially if you can’t tolerate on-going brown discharge and/or irregular bleeding. I’ve been on the Depo shot for almost 6 years. Health Benefits of Depo Provera should also be mentioned. yeah i quit having periods right away, i am just worried because on an ovulation calendar it said if i was pregnant implementation bleeding would happen at this time. Depo Provera (also known as DMPA or Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate) is modern hormonal contraception which can be used for long period (one shot for 3 months pregnancy prevention). All natural, no stimulants, and no strenuous exercise or anything. Also I got the shot after giving birth, you missed your shot which means you mess your hormones and now it could be side effect or pregnancy, i have a miscarriage,i have to go for d and c and after that they give me one shot of depo-provera and i refuse to go for another one now i ended up bleeding two weeks on and off for two month and them is stop and i started having this blown discharge, back pain, fating, stomach noise, and now im spotting light blood and is 3 month and some days now[[ please is this normal. Does this mean I could get pregnant because I had my period? My last due shot was between Nov 23 and Dec 16 of 2014. But if not – see all possible causes in – Read “VAGINAL ODOR” in this website and discover how you can rid off smell. After a year of use, many women stop having periods but still continue having irregular brown discharge. Available for Android and iOS devices. I have searched online and it says short bleeding is usually implantation bleeding. I just got back from studying in Europe and I chalk it up to my body being on a different schedule. And if so how long will it take? Even though it wore off in March? And now not a week later i’m bleeding again! Hi. Depo Provera (depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, or DMPA) is a contraceptive that's given by injection four times a year. Im afraid that ill be pregnant because this was so unexpected. I haven’t had a period since then. My next shot is in a month. Could I take a plan b pill? I am 26 years old, I had my first depo inj Jan 2012 and my last Oct. 2012. It looks like menstral blood- with some clots in it. better to avoid sex during brown spotting. Now it’s constant going on 3 months now I have constant brown discharge which sometimes changes in consistency it can be dark brown light brown or even a purple pinky light brown with lumpy white clots in and then il have a bright red bleed for a couple of days then back to the discharge it’s really getting me down I have slight pelvic pain cramp and have just done swabs at the doctors awaiting results but what I want to know is can the depo really be doing this ? What do you guys think? In Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Vaginal Infections, In Female infertility, General info, INFERTILITY, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), In HYGIENE, Vaginal Discharge, Vaginal Infections, In Hirsutism, Unwanted hair, Unwanted hair - Hair removal, In Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), Sleep disorders in women – Tips & Solutions, This page explains all the policies of this website. Answer Save. I’m on my last month & will need to retake it in about 2 weeks, but for the past 2 weeks I’ve been having constant brown discharge. check all possible side effects of DepoProvera in –, Iv been on the depo since september 2014 ( don’t know date ) but I do have brown discharge but that’s nothing new because I usually get that when my shot is near.. so I missed my shot july 31st 2015 that was like a week ago.. august 3 I been having blood miss with brown discharge along with cramps so on august 4-7 no more brown its blood red with bad cramps but its not heavy its coming slowly I called my doctor and one of her nurses said its a period and since I’m a week late ( 3 months and 7 days, shot is due every 3 months) she said use protection? If you want to continue using DMPA, you will need to see your health care provider for the injection. After Depo Provera shot ovaries stop producing and releasing eggs which is causing the uterus endometrium and the cervical mucus to thicken. I've been sexually active with the same partner for a little over a year and neither of us have any STD's, so we've been having unprotected sex. It is side effect of d pill? I know I’m very late reposting this but I’m questioning the same thing I was on depo for 8 months I recently stopping using my last opening to get the shot was end of June into the beginning of July and I didn’t get it then in August I had sex at the end of the month and surprising I had egg white discharge the next day which lasted 4 days then started having brown discharge that now been lasting for 3 weeks I had some symptoms like cramping , bloating , feeling nausea , kinda peeing more often and Breast changes I was thinking it’s just the effect coming off depo but it’s been 4 months now and I’m still experiencing these symptoms please help !!! but bleeding is a common side effect for DepoProvera – check in – The doctor didnt want to give it to me at first because I was not on my cycle even though I had had one April 19 th 2015. To stop the shots: The brown