bhagavad gita on humanity

(19). It can no more be justified than condemnation of others, as both rest upon the faulty understanding of the Self. I accommodate situations and people happily. Srimad Bhagavad Gita by Bhagavan Vyasa for the benefit of humanity at large. Pain, like disease, cannot be avoided. This in an idea developed in great detail in Hinduism and holds that our actions can be dedicated to Krishna by surrendering our will to him, and he will take upon himself any bad karma. VALUE 12: “JANMAMRITYU JARAVYADHI DUHKHA DOSA ANUDARSANAM”:Repeated Review of Process of Life-Death-Old Aging-Ailments-Pain. Negative qualities are incidental; they come and go . ‎The Bhagavad-Gita raises the fundamental question of the problem of human action and dispels the darkness and negative emotions, created by the wavering Mind. By analysis I see that the person I resent is not disliked by every one. There is a fourth way of thinking – spontaneous, in which my thoughts without deliberation, conform to the highest universal values. Those who are His chariot driver is the god Vishnu, who has taken the form of Krishna. To appreciate the knowledge of the Self , to see the Self for the non- objectifiable wholeness which it is, requires a mind that is contemplative and sensitive. Make use of time consciously and you won’t find one day, that time has passed over you and suddenly you are old. Therefore, until my ethical values become thoroughly assimilated and comprise a ground out of which right attitudes and actions spontaneously arise, I must, through alertness, avoid reactions and, instead, deliberately, reflectively choose my attitudes and actions. I can expect neither the world nor the people to change in order that I may be happy. The Gita challenges the general consensus that only ascetics and monks can live a perfect spiritual life through renunciation and emphasizes the value of an active spiritual life. The name Bhagavad Gita means “the song of the Lord or the ‘manifested one.’” It is composed as a poem, and it contains many key topics related to the Indian intellectual and spiritual tradition. These are the three things which constitute Adhyatmajnana nityatvam ( constancy centered on Self-knowledge). When I clearly, objectively examine the claims made by ego, it cannot but quietly deflated. Analysis shows that no claim to ownership can survive close scrutiny. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : a part epic Mahabharatham . Daily life gains efficiency and cheerfulness-even radiance- when these values become personally assimilated norms. Possibly humanity’s most important document, the Bhagavad Gita is a scripture on dharma, how to live in harmony with one’s inner most nature and the universal values operating in the world, a dharma field. I simply enjoy the world as a field of the discovery of knowledge, without pride, without egotism'. But if I can not, I simply must accommodate happily, taking the person as he/she is. To all of them I relate myself with asakti, with no clinging attachment or attitude of ownership.Asakti, non-attachment by seeing one’s relationship to things objectively, is another example of vairagya, dispassion In asakti, the dispassion highlighted is towards the relationship between oneself and the things, by discovering that there can be no valid nor lasting attachment (or ownership) to anything.The value of Anasakti(non-attachment), if practised consciously by the Manager will help him/her in imbibing a more balanced attitude towards ethical dilemmas. In fact, the very word Upanisad etymologically means Adhyatmajnanam(spirituality). (according to Bhagavad Gita) 1.12 Match the following. No one should ever be able to disappoint me but should only be able to surprise me. "The Bhagavad-Gita is a true scripture of the human race a living creation rather … The sermon of Bhagavad Gita was given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna to uphold values of dharma (righteousness) against evil forces of adharma (lawlessness). The mind should be highly sensitive, but not the sensitivity characterized by getting hurt at every turn. Certain preset factors condition my learning opportunities. "The Song of God"), often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of Bhishma Parva), dated to the second century BCE.. This is a major battle and it takes place in Kurukshetra, “the field of the Kurus,” in the modern state of Haryana in India. The LU has decided to start an online Bhagavad Gita certificate course for the faculty members from Thursday. While ownership is notional, possession is factual. )in the image of Self, and be more accommodative and elicit fuller cooperation towards achievement of the goals set forth. Bhagavad Gita is the first and the best ever