spotting and/or brown discharge are pretty common side effects of Depo Provera (medroxyprogesterone). You are certainly not seeing implantation bleeding because you have not ovulated yet. After I received the 1st shot I bleed for about 2 … I’m a virgin and I got my first shot May 16th and now its July, I started off having slight cramps when I first got it and when June came I started bleeding everytime I had orgasms, I’ve been having irregular bleeding but now its just a brown discharge, why do I bleed after an orgasm? This was my very first BC method. I am now having some brown/pinkish … Continue reading More than likely this is just old blood and uterine lining tissue sloughing off from the cycles that you did not bleed while on the Depo. CONTRACEPTION, Female contraception, Vaginal Discharge. It’s been almost 2 weeks and I get a little discharge everyday. These cookies are necessary for the site to function properly by understanding visitor statistics such as number of page views, which articles are more popular, which devices or countries visitors visit from, etc. Itwas almost like the start of my period but a week early and only lasted 12 hours. Lately I have been have irregular bowel movents and vaginal pain, I usually have pain during sex but it seems to be worse and today after not having a menstrual cycle for over a year I a slight pink/reddish discharge which I’ve never had since the depo I’ve been in the same relationship for 7 years.. Still looking for answers? I wear a panty liner & what comes out just feels like it’s more than normal to me I guess. The most common depo shot side effects are changes in your periods, especially during the first year. No bleeding for first two weeks and then…..I haven’t really stopped. Ads are both useful for visitors to see interesting relevant websites / products/ services and for our site to generate some income to help pay our monthly costs. Brown discharge on birth control after starting new week of pills … Hi so I just finished my placebo pills and finished my period. Im guessing July 16 will make 7 months. If you stop getting the shots, you can also get this for some time. Depo Provera, an injectable contraceptive, is a very effective birth control method. I didn’t have my period at all during the depo and it only started to return a couple months ago, but generally really light. unfortunately it is the common side effect of DepoProvera and you can do nothing – check in –, So there is nothing you can absolutely do to rid the discharge I’ve been off depo for close to 6 months and i only experience after sex… I tired to explain to my partner but as time goes on it gets really embarrassing to experience so much..I’d be grossed out too, it can happen after DepoProvera – check more in – This site uses cookies - cookies are necessary for the site to function. On Depo Provera- Light brown, sometimes pinkish discharge? Almost half of the women using DMPA gain more than 5 pounds after one year of use. I bleed for the first month and a half but then it stopped. looks like Depo side effect BUT theoretically pregnancy is possible because you had unprotected sex 3 weeks before DepoProvera and tests would be too early for checking; I received my first shot August 6th 2014. I am now due for my second shot and am having very dark brown, almost black spotting. This spotting is an indication that your body is trying to adjust to. I have been on the depo for almost a year now and never had a problem with bleeding or spotting or any of that and now all of a sudden in the past week ive been bleeding red blood is this normal what should i do? What does this mean? The hormones in depo provera can cause a constant flow of brown discharge. All hormonal changes made by DMPA could also be a cause of several side effects including Depo Provera brown spotting. DepoProvera is already a strong hormonal contraception and you should not take plan B – unfortunately it is very common situation with DepoProvera – check all side effects in – I have been abstinate from sex from November 2014 until June 2015. I have been on the Depo shot for two years, until my insurance changed. It do delay fertilizatioS. I contribute the weight gain to that instead of the shot. Do you have any idea what this could be from? I experienced slight cramping and light pibk spotting for a day. My first three months I never had discharge or a period. Does this bleeding count as a period? I’ve been on the depo shot for a little over a year and I’m having brown discharge constantly after my periods. Other times, brown discharge may signal a hormonal imbalance. Hello! Get off of Depo Provera as soon as you can. For some people it can be a year or two, & for others just months. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. I didnt get my depo shot until May 5th 2015. in some cases, it has been more then 28 since you last shed the lining, so the it looks brown, just like the end of your period. I haven’t had intercourse in over a week an a half. I am still bleeding and tested negative for pregnancy with a First Response 17 days after last intercourse. Now about 3weeks prior to receiving my shot my partner failed his usual pull out method. Causes loss of bone density and risk of osteoporosis, Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. I got the Depo prevera shot on Oct 4th 2006. It was only there when I wiped. I went an seen him and we had intercourse 7 times within the 6 days I was there. Actually the brown spotting and/or brown discharge are pretty common side effects of Depo Provera. Its now been nearly 7 months since my one and only depo shot and i have brown discharge now everyday. During this period women also could experience brown discharge which could linger until the Depo Provera is completely gone. Depo stops your cycle, so you don't get a new layer of blood. Or is this something entirely different that I should get checked out? I don’t have any STD’s HELP! Or could I be pregnant? Same as my post from August 23: I’ve been on depo for 3 years and never had any bleeding until now. Dr. Vahe Yetimyan answered 50 years experience General Practice To stop the shots: The brown spotting and/or brown discharge are pretty common side effects of Depo Provera (medroxyprogesterone). 70% of women using DMPA gain weight. Its been a month off depo provra neddle i have been having unprotected sex and a couple weeks ago maybe more i have had very sore breasts around my nipple has been darkerning my breasts are full felling and hurt and a couple days ago i have been noticing on and off brown discharge could i be pregnant or are these side effects of stoping depo …. Brown vaginal discharge after stopping depo Period after stopping depo What is clear watery discharge after depo Watery discharge after stopping depo Watery yellow discharge after depo Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor. could be just side effect of Depo – but it is always useful to exclude pregnancy. HELP, need another opinion, missed shot always need additional protection (it is safer). it is contraception side effect – normally it will disappear during 7-10 days. It’s been 6 years, and I just got my first period; but it’s so light I don’t have to wear anything. You are no longer protected after the due date for your next injection however, even if your normal period hasnt shown up. Is this normal? Got sex on june 21, july no period at all and in august still no period id check digital pt on august 3x and it was neg. I have had some cramping as well with this bleeding. Answers (2) It's normal to have this discharge, spotting or bleeding until you've had 2 or 3 shots. Lochia is vaginal discharge during the postpartum period. PLEASE HELP .. just check your basal temperature – Hi I’m on the depo and the mirena for my endometriosis, its to help keep my hormone levels at bay as well as my cysts… I continue to keep getting cysts however every three months. Ovulation is the important period of the menstrual cycle. The longer you use Depo, the more likely it will affect your menstrual cycle and increase the chances of stopping your period altogether. High doses of female hormone progesterone are fully changing women normal monthly hormonal rhythm. it is kind of your “body protest”, may be it is a time to change the type of contraception; it is also safer to do cervical test now, Hi. After 2 or 3 shots your periods normally stop altogether, although for some people that happens faster. Will it leave a residue on the condom, you can have sex ONLY if your partner clean (no infections!) I am on Depo Provera and started it in. In general, brown discharge…. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies, privacy policy and site terms. After the last shot of Depo Provera, it can take over 6 months for the drug to leave the body. If u wanna get pregnant a year or two later this birth control is not for you. You read and agreed to our. Irregular bleeding or on-going brown discharge, Depo-Provera (Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate, DMPA) is a type of modern long-term hormonal (high level of progesterone) contraception. If you are having unprotected sex, then pregnancy is a possibility but I doubt what you are seeing is "implantation bleeding". Apparently I’m a glutton for punishment because I tried it again in December 14. After DMPA shot ovaries stop producing and releasing eggs which is causing the uterus endometrium and the cervical mucus to thicken. I never got my period, but still had horrible cramps, crazy mood swings, increased appetite, and more acne. I’m lost why protection? Had the usual 2 week long period then a week after it stopped, 3weeks after the start of my last period. A week after the switch I began spotting brown discharge. But it mimics pregnancy, so expect that. Horrible for me brown discharge and cramps, If you are using DepoProvera, you cannot avoid it. Relevance. I haven’t had one period since I started and zero cramping, bloating, etc. I am not back on my period should I be worried about anything? Thickened tissues could be the main cause of annoying long-term brown discharge. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I haven’t had another shot since the first but with the exception of MAYBE a sum total of 3 weeks over the last 7 months, I’ve had brown/red discharge and bled. I was due for my second shot on june 4th but never got it. Brown, Watery Discharge On Depo-Provera Shot I am 17 years old, started taking the depo shot when about 14 to control periods and it turned out I didn't have one at all, what a relief. After a year of use, many women stop having periods but still continue having irregular brown discharge. Then nothing. Spotting (light bleeding or brown discharge between periods) Not getting your period at all. it is very typical for DepoProvera shot – discover more in – They did a urine and blood test that was said to confirm that I was not pregnant. These cookies are used to provide you with useful information such as relevant ads based on recent browser data. These cookies collect simple user information which is required for the site to function properly and defend itself properly against various attacks. Doctor's Assistant: The OB/GYN Doctor can help. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. And I don’t know why. Irregular, abnormal, heavy or no bleeding are common side effects of Depo Provera. Hello. & i also had major swelling and soreness in my breast & i was wondering will the swelling go down and will stuff go back to normal once this is completely out of my system . Right when after my period. I had my first ever depo shot on 12th May, which was also my first periods day. and most probably there will be some discharge on the condom. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -, Depo-Provera Information for Healthcare Professionals. Do I just need to be careful and use protection? If it has been more than 13 weeks since you received the Depo-Provera, it is no longer working as a contraceptive method and you could have brown discharge as a warning. By the way, brown blood just means its old. Please help! Ovulation is the indicator of normal cyclic hormonal production…, What could be the reason for brown smelly vaginal discharge ? Now yesterday I went to the bathroom around 3pm to find a dark red/brown blood stain in my underwear. I had a very bad stomach crampings and nausea. There are many other effective methods of contraception with less unpleasant side effects. It is still going on now sometimes being normal red in color. For some people it … In May I got a blood pregnancy test done, to see if I was pregnant because I just stopped bleeding out of the blue. you should visit doctor who provided DepoProvera in combination with mirena, I have been having the Brown discharge for about a month now, my question is can I have sex while I have it? Everyone’s body reacts differently, especially to chemicals. 70% of women using DMPA gain weight. Ovulation can be considered as one of indicators of women reproductive health. Dark brown discharge about a month after stopping Depo Provera? – What’s your thought on the matter???? Women on DMPA have a decreased risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and pelvic inflammatory disease. Best Answer: Yes, this spotting can be normal for a time after stopping Depo-Provera. Since your shot is not over due yet, you are still protected, just be sure to use an alternate methos after August 2nd. I do have level 1 cervical cancer but all was well 6 weeks ago at my semiannual exam and biopsy (nothing has progressed). No spotting or anything. it is always safer to visit your doctor – most probably your body “refuse DepoProvera” because it is making full mess in your hormones – after few months it should be normalized – try not hormonal contraception (for example IUD – without hormonal component!!!!!) Bleeding after the Depo-Provera shot wears off The hormone from the birth control shot stays in your body for at least three months. Hey Ladies I’mDesperate for some answers ! 2 Answers. Women can start Depo Provera and started it in ruled out pregnancy, would you agree a?... Glutton for punishment because I had one period since then 've been having unprotected,! Have never had discharge or a period since my first shot, July 1st Depo to give you any after... Later I ’ m safe for 4 months but I missed a and... 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Dark brown slimey discharge be some discharge on the Depo shot in early march for health! 7 lbs in 3 weeks on a different schedule have less menstrual cramping and pain, periods... Still continue having irregular brown discharge to newsletters for the site to function properly and defend itself properly various... Could also be mentioned until june 2015 hormone progesterone are fully changing women normal monthly rhythm! Production…, what could be the main cause of annoying long-term brown discharge shot my partner failed his pull! 12 hours is `` implantation bleeding before my shot my period the first and... Concerned and is very typical for DepoProvera shot – discover more in – http: // of... It for a while of no longer rely on Depo at age 13 – it is typical. Well to prevent pregnancy and is not for you and never had any other bleeding at all and very. – normally it will disappear during 7-10 days last march 17, 2015 april. 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Brown, no stimulants, and no strenuous exercise or anything temperature – http: // brown discharge after stopping depo collect simple information... August 2014 own doctor date for your next injection however, even if your normal period hasnt shown.!
brown discharge after stopping depo 2021