self-help book on life. "Humanity needs to weep, and this is the time to weep" “No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come” – Bhagavad Gita. Deliberately I search for reasons why others like him. Essentially Krishna shows Arjuna why he will not get bad karma from taking part in the war. It is reported to have been translated into 82 languages and it can safely be said that at least 65 or more of these are foreign languages. He prefers to withdraw from battle; he prefers inaction instead of being responsible for the death of the people he loves. We start any undertaking very bravely; we are lions of resolution at first, but then enthusiasm wanes. Its purpose is to explain in theory and practice all that is needed to raise the consciousness of man to the highest possible level. TEXT 41. vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana bahu-sakha hy anantas ca buddhayo 'vyavasayinam. . Asakti is reduction of all the relationships involving claims of ownership to factual relationships. Swami (Dr.) Parthasarthy has beautifully stated that "I do not ask the sun to quit shining and appreciate the mixed blessing of hot shining sun, nor do I hate honey bees for the fear of receiving a sting and appreciate the place of honey bee and enjoy honey." Who am I? According to this view, if we act in such a way as not to get attached to the fruits of our actions, we can be more effective. This brings the dialogue to the last reason. Dambhitvam( self-glorification) brings with it the need to be ever alert and to have a long memory, while truth does not require any special remembering.Such expression to dambhitvam manifests because I think that through my pretences I will impress others who will then respond to me in a way that will make me feel good, as I do not feel good about myself. Bhagavad Gita is the first and the best ever self-help book on life. However, it requires a certain discrimination in its exercise and care must be taken in choosing, as it can lead to exploitation of the value holder, if the teacher is not a responsible person. Similarly, dukha, pain, which is a life-long companion, means all forms of pain- physical or mental, small or large , including the grief over loss of a loved one. The answers to these and similar questions are found by studying the scriptures and other supporting sentences which expound the great statements. Nur jene, die sich mir ergeben, können sie überwinden.“ (Bhagavad Gita 7.14) (S. 138)” ― James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta Nor can I assign to Ahankara personal credit for skill or speed in shedding ignorance. VALUE 14: “ANABHISVANGA PUTRADARAGRHADISU”: NON-EXCESSIVE ATTACHMENT TOWARDS SON AND WIFE: Abhisvanga is the kind of intense attachment or affection one feels for what is particularly beloved such as putra, a son, dara, one’s wife, or grha one’s house, and all other people and things usually very dear. Withdrawing from society is always a deliberate act. The Supreme Lord said: Now listen, O Arjun, how, with the mind attached exclusively to me, and surrendering to me through the practice of bhakti yog, you can know me completely, free from doubt.. Bhagavad Gita 7.2 View commentary ». (After all) Ahankara, ego does not create the people or circumstances but claims the result. Kama in Sanskrit stands for all forms of sense pleasures. For any knowledge to be discovered there must be a valid, effective and appropriate means available to know that which is sought to be known. A mind kept clean in this manner will be quiet and alert mind. That I want to be a complete person and which, I am not(as I am), is the common human experience. It has also been attempted to provide their relevance to the modern management. Non-alignment ( of thoughts, words and deed) results in a splintered personality. Tattvajnanam(knowledge of Truth) is the Jneyam of the ‘things to be known’ in life for which the values called jnanarth prepares the mind The basic knowledge of truth can also be called the knowledge of the Self, atmajananam.. It is believed that anyone who recites Bhagavad Gita or chants the shlokas from Shreemad Bhagavad Gita religiously will get rid of their past sins. Published by admin at January 14, 2021. What actually happens is that people are sent to the next stage of reincarnation.“[Krishna speaking] One believes he is the slayer, another believes he is the slain. I am dispassionate. The world is filled with wonderful opportunities. A person not affected by the situation is the person who can be most effective in the situation. Till then I will not be able to gain Indriyarthesu vairagyam, dispassion for sense objects. Consequently, he will have the least conflict situations to confront and smooth sailing in having his/her various managerial functions performed effectively. What I desire, what brings me pleasure, is subject to constant change, depending upon three factors: availability of object of pleasure, availability of the appropriate effective instrument for enjoying the object, and presence of the proper frame of mind for enjoying the object. The ideal and better course rather would be to get oneself exluded f for taking such a decision, where the Manager's' 'near and dear ones' are involved and tell the senior management to entrust the matter to some one else for taking appropriate decision on merit. For an attitude of accommodation(ksanti) I should lessen my expectations from others and place every one, whether a friend or a fool, in the same category. VALUE 18: “ARATIH JANASAMSADI”: Non-Inclination Towards People and Company: Ratih means ‘love for something’ or ‘inclination towards’ it. This kind of devotion frees one from any kind of reaction. Vivikta des’s sevitvath( love of quietude, in which one is happy with oneself), and aratih janasathsadi ( non- reveling in the presence of company) , are companion values, complementing each other. Withdrawing from battle is in itself a conscious decision; not choosing is still a choice. Usually, when I am responding to the behaviour of the person, or to his action, that I find it difficult to be accommodative. what is behind the fit of anger or outburst of jealousy or domineering manner) and respond to the person( not to his actions) I find it easy to be accommodative, and the potential conflict situations are minimized. Such values enhance the quality of life , whatever one’s activities may be. You have never changed; you can never change. VALUE 17:VIVIKTA DES’A SEVITVAM”: Love for Spending Time in Solitary: Vivikta des’a sevitvam is ‘love for a quiet place.’ It is a value for resorting to a secluded place. From anger comes delusion, and from delusion loss of memory. Neither get elated over getting what you want nor feel dejected when you get what you do not want. Bhagavad Gita 10.6 View commentary » The seven great Sages, the four great Saints before them, and the fourteen Manus, are all born from my mind. For the one who wants Self-knowledge, it is very important to have a value for being with oneself, for quietude. The Bhagavad-Gita is the Light of Life, lit by God at the altar of man, to save humanity from the darkness of ignorance and suffering… [It] is the Scripture of Yoga, the Scripture of Divine Union. Artha stands for all the things which I think will bring security in life to me: wealth, power, influence, fame and name.As a human being, there will be no end to my longing and struggle for artha and kama, so long as I feel both insecure and incomplete and think that artha and kama can make me complete and end my insecurity. Sthairyath is nistha, ‘firmness’ or ‘steadiness’. From them, all the people in the world have descended. Similarly, even for my own body, to which my mother, father, society, my wife, son, etc. Bhagavad Gita Quotes on Happiness: 1. Thus, it is a steadiness that neither yields to laziness nor is disturbed by distraction.In the management context , Sthairyath highlighted is nistha or firmness not only in seeking the total content of all knowledge, in which all other goals resolve, but also total commitment and steadfastness in one’s duty through appropriate and timely action, in which Sthairyath; steadiness is a prerequisite. The Bhagavad Gita is a small excerpt within the Mahabharata (one of two quintessential Indian epics), and was composed between 500 BCE-500 CE in one of the most fruitful, yet contentious periods of literary creation in Hindu culture. With the steadiness of mind inculcated such value his/her decisions will be par excellence. Cittaikagrata is the art of applying the mind consistently to a given pursuit for a length of time. If I can change the person or can put distance between him/her and me without avoiding duty, that is fine. Complete mastery is characterized by spontaneity. "With good wishes,Yours sincerely,Ved PrakashBlogspot http://www.vedic-ethicsvalues.- -Mahatma Gandhiji "The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. The whole of atmavinigraha is a matter of alertness and awareness. For arjavam, my actions must be true to my words and my words true to my thoughts. Thus, the purpose of Self-knowledge is not to serve scriptual or commonsense ethics. Daily life gains efficiency and cheerfulness-even radiance- when these values are personally assimilated norms. Mithra media is here to revamp the myths about the readability of this epic manuscript by introducing the new Bhagavad Gita Audio Book that narrates the whole 18 chapters in the book with a musical recitation of slokas. Reading shlokas or quotes from Gita will bring peace and contentment in your life, so here are 21 Life Changing Bhagavad Gita quotes for you. A possessory attitude with factual perspective promotes dispassion and objectivity. Diplomacy has failed, so these two clans’ armies meet on a battlefield in order to settle the conflict and decide which side will gain the throne. Swami( Dr.) Parthasarthy has , here, beautifully explained that "The mind is colourful kaleidoscope of fanciful thoughts which come and go, as the mind is whimsical by nature But I, the thinker, need not fulfill the fancies or yield to the caprices, as I am the sanctioning authority.". His /her appreciation of given circumstances is not clouded by subjective conditioning. Being a book of practical wisdom, Bhagavad Gita has much to offer to all human beings to grow as balanced personalities. Its purpose is to direct your attention to the need to see life objectively just as it is, so that you will be able to make (the best) use of the precious time available in your hands right now. So atma is within you and outside. The Bhagavad Gita insists that the spiritual exists both within organisms and without. While manitvam’s conceit is an expression based on real achievements and abilities, the claim to fame caused by dambha stems from pretended or fabricated accomplishment and abilities. VALUE 11: “ANAHANKAR”A: Absence of Self-egotism, VALUE 12: “JANMAMRITYU JARAVYADHI DUHKHA DOSA ANUDARSANAM”:Repeated Review of Process of life-Death-Old Aging- Ailments-Pain, VALUE 14: “ANABHISVANGA PUTRADARAGRHADISU”: Non-excessive Attachment towards son and wife, VALUE 15: “NITYAM SAMACITTATVAM ISTANISTOPAPATTISU”: Steadfastness of Mind, VALUE 16: “MAYI CA ANANYAYOGENA BHAKTIH AVYABHICARINI” : Steady Devotion Towards Righteousness and God, VALUE 17: VIVIKTA DES’A SEVITVAM”: Love for Spending Time in Solitary(Aspiring to live in a Solitary Place), VALUE 18: “ARATIH JANASAMSADI”: Non-Inclination Towards People and Company (Detachment from the General Mass of People), VALUE 19: “TATTVAJANANARTHADARSANAM”- : Keeping in View the Purpose of Knowledge Truth”, VALUE 20: “ADHYATMAJNANA NITYATVAM”: Stability in the Knowledge of Truth. Reflecting upon them will certainly provide a keen insight and a profound grasp of the working of the mind, to make it more contemplative and steady. The primary purpose of the Bhagavad- Gita is to illuminate for all of humanity the realization of the true nature of divinity; for the highest spiritual conception and the … Life begins with janma (birth), along with comes mrityu, death, the inseparable mirror-twin of birth. In the “Introduction” to the Bhagavad Gita (begin at page 13), Easwaren makes the following claim: “The gunas form the basis of the most compassionate account of human nature that I have come across in any philosophy or psychology, East or West. It is easy to see the benefit that comes to me and to others from external cleanliness. Arjuna is a member of the warrior class; the battle is the very reason of his existence within this particular order now. More often than not, we resist accepting facts. Bhagavad Gita. What is this creation? Furthermore, the Bhagavad Gita is at odds with the general style and content of the Mahabharata. Such values enhance the quality of life , whatever one’s activities may be. A jnani is not jealous because no second person exists, others seeing themselves as separate entities will indulge in self-demeaning comparative judgments of excellence, followed by the pain of matsarya (jealousy). Antara saucam, internal cleanliness, which means cleanliness of antahkarana , is less easily recognized. 'So, I learn to be with myself by willingly taking myself to a quiet place where take stock of myself and learn to love and accept myself. Vivikta des’s sevitvath, resorting to a quiet place, and aratih janasathsadi ,absence for the need for a company, are attitudes which establish such a contemplative mind centered on Self-knowledge.On the superficial level, a Manager imbibing such values(like Aratih Janasamsadi (lack of craving for company) and Vivikta desa sevitvam(love of quietude) may be a considered a failure in dealing with people(both inside and outside the organisation).However, if we think of the imperative need of his/her being contemplative in certain situations, especially where he requires to be left with him/herself, the advantage of having such golden values are obvious. Conflict becomes guilt and guilt turns into an underground chorus of self-condemnation, becomes..., fails me in my effort to find fullness and completeness a Sanskrit text from the is! Or cittaikagrata can then be learned by beginning to apply the mind spirit of mankind by Lord Krishna ]. 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bhagavad gita on humanity 2021